Florida PNEQ requirement course descriptions

Nurses LPN/LVN


My school won't sign the Florida PNEQ form because I did not complete Med Surg II but it is my understanding that you only need Med Surg I. Does anyone know where I can find course requirements/descriptions for Florida PNEQ? 🙏🏻

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Florida Practical Nursing Equivalency (PNEQ) Application Letter states


Applicants seeking licensure by examination using the practical nurse equivalency route must have successfully completed courses in a professional nursing program which are at least equivalent to a practical nursing program ....

The PNEQ requirements include the following: The professional or practical nursing curriculum plan documents clinical experience and theoretical instruction in medical, surgical, obstetric, pediatric, and geriatric nursing. Each curriculum plan must document clinical training experience in appropriate settings that include, but are not limited to, acute care, long-term care, and community settings,


If your schools Nursing 1 does not include OB, Peds and Geriatrics then program does not meet requirements and school within their rights to decline signing form..

NRSKarenRN said:

Florida Practical Nursing Equivalency (PNEQ) Application Letter states

If your schools Nursing 1 does not include OB, Peds and Geriatrics then program does not meet requirements and school within their rights to decline signing form..

@NRSKarenRN I've completed and passed OB, peds, and geriatrics. I seem to have to completed all requirements to challenge the LPN exam in Florida. I am trying to gather more info to build my case so my dean will sign the form..

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Florida Statutes 464.008 Licensure by examination   states


Courses successfully completed in a professional nursing education program that are at least equivalent to a practical nursing education program may be used to satisfy the education requirements for licensure as a licensed practical nurse


Contact your FL state representative to assist in getting situation resolved if written correspondence to nursing program requesting PNEQ form completion unsuccessful.

NRSKarenRN said:

Florida Statutes 464.008 Licensure by examination   states

Contact your FL state representative to assist in getting situation resolved if written correspondence to nursing program requesting PNEQ form completion unsuccessful.

Based on what the OP posted here, I don't think he or she is a resident of FL.  Rather, I think he or she is trying to challenge the NCLEX-PN and then endorse the license to their home state.

@chare I am asking just about Florida in this thread, I have family there and am willing to relocate. 

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Many states do not have allow RN students to take LPN boards as they require GRADUATION from a nursing program. Therefore, a program outside FL may not be aware of FL regulations.    Still follow advise I posted above, contact your states representative to assist you if nursing school declines signing form.

Hope this works out for you.


Nursingstudent315 said:

@chare I am asking just about Florida in this thread, I have family there and am willing to relocate. 

My apologies; based on your questions here it seemed, if you were able to do this, your intent was to endorse it to another state.

As @NRSKarenRN answered your question regarding applying for licensure in FL, best wishes.

@chare no need to apologize I appreciate how prompt and helpful you have been 🙂  thank you! And thank you @NRSKarenRN

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