How many tries did it take to get your lisence?

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  1. how many tries to get licence?

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How many tries did it take you to get your nusing lisence?

Do u think academic grades or clinical grades have any reflections on how people do on board exams?

Thank you in advance.

nursing student


I'm with Daisy...two days five different tests each scored separately. I took ours at the Carolina Inn at the end of August. I believe the results were back in approximately 6 weeks. That was some kind of record because they usually took much longer to be scored.

Once 80 questions got my license 2 weeks later. Was so excited i forgot to read the letter that came with lisence that said I passed.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

The computer shut off after 20 mins. and the minimum 75 questions. I was a level-headed middle-aged woman until that moment, and then I freaked for the next 10 days......until my license came in the mail. I really thought I'd blown it. Thank God I don't have to do that again!

I attempted once before any review and flunked. I am still to take after my Ph.D. Tricky for an old horse

I am a really bad example of how to pass the NCLEX-RN on the first try...

I was a single Mom of 3 little kids & worked full time & went to school full time (14+ credits/QTR). I was a C+ student...but aced clinicals, I even managed to pull a B in Maternal/Child without the text book (didn't have the money for it). I am a hands on learner, not a book learner and I know it so I didn't try very hard. I also have zero test anxiety...I an ability to read a question and the choice of answers and know the "most correct" (all of my schools tests were modeled on the NCLEX).

I took the 2 day boards in Tacoma, WA in March 1990. I didn't take any prep class or use any prep materials...actually I did all of my prep with Long Island Ice Teas.

Dumbest thing I ever did...partied and drank my way thru the 2 days, yep...took those tests either still drunk or hung over on almost no sleep.

I passed in the top 10% in the State, the scores of my schools graduate placed them at #1 in the State.

I still remember one question ( because it made me laugh out loud):

Mrs. Jones has HTN and IDDM, her medications are Lasix and insulin. You are ambulating her in the hall when she c/o dizziness. Which do you do first?

A) check her BP

B) check her BS

C) call the MD

D) (I'm not kidding here) Assist her to sit down.

Passed first time, but two people actually left before completing the test. One was a lady that I would guess was in her early 50's... She walked out crying. The other was a man I would guess about 28 years old or so... he passed out! Boy that made the stress level go up just a bit. Later I talked to the guy having run into him at the mall. He said he was working night shift for Payless Shoes putting in mega OT and hadn't had the chance to really study, so he called into work and stayed up two days straight to "catch up". Said all he consumed was Mountain Dew and cigarettes the whole time. He passed on his second go 'round, and I ended up working with him for a short time. Cool guy actually... hehe.


Pasted the first time while taking percocet for an ORIF of my right ankle that occurred two weeks after graduation and two weeks before NCLEX. I cannot remember how many questions but I remember that it shut off after a question on NSAIDs. I knew that I had answered it correctly. So, I did not sweat it too much...haha.

The NCLEX only takes 30 minutes??!! I am so jealous. I wrote the CNA RNexam in 2 sittings and it had to have taken at least 3 hrs.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

WOW. I didn't really understand the NCLEX format before.

I took the boards in the 70's.......exams were offered twice a year, ..2 days, 5 exams, 2 hours from home,... each of us sitting at our own card table spaced exactly 6 feet away from the next table, exam police roaming the room..... The cost was around $30.

Like Anagray said, some of us remember it like it was yesterday. I even remember what I ate for lunch those days!!

I am surprised that you can pass the exam/ get your license after a 75 question evaluation. I wonder, are the questions harder? more pertinent? I remember our 5 exams having about 75 questions each! Is the current system a fair and adaquate measurement that you meet the minimum standards?

There were 2 advantages to the "old system" . You could skip questions you were not sure of and go back to them later. Also I think if you failed a section, if I remember correctly, you only had to retake that section.

I was relieved to have passed on the first try, and would NEVER want to have to do it again.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Oh, one more thing. Lots of newer nurses that I know said taking the LPN exam really helped them in their preparation for the RN exam.

They said they were much less anxious as they were familiar with the format and style of questions. Many took the LPN exam even though they did not plan to work as an LPN.

They also said once they passed the LPN exam, they had that license as a "backup" while they finished their nursing program and sat for the RN exam. They all said it was worth the expense.

it took me one time to pass the nclex, i had a weird number of questions...... 83!! but my instructors said that people have all different numbers and not to worry! and then i got my license in the mail so all's well. my school had a 98% pass rate so we were trying to bring it up. only one person out of 36 failed from my class. and the people that came to give us a practice test said that if you get the lowest amount of questions... either you passed really well with no doubt in their mind or you failed miserably and stood no chance of recovering your pass. :D :rolleyes:

75 questions, 30 minutes in 2000. In nursing school, we'd taken several computer exams that mimicked the NCLEX (and I'd done well on those) so I did nothing in the way of preparation. Just went and took it. Most of the questions, I didn't have a clue (at least that's what it felt like) but apparently I chose the correct maybe I know more than I think I do.

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