Published Oct 4, 2018
37 Posts
long story short, I started a new job before starting the program. How much do they find out about your situation? Do they get a report of all your details? I don't want to divulge more than necessary information but so not want to leave anything out if they will know everything either and make it seem like I'm trying to hide something? Thanks!
26 Posts
My employer only knows I'm in monitoring. She knows NO details. And a good manager, won't ask why.
Big Blondie, ASN, BSN, MSN, APRN
494 Posts
I gave minimal information. In monitoring due to addiction to opiates. Now. I gave permission for them to speak to my Casemanager. Idk what they tell. Just don't lie if asked a direct question. Doesn't mean you have to answer it. Just don't get caught in a lie. It's easy to want to make ourselves look better in the situation. You want trust and getting caught in a lie may cost you the job.
ruby_jane, BSN, RN
3,142 Posts
You will likely have to disclose as part of your contract. I can't speak to the benefit of being upfront first versus waiting until you have to disclose, but only answer the question asked (don't elaborate)....
379 Posts
Check select quick confirm and check off "full documents." Court documents are publicly posted if you have public discipline.
510 Posts
In my state I had to give all findings to anyone supervising me. I think it depends entirely on the program
160 Posts
I agree with Mel. A good manager will not ask. Share the bare minimum, and they really should not ask the details of what is going on with you. As long as you are compliant with monitoring, it is not their business.
15 Posts
You have to give your employer a copy of your KARE agreement and your employer fills out paper work monthly in which they send to the BOARDof nursing.