How many tries did it take to get your lisence?

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  1. how many tries to get licence?

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How many tries did it take you to get your nusing lisence?

Do u think academic grades or clinical grades have any reflections on how people do on board exams?

Thank you in advance.

nursing student

It only took me once. I was scared because a nurse I know told me that she was so scared when she completed the 75th question and the questions comtinued. I think she did 76. I did 79 and the machine shut down. I think it only took me about 1/2 hour. When I passed the 75th question I was so scared, but I kept going and when the machine finally shut off I felt better. I was so scared to open my results. I opened the letter and looked in the envelope and all I could see was "has passed" I was so excited. I know a nurse that took it three times before she passed, but she is an excellent nurse.

Once, by computer.....75 questions.

....and don't think I didn't hold my breath while I was answering that last one......please shut off, please shut off. Thank shut off.:D


Specializes in Pediatric Rehabilitation.
Originally posted by SmilingBluEyes

once. 76 questions. done in 30 minutes. freaked til I received my license in the mail 3 weeks later. this was in 1997.

Originally posted by OBNURSEHEATHER

WOW! Same as me, except it was in 1998! :D


WOW!! Same as me, except it was in 1995! :D

Tried once and passed. Back in 1988, the test was not on computer; it was that awful 'fill in the bubble with a pencil' stuff. 4 sections, 200 questions each over 2 days. I think we were allowed 3 hrs per section but I could be wrong about that. It was a long time ago.

Forgot to say this first time I posted--we had to wait 6 weeks before getting our results in the mail!

Specializes in Critical care.

It only took one try for me back when it was still paper and pencil over 2 days. And then I waited 3 months for the results. And since I graduated in Aug. I had to wait until the following Feb to take the exam. So I was a GN for almost 9 months before getting the results. I believe it was 400 questions, 200 each day, 100 in the AM and 100 in the afternoon after lunch. And you could not get up if you finished early you just sat there, and it was an act of God to get to go to the bathroom.......And no talking to anyone......I really do not remember how many were taking the exam, seems like there were probably about 400 testers in the convention center in Galveston.....Anyhow....only had to take it once.....

Originally posted by SmilingBluEyes

once. 76 questions. done in 30 minutes. freaked til I received my license in the mail 3 weeks later. this was in 1997.

ABSOLUTELY, EXACTLY, the same as I, SmilingBluEyes!!!! BSN in 97. 76 qs 30min. Boom computer off...I just about s**t!

Back when I took boards we had the 5 tests and I did well and passed all the first time.

Some of the best students in our class though had to take them at least two don't worry just do your best is what I say.

Only once, 75 Questions, about 45 minutes. Scared to death that I blew the test bad that's why the computer stopped giving me questions. The monitor guy smiled at me and told me "good luck with your career" when I walked out of the test site (I wonder if he knew the result then?). Three weeks later I got the good news in the mail, was terrified to open the mail so I got my husband to open it.

Found out later, I was the only one in all of our graduating class that tested the least number of questions and passed it right away. It's a pretty good feeling, but I busted by behind in school for it.

Use common sense when you take the test, and in real nursing life.

Good luck.

It took me two times. The first time I had 78 questions, the 2nd time I had 260 questions and time still ran out, but I PASSED.


Originally posted by OBNURSEHEATHER

WOW! Same as me, except it was in 1998! :D


That's too weird! because it was EXACTLY the same for me! in 1998!!! WOOT!:D

I like stress!!!

Worked an 8 hour night shift, off at 730, test at 8. 75 questions 45 minutes, 3 days of sweating it out till I called in to find the results.

It's so much how you test and analyze the questions and answers.

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