Published Aug 7, 2013
42 Posts
Fun question, Just curious, some love to buy scrubs.:)
51 Posts
I work part time. I have about 8 sets...all of which I bought from yard sales for $1. or less or had been given to me. They are all nice tops (and pants) too!
I think theyre so comfy, i dont have too many because i havent started working yet, so i was just curious as to how many do nurses typically own.
363 Posts
I think I have 6 pairs. I'm very picky and will only buy a certain top and certain pants but I am never scheduled for more than 5 shifts in a row, so I have enough to get through that plus one extra to ride around in a bad in my vehicle.
Sun0408, ASN, RN
1,761 Posts
1 pink, 1 blue, 2 wine and 6-7 white sets.. Last facility was all white
184 Posts
Eight pairs of pants, not counting the three spare ones I keep for emergency purposes, I would guess around 10 to 12 actual scrub shirts and 7 facility-approved t-shirts with the facility logo on them. I have three different pairs of work shoes, too. I wear one pair strictly for working my main assignment during the week and two others for working weekends.
LadyFree28, BSN, LPN, RN
8,429 Posts
Too many....yellows, greens, purples (my favorite), blacks, browns, blues...print tops for cartoons I love, and seasonal prints. Sets and single pieces. No white scrubs though...dint't get me started on my pairs of Danskos and sneakers!
460 Posts
I'm like the PP- I have too many! I think I have every color imaginable in bottoms, and then countless tops to match the bottoms. Too bad I can't wear any anymore because I currently work in surgery, and considering I'm on a contract at the hospital I work at (due to tuition assistance), I'll be wearing navy when I finish nursing school.
I like having scrubs though because you never know... besides, I tend to wear scrub pants to work before I have to change into clean/sterile scrubs. :-)
444 Posts
I work 24 to 48 hours a week depending on how much I want to work. I own 3 pairs of "working" teal scrubs. 1 pair of teal that is on its last legs and another pair of teal that is too small now. I own 3 pairs of working black scrubs which I use the pants for my school uniform occasionally. I have two white shirts that are included in the previous counts that are paired with 1 color pants. The plan is to replace the two pairs of pants with the proper color of scrubs once I get hired in as an RN as the two main hospital systems and even the third have different colors of scrubs. Actually a fourth I am considering due to where I moved has a different color of scrubs which would be one of the previous colors for nurses. I wouldn't mind reusing those scrubs.
Black is for one role and teal is for a 2nd role.
50 Posts
I've got 4 pairs for work and about to pick 2 pairs for nursing school.
4 Posts
Honestly, I only have 7 scrub tops but I want more! My facility's dress code inforces white pants and pastel colored tops.
Plus, DD's Discounts has scrub tops for as cheap as $5!
45 Posts
I was working per diem so I got by with only 2 sets for the first 3 months of working. I have purchased 4 more sets and 2 coordinating tops since I will be working full-time soon, which brings my total to 6 sets (or 8 outfits). I would probably own more if sizing wasn't so limited for me.