How many of you plan on going beyond BSN?


Specializes in ICU.

Personally I have my sights on CRNA, or NP. But I want to peruse the CRNA more than anything. It got me thinking. How many of you plan to go beyond your BSN, or if you are ADN do you plan on going further?

Specializes in Psych.

I have only been accepted for an Accelerated BSN program but I really don’t know honestly. I’m really intrigued with an OR nurse position, but I fear that being in the OR all the time will make me want to pursue CRNA even more. I guess if I’m comfortable with my salary at the time and really just feel happy, then I’ll just call it a career in the OR as an RN.

I am an older student (my SS# is 000-00-0013 :D) and my eventual goal is NP. I have friends who are CRNAs and that doesn't seem to be for me but I will shadow one when the appropriate time comes to be certain. There's too much of a $ difference to not make darn sure!

my intention (read: i have a vague desire) is to pursue a PhD or DNP. i'm not 100% what the DNP actually is, but i'd ideally like to end up with a terminal degree. i think i'd like to teach one day. i say this, though, having also just been accepted to an Accelerated BSN, so who knows?

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

My plan is to become a NP and to be a professor which means that I will eventually get a Master's degree or maybe even a Doctorate.

!Chris :specs:

Specializes in Urgent Care NP, Emergency Nursing, Camp Nursing.

I'm in a generalist Master's Entry program, so I definitely intend to go beyond the BSN. :-P

But yes, I currently intend to get my FNP as soon as possible, mostly once I pay off enough of my nursing school debt to be able to afford it. Since my program takes care of most of the core requirements for any APN program, it'd be kinda silly for me not to continue on in my education.

Also, for fanshawe, the DNP is a Doctorate of Nursing Practice, intended to be a clinical doctorate and terminal degree for APNs, as the PhD is geared more towards educators and researchers.

I hope to continue on to a CRNA or NP. I truly would like to do the CRNA, however, I do realize it is very competitive so I will cross that bridge when I get to it. I entering an Accelerated BSN program this fall so I will have a bit of a road ahead of me first.

Specializes in ER; CCT.
i'm not 100% what the DNP actually is,

Don't worry, those who have constructed the ciriculum arn't sure either.

Specializes in PACU.

I ultimately intend to pursue some sort of graduate degree, but I'm not certain which. I'm leaning toward an MSN with an FNP concentration right now, but that may change. I have a ways to go--I'm finishing my ADN program in a few months and, hopefully, starting a RN to BSN program this fall.

All of the things I'm considering: FNP, ACNP (and ANP, it's a combined program at the university I'd want to do it at), CRNA, and PA.

Specializes in being a Credible Source.

I'm an MSN out of the gate. Highly likely that I'll go after an NP and perhaps a DNSc.

I used to think a PhD was for me but all the "nursey" stuff crammed down our throats in nursing school is just too much for me. I'm a hard-science, quantitative guy and the "nursey" stuff is too much psych / spiritualism / metaphysics for me.

Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.
I'm an MSN out of the gate. Highly likely that I'll go after an NP and perhaps a DNSc.

I used to think a PhD was for me but all the "nursey" stuff crammed down our throats in nursing school is just too much for me. I'm a hard-science, quantitative guy and the "nursey" stuff is too much psych / spiritualism / metaphysics for me.

I agree. I have called this aspect of nursing education "high-nursiness fru-fru."

Ok, I'm slinking out of the men's forum now...:D

I used to think a PhD was for me but all the "nursey" stuff crammed down our throats in nursing school is just too much for me. I'm a hard-science quantitative guy and the "nursey" stuff is too much psych / spiritualism / metaphysics for me.[/quote']

Outstanding viewpoint. :up:


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