How to please Professor ?

Nursing Students General Students


Anybody has Idea how to please Professor ? I would like to please and impress some professors . I am sure they would write for me good recommendation to go to graduate school and find good nursing jobs .

By taking an English Composition class?


ooh, MEOW!

ooh, MEOW!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
You are absolutely right . But in real world situations , pleasing professors happens right ?

Um, no, it doesn't.

Pleasing a professor is not going to give you the grades and the knowledge.

I would think what would please a professor the most is to have a student who shows up to class, does the coursework,clinical, and ultimately passes the boards. In other words, you don't have to do anything other than what you are expected to do.

I mean, you can butter them up with chocolate or ask questions to stroke their egos or whatever but the best thing to do is just be yourself, do your work, and don't worry about pleasing anyone. Nursing school is tough enough and that's what you should concentrate on.

You will earn the most respect from your professors by simply studying and doing your work.

I think the op is from another country, so considering that, I think he has excellent English composition skills. My advice is to ask questions, always be on time, be prepared and don't rely on the bare minimum to get by. Ask the teacher for his or her ideas on what areas you can improve in and then apply some of the suggestions. Impressing the teacher really isn't that important, but if you need references from them, they are looking for an honest, hard working, student who understands the material and is able to practically apply it.

I have a few suggestions, courtesy of some of my classmates:

  • Spend each between-class break in a different instructor's office kissing his/her a$$, i.e. "oh, your kids are so cute!" "Your hair looks great today!" "Such a cute outfit!", etc. etc. :bow:
  • Get together with fellow brown-nosers and purchase nice gifts for each of them for every single holiday that rolls around and make a HUGE production out of delivering it to them, all in a group. :barf:
  • Sit right up under the instructor's podium, and when asking or answering a question in class, do it just loud enough that only he/she can hear you. It's much more personal that way. :uhoh3:
  • Look and act young, hip, and cute. No instructor can resist this.
  • Use every opportunity outside of class to become best pals. :cheers:
  • And finally, turn on the waterworks and let each of them know exactly how unfair and horrible your personal life has been up to this point and how much you've had to struggle to get where you are. Don't forget to include details about your financial situation.

These things have worked like a charm for some in my class. :chuckle

There is no need to try and impress your professors. Just do all the work expected of you is all you need.

the above list will get get you hated by the rest of your classmates, hehe

I have a few suggestions, courtesy of some of my classmates:

  • Spend each between-class break in a different instructor's office kissing his/her a$$, i.e. "oh, your kids are so cute!" "Your hair looks great today!" "Such a cute outfit!", etc. etc. :bow:
  • Get together with fellow brown-nosers and purchase nice gifts for each of them for every single holiday that rolls around and make a HUGE production out of delivering it to them, all in a group. :barf:
  • Sit right up under the instructor's podium, and when asking or answering a question in class, do it just loud enough that only he/she can hear you. It's much more personal that way. :uhoh3:
  • Look and act young, hip, and cute. No instructor can resist this.
  • Use every opportunity outside of class to become best pals. :cheers:
  • And finally, turn on the waterworks and let each of them know exactly how unfair and horrible your personal life has been up to this point and how much you've had to struggle to get where you are. Don't forget to include details about your financial situation.

These things have worked like a charm for some in my class. :chuckle

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

That is SO TRUE AND FUNNY!!!!!!!

Specializes in Home Health, Hospice.
I have a few suggestions, courtesy of some of my classmates:

  • Spend each between-class break in a different instructor's office kissing his/her a$$, i.e. "oh, your kids are so cute!" "Your hair looks great today!" "Such a cute outfit!", etc. etc. :bow:
  • Get together with fellow brown-nosers and purchase nice gifts for each of them for every single holiday that rolls around and make a HUGE production out of delivering it to them, all in a group. :barf:
  • Sit right up under the instructor's podium, and when asking or answering a question in class, do it just loud enough that only he/she can hear you. It's much more personal that way. :uhoh3:
  • Look and act young, hip, and cute. No instructor can resist this.
  • Use every opportunity outside of class to become best pals. :cheers:
  • And finally, turn on the waterworks and let each of them know exactly how unfair and horrible your personal life has been up to this point and how much you've had to struggle to get where you are. Don't forget to include details about your financial situation.

These things have worked like a charm for some in my class. :chuckle

Wow, the same students attend nursing school with me, too! :chuckle

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