How do you get patients to give you a "very good?"

Specialties Emergency


It seems like no matter how hard we try, our percentage of "very good" responses continue to drop. How do you get the patients to mark very good as opposed to "good" on the survey they get in the mail? :uhoh3:

I am so sick of trying my best to take good care of my patients and then get it thrown back in my face because it wasn't "very good care" according to the returned patient surveys.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Pam :rolleyes:

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

be extra nice to them

give them food

give them lots of drugs

smile even if you dont want to

Specializes in Med-Surg.

edited. sorry.

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Im just a simple ole country boy

I give them whats good for them and take into account what they want

simple formula, simple plan all for me a simple man

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

I have a hard time giving many patients all very good ratings. Face it, some of them are demanding, smelly, whine a lot, try to tell me where they want the IV, cough in my face, even tell the doctor things they denied to me. I am not sure how to get all patients to rate very good. It would be a great place to work though if all patients were straight "very goods".

OH, you meant the patient was rating the nurse. That isn't fair or fun.


PieWACKet, you are absolutely right. This is the way to go. I think when you do a really good job, but the feedback doesn't reflect that there are a couple of things at work. One, the patient is home now and doesn't really remember you from Adam. Two, you are getting clumped in there with the ones who maybe weren't so great.

I have seen people fill out cards on themselves and submit them as though they were from a client/patient. (I knew a family therapist I worked with briefly--he had a lot of other problems too.....--that did this. When the time came, he filled a bunch of them out on me as though they were from patients, and let me tell you, they were not very positive!)

I go out of my way to be as pleasant, warm, friendly, empathic and supportive of my patients as I can. (Do this with my coworkers too....) It shows that I enjoy what I do. Kinda like Tom, there. (Hi, Tom!)

I'm going to incorporate that suggestion about telling the patients exactly how they can "thank" me. Waitpersons have a little card they give people at their tables.... isn't this at least that important? After all, we are a service profession, are we not?

On my unit we never see the positive pt. surveys but if a bad one shows up the negative comment is highlighted and hung up for all to see.

That's awful! Way to boost morale, eh? :rolleyes:

They do the exact opposite on my unit- highlight the names in the positive comments, and blackout the names in the negatives (the nurse who gets the negative comment is told in a private meeting. They actually put together a packet containing only all the positive comments from last year for us to look through last month. It was so nice to see- it's so gratifying to know that our hard work is appreciated.

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Hello patient, my nams is Tom and I will be your waiter tonight. The special tonight is Hydromorphone, with a side of metoclopromide and diphenhydramine, followed with a desert of ketoralac,

would you like to place your order now

or do you need more time with the menu

Press-Ganey scores are used by many hospitals to judge customer service. We send a survey to discharged patients. Don't know if it gets there before or after the bill, and that could make a difference. A lot has to do with expectations. Some people want more than good care, they want you to be their body slave. I think there is a tendancy for negative comments to be conveyed while positive ones are not. Some people, myself included, just won't bother with a survey. I believe you ought to be able to judge performance in-house and not rely on a lay person who has emotions tied to the response.

The nurses who get the "Very Good" ratings are the ones who care enough to take the initiative to keep their skills current; and who care enough about the patient's comfort to inconvenience themselves, for instance by administering lidocaine before starting their IV's.

To quote a nurse who complains that she only gets "good" ratings: "Why take the time? Maybe it is because like I said, I never used it as a medic, was never taught it as a nurse so have never used it and never will." I just don't see the need."

This "I really don't give a rats *ss." Attitude is very clear to the patient!

My facility has instituted a program called "Stars" I was thinking about it today and this post made me really see the function of the program.

They give each Pt four little chips sort of like a poker chip (made of like cardboard)with a little shooting star on it with blues blazes. N E way the Pt's are given a little card that explains the program. It works like this the Pt can give a star to anyone they feel does and excellent job. Nurse, Lab Tech, PSA, transporter anybody they feel does a commendable job. The program does what it seems the OP is wanting to see it immediately tells that person they are doing a great job. The hospital may not be great overall but if a Pt gives you star they at least feel you are doing a good job.

The stars can then be saved and when they have item kinda like when you go to the arcade and play skeeball. When you have enough stars for an item you turn them in and they go into a hopper for a drawing and once a month thety draw and give away an item.

I can now see this boosts moral on a single and a Pt basis, If the Pt goes home and has given 4 stars to 4 different people then they will remember these good deeds and perhaps they will outweigh any negatives they endured.

Hello patient, my nams is Tom and I will be your waiter tonight. The special tonight is Hydromorphone, with a side of metoclopromide and diphenhydramine, followed with a desert of ketoralac,

would you like to place your order now

or do you need more time with the menu

Why thank you I will have the Hydromorphone with a ketoralac back please, oh and could I get some rolls with that

I once worked at a hospital where staffing and pt care were horrible. However, staff had it drilled into their heads to be super polite and suck up to pts.

These staff always got high "customer satisfaction" ratings. Most pts don't know the difference between excellent nursing care or a lousy nurse who is extra polite. :rolleyes:

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