I failed NCLEX twice! What should I do?



i am a foreign graduate of BS nursing. I failed Nevada NCLEX twice.

My first attempt, I had 120+ questions... 2 SATAs, 3 Computations, and bunch of prioritizations.

Before my 2nd try, I really studied hard. Months of sleepless nights... reading, studying, familiarizing, etc.

But on my NCLEX I only got 1 SATA and No computations. I felt really bad because I know I gave my heart out just to pass the exam.

I don't know if the Nevada is really strict on allowing foreign RN to pass the NCLEX or is it just not my time to pass.

I've heard that if ever I want to take the NCLEX for the 3rd time, I should write to the Board a plan of study? Can somebody help me on this? To whom should I address the letter?

--- please suggest any review material that I can use.


HURST Review or Kaplan. It will cost between $350 & $500 but you will likely pass the NCLEX after either one. Hurst claims to have a 98% pass rate and I have yet to speak with anyone who has done Hurst and has not passed first time.

If that don't work you could always move out of Nevada and take the test in AZ, UT, CA, or wherever but you only get 3 chances in NV before they force you to take a refresher course. Oh and there isn't any nursing school in NV that offers a refresher course...catch 22.

Good luck.

hi all...recently passed my nclex........my school really prepared me way in advance for the test....my teachers formated most of our tests in school similar to the nclex test..........

my study tool was just answering alot of questions.....heres a trick....

i went to csn library with my lap top and grabbed all the nclex study guides.....at csn the disks are in the back of the study guides. i grabbed about four disks and uploaded them for free on my lap top while in the library...didnt have to check them out and didnt have to pay for study material.....all i did was answer alot of nclex questions on my lap top and do the study quizes provided on the disks as well......

the key to passing is study study study....

study your lab values


infection control


and prioritizations

these were the biggest items on most of my classes nclex tests.

best wishes.....


Just stop it! Relax. It took me 4 times to pass the NCLEX. You will have to take a refresher class. Do not try to make sense of the test. Get alot of cd rom nclex questions, and answer all of them. Dont give up.

There are RN refresher courses at CSN. They cost about $350?? and I think they run for the semester or at least several weeks. Go to csn.edu and look in the PDF catalog in nursing- its called RN refresher. Don't give up!

How long does the refresher course last at CSN? And does it really help with the NCLEX? I, too, failed my third attempt! =(

yehs how r u doin?

Not so well. I feel really discouraged. I've forked out tons on money on the nclex exam 3 times and I'm not sure if I can fork out another $350 or so on a refresher course. Please let me know what the course consist of?? Is it an actual class? Is there mandatory clinicals? Thanks. Any info will help to decide what I can do to get to the finish line.

What helped me pass the NCLEX was to review everything that you can find under NCLEX on allnurses.com and take the KAPLAN course, the online course that is a live feed. I tried going to class in person and it was not as effective as doing it online. I cannot stress how important online is. Best of luck.

Study prioritization, delegation, and infection control! Be prepared for SATA questions!

Do not mean to sound mean, but I have noticed those who like to cry and whine while not listening. I will reiterate. What helped me pass the NCLEX was to review everything that you can find under NCLEX on allnurses.com and take the KAPLAN course, the online course that is a live feed. I tried going to class in person and it was not as effective as doing it online. I cannot stress how important online is.

This takes time. If you want to whine how Kaplan is to expensive, get a job at white castle for two weeks to pay for it then quit. Where there is a will there is a way. If you fall of the horse 3,4,5 times.... keep getting back on. When you search NCLEX on allnurses.com you will find a book on prioritization and delegation, buy it on ebay used. I cannot remember the authors name. $25 it does not have to be a current edition. Any will do Lacharity I believe may be one of the authors. Go through this book front to back. It is actually enjoyable. Forget SATA (select all that apply questions) unnecessary stress. KAPLAN ONLINE COURSE A MUST. THE BOOK I MENTIONED A MUST. All recommendations on ALLNURSES.COM UNDER NCLEX A MUST (this alone can take days/ copy paste all pertinent information to a word doc). It takes time. Put the time in it and get back on that horse as many time as you have to and sooner or later you will over come that hurdle. You have to want it.:yeah:

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