I gave Rocephin I'm for the first time today and I went home feeling like the world's worst nurse. I read up on the med before giving it, so I expected it would hurt, but my little old lady hollared very loud. I just feel like I could of done things better. I hugged my resident for a good five minutes after it was over, I felt so bad. Any suggestions on how I can do things better would be greatly appreciated. I work in an LTC, so my resident is thin with very little body fat. I used a filter needle to ensure the needle I was injecting with would be sharp. I reconstituted the Rocephin with 2.1mls of 1% lidocaine. And I gave it in the middle third of the lateral thigh. What's the smallest gauge and length needle you all would recommended for someone with little to no body fat? Should I have used the gluteal muscle instead? Is it better to go fast or slow? Please help, feeling so guilty!!