How long after licensing?

Nurses LPN/LVN


How long after you received your license did you get your first LVN job? I am going a little crazy over here since I am pounding the pavement every day trying to find a job. When will my opportunity come? Just needed to get that one out...

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

I got my first LVN job approximately one day after having received my temporary license in the mail. However, this was back in 2006, when economic times were much better and the nursing job market was healthier.

It took me 3 months, but I have to say I was very picky about where I applied. I only applied to maybe 1 LTC, so obviously I limited myself. Most of my classmates found jobs right away at area LTC and quite a few ended up at some local jails.

I work as a CNA and have jobs waiting my place likes me Im just waiting for my license number:banghead:

When I tell people the field Im in/ getting into and they say my niece/granddaughter/daughter whatever... is wants or is going into the field I asked what are they doing now? If they say o..waitress, bartender, cashier, or nothing, I suggest they go into the field at the bottom FIRST!!! CNA/tech (if wants to be RN) or even dietary in a facility, YOU GOTTA GET YOUR FOOT IN THE DOOR OR ELSE YOUR JUST ANOTHER RESUME IN THE PILE.

For me, the very day I saw my name on the board website, I applied to three places online. I ended up getting a dream job offer x2 weeks after being licensed...which was about x6 months after graduation. About x5 of us out of x24 had jobs right after licensing.

No worries though, the right job for you is out there just keep checking in and applying. I have classmates who are just now getting job offers, almost x1 year after graduation. One is gonna be a charge nurse, one is gonna be a nurse manager, supervising med for them, the waiting was worth it in the end.

Only x12 of us have jobs now, some went back to school for RN transition, some are still looking though...

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

I had one 2 weeks before I finished the course.

Thank you all for your replies! I know that there is something out there for me, and I will remain patient until that offer comes my way, that I just can't resist! I hope it's in an acute setting, but I will be happy with ANY offer at this point :)

I worked at the hospital as a nurse extern prior to getting my license. Most facilities will allow you to have a non-licensed nursing job if you are transitioning from student to licensed nurse.

I was hired 2 weeks prior to taking my NCLEX as a GN. On the condition that I DID pass my NCLEX I had a position as a 3-11p floor nurse, if I didn't pass the offer was resinded.

I will say that was in 2008 when there were a lot more positions being posted. Looking through the job postings now, they are not as plentiful and those that are there are looking for experienced LPN's. So your job hunt might not be as successful as those of us who have posted that we were hired prior to taking the NCLEX or very soon after.

Well I was successful in my search. I was hired last week and am waiting on my PPD to start.....I was told many times how lucky I was to land the position

Congratulations!!! :yeah:

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
Well I was successful in my search. I was hired last week and am waiting on my PPD to start.....I was told many times how lucky I was to land the position

Congratulations! What type of facility hired you?

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