Hourly Rounding


My hospital has recently implemented hourly rounding. Aids round on even hours and nurses on odd hours. We address the 5 p's and initial an hourly rounding log that is pinned to the patient's white board. The logs are turned into the manager and reviewed on a daily basis. If they find any discrepancies they talk to the staff members assigned to that pt. Once they are reviewed they are shredded. Now we are questioning how we prove that we are doing hourly rounding to Joint Commission. Is this a Joint Commission requirement? One suggestion was to put an hourly rounding task into our EMR. We would have to fill out a form and document the 5 p's we addressed. We don't think this is feasible on a med/surg unit. If we have 6 pts we would be filling it out 72 times a shift. Some other facilities are scanning the pts ID bands to verify hourly rounding has been completed. We were not thrilled about this idea either. What are your hospitals doing to document hourly rounding?

Specializes in Orthopedic, LTC, STR, Med-Surg, Tele.

All we have to do is initial a sheet on the door. Let me just vent a second :mad:

We've got a couple of CNAs who will go around and fill in their initials under all of the NA spots at once. So, they go to take vitals at 1900. And fill out the sheet for 1900 for 2100 and 2300 at once. And they do the same things on the new sheets for 0000-0700. Which drives. Me. INSANE. It's called future charting, people! Remarkably, it's the ones who post on Facebook that they just can't wait to be RNs! Maybe I'm just cranky because I have to wear TED STOCKINGS because I am getting SPIDER VEINS but it seems to me that they are missing the vigilance part of nursing while they sit at the nurse's station, TEXTING.

Before someone asks, yes, I know all caps means yelling. Felt good to get that off my chest.

Specializes in LTC, med/surg, hospice.
All we have to do is initial a sheet on the door. Let me just vent a second :mad:

We've got a couple of CNAs who will go around and fill in their initials under all of the NA spots at once. So, they go to take vitals at 1900. And fill out the sheet for 1900 for 2100 and 2300 at once. And they do the same things on the new sheets for 0000-0700. Which drives. Me. INSANE. It's called future charting, people! Remarkably, it's the ones who post on Facebook that they just can't wait to be RNs! Maybe I'm just cranky because I have to wear TED STOCKINGS because I am getting SPIDER VEINS but it seems to me that they are missing the vigilance part of nursing while they sit at the nurse's station, TEXTING.

Before someone asks, yes, I know all caps means yelling. Felt good to get that off my chest.

I know an aide got fired for doing that future charting. It is not a smart thing to do seeing as a patient could crash and be transferred or die and you are signing that you were there at a time that hasn't occurred.

Are you guys serious about the tracking devices?!

We have hourly rounding as well. We chart it in the EMR and also initial a sheet of paper that is taped to the patient's door. We don't have CNAs to help since our floor is "RN total patient care"

Are you guys serious about the tracking devices?!

My hospital is trialling the tracking devices on one of the units. :/

Specializes in ED.

I work in the ER at my hospital, and we are expected to do hourly rounding as well. It's not so bad in the ER as I imagine it would be on the floor. I just have to pop my head in the room, let them know what we're waiting on, ask them if they need anything, and off I go. As long as I chart something (warming measures, safety measures, etc) every hour on each patient, I'm good. Of course, that all goes out the window if they are a chest pain, on a drip, etc...then it's more like every 15 minutes I'm checking on them, which can get overwhelming.

Specializes in Med Surg.

My hospital is trialling the tracking devices on one of the units. :/

That is just creepy. If they have so little faith in their nurses, maybe the NMs and HR should do a better job of hiring.

That is just creepy. If they have so little faith in their nurses, maybe the NMs and HR should do a better job of hiring.


This just makes me so thankful that I don't work in hospital/bedside nursing. But that could change in the future- so when I read things like this, I get so disgusted and disheartened.

Specializes in Trauma-Surgical, Case Management, Clinic.

That is just creepy. If they have so little faith in their nurses, maybe the NMs and HR should do a better job of hiring.

We have locator devices at my hospital and I think it's a good thing. How many times have u spent half your day in a pts room and they complain about you to management? All the manager has to do is pull the record and see what times you were in the room and for how long. Also protects pts when they truly have been neglected. The record will show that the nurse was barely in the room during the shift.

I have to wear a tracking device at my job, but I think they use it more to find you and page you in a room. I have never heard of it being used to verify how long someone is in the patient's room because we still have patients complaining that no one has been in there all day and we just use the hourly rounding sheet to refute that.

I like the hourly rounding sheet. I don't really like the tracking device.

Specializes in ER, progressive care.
All we have to do is initial a sheet on the door. Let me just vent a second :mad:

We've got a couple of CNAs who will go around and fill in their initials under all of the NA spots at once. So, they go to take vitals at 1900. And fill out the sheet for 1900 for 2100 and 2300 at once. And they do the same things on the new sheets for 0000-0700. Which drives. Me. INSANE. It's called future charting, people!

I know a nurse who got fired for doing that. She came in at 0700 and signed her initials on every single time on that hourly rounding sheet. She didn't see the hospital CEO visiting with the patient at that time :wideyed: (how the RN didn't recognize the CEO is beyond me! :confused:)

Are you guys serious about the tracking devices?!


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