Hunter College Psych NP (PMHNP) 2024

Nursing Students NP Students


I applied to Hunter College's (in NYC) PMHNP program on 12/2023. This is to start fall 2024. I am wondering if there are others who have applied. My application status so far says "submitted". I am waiting for either rejection or appointment to be set up for an interview. Just to give a little info on information used to apply. 

My experience:

1.5 years of MED SURG experience

1.5 years of psych inpatient experience (in hospital)

About 5-6 years of total nursing experience

BSN 3.5 GPA CUNY School

ADN 3.2 GPA CUNY school

2 Letters of recommendation. One from my Nurse manager in my psych inpatient unit. The other from the attending (MD) on that same inpatient unit.  Not sure if this is a strong enough application but I wanted to share for transparency. I will be updating this forum if I get any news of rejection or acceptance. 

I took a stats class while getting my ADN and a research class in my BSN (capstone). 

Elizabethwnp87 said:

Hello all! For everyone who applied and got in- did you all have 2 years of nursing experience at the time of application? I am thinking of applying for 2025 but currently only have slightly more than a year of experience in psych ...wondering how strict they are about that element 

I know a few people that have gotten in without any psych experience. Prior GPA seems to be the primary thing they look at to determine if you get into their program. Everything else is secondary. 

NYC Nurse said:

I know a few people that have gotten in without any psych experience. Prior GPA seems to be the primary thing they look at to determine if you get into their program. Everything else is secondary. 

Oh I meant like total nursing experience in general. It says the requirement is 2 years ...I will only have like 1.5 years at time of application 

Elizabethwnp87 said:

Hello all! For everyone who applied and got in- did you all have 2 years of nursing experience at the time of application? I am thinking of applying for 2025 but currently only have slightly more than a year of experience in psych ...wondering how strict they are about that element 

They are strict about it, but the policy is two years by start of classes so you'd need to have two years of nursing experience by sept 2025 to apply

beanurse222 said:

They are strict about it, but the policy is two years by start of classes so you'd need to have two years of nursing experience by sept 2025 to apply

Thank you for this information! That's very good to hear that it's by start date and not application date.

How difficult is this program really? I see a lot of classes as compared to some other places... I know some of them can be taken in the Summer which is great ...just wondering how labor intensive a lot of these courses actually are because there are so many of them!

Bankerturnnurse said:


Full time versus part time will really be up to you. I have people in my program who have done full time 12hr work shifts for the entire program and some also have kids too. I personally started out in a full time job for a year and a half but dropped to part-time work with extra shifts based on my school load in my last school year. 

Hunter's MSN program is also very flexible so you can do as much classes as you can manage or drop to 1 or 2 for the semester.

Hope this info helps you to plan your schedule. 

How difficult would you say the classes are? The first year especially looks like an incredibly heavy course load - I'm wondering how intense the exams are or if many of the one credit classes are more project based? 

@Bankerturnnurse or anybody who went to HB, do you know how strict they are with the pre-reqs listed for each class? For example, Patho, Pharm, Neuro, and Assessment all have the Fall classes listed as prereqs. This means that the first semester will be all theory/papers, and then all the difficult and heavy science classes will be lumped together in Spring. Was this your experience, or do they let you mix and match? I'd love to take Patho or Pharm in Fall (since I'm banging out some of the fall classes in Summer school anyway) but will they let me?

lorinko said:

@Bankerturnnurse or anybody who went to HB, do you know how strict they are with the pre-reqs listed for each class? For example, Patho, Pharm, Neuro, and Assessment all have the Fall classes listed as prereqs. This means that the first semester will be all theory/papers, and then all the difficult and heavy science classes will be lumped together in Spring. Was this your experience, or do they let you mix and match? I'd love to take Patho or Pharm in Fall (since I'm banging out some of the fall classes in Summer school anyway) but will they let me?

I was told by the admin of the grad programs that we have to follow the course program outline, and beginning this year we can no longer shorten the length of the program due to the new pre-req requirements. So we can take Summer courses but length of program full time will still be three years. If you do end up switching a class around there is a good possibility you'll extend the length of time you're in school (ie tacking on an additional semester) because of the pre-req situation for each course. 

This is a new change that begins with our cohort (LOL, cry) so it was not necessarily true for previous cohorts who could finish school in 2.5 years by taking Summer courses and switching certain classes around.

Specializes in ER Nurse.

Does anyone happen to know if there is a better rubric to follow as far as scheduling of classes? Online they only have fall/Spring for full-time and part-time. However, o was wondering if there was a timeline to follow in case we want to take Summer classes too. 

Specializes in ER Nurse.

Is anyone registered for any of the two Summer classes? I'm currently registered for both. I saw the syllabus for health promotion and disease prevention, which she stated will be hybrid in class live and in person. Is anyone else feeling overwhelmed after seeing the syllabus? Not sure if I should drop this class and take in the fall instead. 

Bel3636 said:

Is anyone registered for any of the two Summer classes? I'm currently registered for both. I saw the syllabus for health promotion and disease prevention, which she stated will be hybrid in class live and in person. Is anyone else feeling overwhelmed after seeing the syllabus? Not sure if I should drop this class and take in the fall instead. 

I was told by the advisor that two Summer classes is a lot so I opted to take one - I'm taking healthcare systems and policy which is online. If you're working full time I have a feeling two Summer courses will be very overwhelming.

Specializes in Psychiatric, Primary Care, Harm Reduction.
Bel3636 said:

Is anyone registered for any of the two Summer classes? I'm currently registered for both. I saw the syllabus for health promotion and disease prevention, which she stated will be hybrid in class live and in person. Is anyone else feeling overwhelmed after seeing the syllabus? Not sure if I should drop this class and take in the fall instead. 

I am just registered in this one due to work incompatibility. I work 9am to 5pm so leaving twice a week at 1pm did not seem viable. 

Having said that, I did feel overwhelmed when I got the syllabus too, but I checked the articles recommended for every week and they are not very long. Also, the big assignment (health paper & presentation) is in groups if I am not mistaken, so the working load will be shared :)! 

What I would recommend is to read the book about the Hmong, I read it a few months ago when I saw they would make us read it. It is pretty easy to read, but at the end of the day it is a 370 page book, and it takes a while to finish it. A lot of public libraries have it.

A student from Hunter who is doing her internship/placement here told me to take as many Summer classes as possible, as they are "easier" she said. I do plan on taking 6 credits next Summer.


Where did you find the syllabus for the classes? I checked blackboard but there isn't anything available popping up. Thanks in advance 

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