07-08 HRSA Nursing Scholarship Notification

Nursing Students General Students


Has anyone received notification about whether or not they got an 07-08 HRSA Nursing Scholarship yet? (I know it says late-september)

If you are on the first funding tier has your file been reviewed? Mine says no review has been done on it yet and I turned everything in on time. I have already called the folks at HRSA and they just said wait...


Thank You,

Father Tod

Do you remember if HRSA asked anyone for their bank information forms to be filled out last year, and them not get the scholarship?

We did not have to submit bank information until after we knew we had the scholarship.

Ugh, I still have not gotten the 9/28 stipend - I hope it comes tonight.

Do you remember if HRSA asked anyone for their bank information forms to be filled out last year, and them not get the scholarship?

I wish I didn't have to have given HRSA my bank info without knowing if I was being awarded the scholarship as well :lol2:

Well you could think of it as a positive thing. There were 1600 people with 0 EFC that applied last year. That number has risen consistently since they started offering the scholarship, so probably more then that amount applied this year. By asking for 0 EFC's bank information they were probably able to reduce that number, resulting in a higher chance for all of us to receive the scholarship. Personally, I prefer the odds of 170/800 (guess) over 170/1800. Don't you? Who knows, maybe we had a 50/50 chance after all that.

I applied for 20+ scholarships for 2007/2008, and until I got this one I had only received 1,000 dollars. This was my last one of the 07/08 season and all I can say is THANK GOD.

Specializes in Medical-Oncology.

So, has anyone received the scholarship Tuesday, or have all notices been completed?

I know I'm late but I got it too!!!! Received little brown postcard in mailbox on Friday because I wasn't home. Wasn't sure if it was something else so called call center to see how they mail out notifications. I was told regular US mail so I wasn't going to rush to pick up whatever was waiting for me at the post office. Something said go down there anyway just in case. Weekend seemed like forever to be over. Monday morning comes, I'm reading that people were notified by certified mail contrary to what I was told on phone. Now I can't wait until class to be over so I can run to the post office with my little brown postcard to pick up. Get there after class, long line and hot and muggy, stomach nauseated, roaring loudly. Next!!!!!! The clerk calls next person I walk up hand her my postcard, she walks away to find mail, she can't find it at first and I watch her fidget. She finally pulls out large orange envelope. This is it!!!! I got!!!! She hands me the envelope I sign and run out to car to tear open. I thank GOD that he has answered my constant prayers. Me, I am a motivated BSN student with a EFC of 0 in my 2nd year planning to graduate in 2009. I am 27 and have two beautiful children, oh and I live in NJ. I deserve this, I've worked hard for it. I have come a long way in my studies. Congratulations to all that have received this scholarship and to those who have not been notified yet keep your heads up and good luck to all in your endeavors.

Specializes in Medical-Oncology.

That's excellent, Sky! Congrats and good luck with the rest of your program!

Congrats to everyone & thanks for all the helpful information so far. If you get a free second (I know they are rare in nursing school) I have a few question about HRSA.

I am in a 16 month program & didn't get the award this year. I'm full time with 0 EFC. Fall 2008 is my last semester of school, but I am willing to do what they tell me to do for 2 yrs even for one semester of funding (private school!)

1. Is it possible to just have the award for the Fall semester only or must you attend the Spring as well?

2. Do you start receiving monthly stipends at the end of Sept/Early Oct. when you find out you get the award even though you've been in school since August or do they include what you would have received in August & September when they pay October?

3. If you started school in Aug & have paid your tuition (either by what little savings you do have or loans) does HRSA reimburse you or does it depend on whether you had loans or paid out of pocket? I guess I'm asking if it is better to only use loans or if you should pay what you can out of pocket to avoid paying interest (2nd degree student =less subsidized federal funding).

Any information would be helpful! Also if you know something important that I didn't ask please share! I'm so glad this site exist;)

How do you know you didn't get the scholarship? Were you notified that you did not get it?

From what I understand you will get your first stipend and back pay stipend money (from the time your semester started thru October) by October 31st.

If you have already paid your semester with loans, your own money, someone else's money then HRSA will not pay for that semester. There has to be a balance on the account, your school notifies HRSA of this balance and then HRSA pays your school. You could apply again next year and make monthly payments for your tuition until you are notified by HRSA about the scholarship

Good luck


Thanks for the info! I don't know that I didn't get the award because I haven't received a letter, but I think it seems like most of the people that received the award know by now. It's so interesting. I called HRSA today to ask a few questions about applying next year. The woman told me if I paid for or took out loans for Fall 2008 tuition and received the award I would be reimbursed! What to do...What to do. I'm sure they are just overwhelmed with the number of people willing to sign up for the 2 years. It's awesome though that so many people are getting support for nursing school. Any other information/suggestions out there.

Specializes in Respiratory Step Down, telemetry, hospice.

NC---I would go ahead and still apply for next year. If worse comes to worse---you can always decline the scholarship if it is offered.

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