Hunter College Psych NP (PMHNP) 2024

Nursing Students NP Students


I applied to Hunter College's (in NYC) PMHNP program on 12/2023. This is to start fall 2024. I am wondering if there are others who have applied. My application status so far says "submitted". I am waiting for either rejection or appointment to be set up for an interview. Just to give a little info on information used to apply. 

My experience:

1.5 years of MED SURG experience

1.5 years of psych inpatient experience (in hospital)

About 5-6 years of total nursing experience

BSN 3.5 GPA CUNY School

ADN 3.2 GPA CUNY school

2 Letters of recommendation. One from my Nurse manager in my psych inpatient unit. The other from the attending (MD) on that same inpatient unit.  Not sure if this is a strong enough application but I wanted to share for transparency. I will be updating this forum if I get any news of rejection or acceptance. 

I took a stats class while getting my ADN and a research class in my BSN (capstone). 

Specializes in Psychiatric, Primary Care, Harm Reduction.
Bel3636 said:

Hey everyone, I also got into Hunter's PMHNP program. I'm in between finishing the program in between part-time and full-time, which would probably mean taking Summer classes. I registered for "health promo disease" and "healthcare systems". Classes are both from May 28th to July 11th on Monday's and Wednesday's. I figured I take both and still be able to enjoy the Summer before fall semester starts. Excited to meet you all!


I am registered too for "Health Promo and Disease". I wished I could have done both, but due to work I can only do one this Summer. A student that is doing her placement where I work recommended me to try to take Summer classes as they are "easier" she says. 

Do you know by any chance if the classes are in person or online? In the enrollment information says "hybrid" but I am unsure what that means. 

Anyway, very excited to start in just a few weeks!!

PsychRN09 said:


I am registered too for "Health Promo and Disease". I wished I could have done both, but due to work I can only do one this Summer. A student that is doing her placement where I work recommended me to try to take Summer classes as they are "easier" she says. 

Do you know by any chance if the classes are in person or online? In the enrollment information says "hybrid" but I am unsure what that means. 

Anyway, very excited to start in just a few weeks!!


Congrats!! I'm finishing up my last semester at Hunter for MSN-PMHNP. Hybrid usually means the class is online but the exams are on campus. Doing Summer school each year is a good idea to finish sooner, however, keep in mind that it's usually only 1 or 2 classes that are available over the Summer. Good luck!!

Specializes in Psychiatric, Primary Care, Harm Reduction.
Bankerturnnurse said:


Congrats!! I'm finishing up my last semester at Hunter for MSN-PMHNP. Hybrid usually means the class is online but the exams are on campus. Doing Summer school each year is a good idea to finish sooner, however, keep in mind that it's usually only 1 or 2 classes that are available over the Summer. Good luck!!

Thank you! 😊

Specializes in ER Nurse.

PsychRN09 just responding to what you wrote. The syllabus aren't up yet on blackboard. But I assume it's also what the above person said, online and exams in person. I made the sacrifice because I'll still be able to enjoy a little of the Summer. If it helps it says hybrid synchronous. The instructors names are on there also, but I couldn't find their emails. I'm assuming maybe it's their personal emails IDK.

I'm also not sure how do we go about registering for fall classes, do we just follow the guide for the fall, I assume. I know we should be registering soon? Like the end of May or something. 

Where are people seeing NURS 749 Health Promotion & Disease as hybrid? On CUNYfirst schedule builder it shows me a room number, no mention of being an online or hybrid class. I am currently only enrolled in NURS704 Healthcare Systems and Policy, because it says it's online. 

Specializes in ER Nurse.

706ED05C-39E6-461D-8884-1662C7D98C39.thumb.png.dbdb9087c9f2d07f97eefb4ae6c24d7c.pngIt shows a room number but it also says it's hybrid synchronous. I attached a screenshot also. But, I guess we shall find out soonish. Doesn't blackboard open up like a week before or something? 


@Bankerturnnurse do you recommend working full time and going to school full time? How rigors was the program? I was in a DNP program and the papers that we had to write were a pain. But also the program I was in was all online- which made it even more difficult. So do you think that going to classes helps a little? 
thank you 

Sghorab said:

@Bankerturnnurse do you recommend working full time and going to school full time? How rigors was the program? I was in a DNP program and the papers that we had to write were a pain. But also the program I was in was all online- which made it even more difficult. So do you think that going to classes helps a little? 
thank you 


Full time versus part time will really be up to you. I have people in my program who have done full time 12hr work shifts for the entire program and some also have kids too. I personally started out in a full time job for a year and a half but dropped to part-time work with extra shifts based on my school load in my last school year. 

Hunter's MSN program is also very flexible so you can do as much classes as you can manage or drop to 1 or 2 for the semester.

Hope this info helps you to plan your schedule. 

Specializes in Psychiatric, Primary Care, Harm Reduction.
Bel3636 said:

PsychRN09 just responding to what you wrote. The syllabus aren't up yet on blackboard. But I assume it's also what the above person said, online and exams in person. I made the sacrifice because I'll still be able to enjoy a little of the Summer. If it helps it says hybrid synchronous. The instructors names are on there also, but I couldn't find their emails. I'm assuming maybe it's their personal emails IDK.

I'm also not sure how do we go about registering for fall classes, do we just follow the guide for the fall, I assume. I know we should be registering soon? Like the end of May or something. 

Thank you for your reply 🙂 . I saw the info I just was not sure what hybrid synchronous meant.

For the registration, I believe we should follow the schedule we have in our "CunyFirst". 

I have an "appointment" scheduled for May 21st (I think) to register for fall classes.

How did you make an appointment to register?

Specializes in Psychiatric, Primary Care, Harm Reduction.
Lauren Kerr said:

How did you make an appointment to register?

It showed up automatically. I did not do anything 🤔 maybe it's because I am registered for Summer so "I am in the system"? Not sure

Hello all! For everyone who applied and got in- did you all have 2 years of nursing experience at the time of application? I am thinking of applying for 2025 but currently only have slightly more than a year of experience in psych ...wondering how strict they are about that element 

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