Published Dec 7, 2005
522 Posts
I am 47 years old and am going through the most EMBARASSING time of my life...perimenopause. I haven't slept thru the nite, a full 8 hours in over a year, I wake up every 2-4 hours with sweats and then can't get back to sleep. I'm forgetfull, have no sex drive, cry watching those Folgers coffee commercials, moody and need to make a "to do" list just to reming myself to eat lunch and take a shower on my days off.
Yesterday I saw my GYN "Felice" and she suggested the hormone patch, which she swears by.. I did the old "If this was you going thru it what would you choose" whic we as nurses as so clever at! She knows I have heavy periods, fibroids, family history of breast CA etc. but I slapped one of those bad boys onto my growing gut and am hoping it is the answer to my hot flashes, nite sweats, memory loss, lack of libido, lady partsl dryness, irritablity etc. Look, this thread is for chicks only, anyone going through this? I have tried every homeopathic herb on the market and I am in a puddle of tears that is threating to melt this patch off my gut!
How do we work, raise our kids, continue our education, love our partners, nurture our friends and co workers when we can't even remember where we put our car keys????
DutchgirlRN, ASN, RN
3,932 Posts
I am 47 years old and am going through the most EMBARASSING time of my life...perimenopause. I haven't slept thru the nite, a full 8 hours in over a year, I wake up every 2-4 hours with sweats and then can't get back to sleep. I'm forgetfull, have no sex drive, cry watching those Folgers coffee commercials, moody and need to make a "to do" list just to reming myself to eat lunch and take a shower on my days off.How do we work, raise our kids, continue our education, love our partners, nurture our friends and co workers when we can't even remember where we put our car keys????
When I was younger I did not understand perimenopause. I am now going through it myself at age 50 and find that people don't take me seriously. I can understand this because I used to always think "oh the menopause excuse". How do we get younger women or husbands to take us seriously? I went to see my doc today and my hormone levels are post-menopausal. I do still have irregular periods. I was against HRT but have decided to give it a go. I am like you, sleep through the night? nope, doesn't happen. Sweat, you bet ya! Moodiness, tears, breast tenderness, memory problems, words don't come out of my mouth in the correct order. My doc put me on Prempro. I go back in 4 wks to recheck my levels. I tried all the herbal potions and progesterone creams. They didn't work for me either. I don't have a family hx of any kind of cancer so I'm hoping for the best. The fact that it contains progesterone as well supposedly cuts the risk substantially. Best of luck to you. P.S. I'm on a 6 week LOA from the hosp because of burnout, stress, menopause, depression.....I think I can lump them all together!
Hellllllo Nurse, BSN, RN
2 Articles; 3,563 Posts
I just turned 41 a couple days ago, and have been dx with "Early Ovarian Failure" i.e. early menopuase. I have all the s/s you mentioned and one super horrible one that is freaking me out- hormonal alopecia.
My once thick and lustrious is no more.
I have read that the estrogen/progesterone patch is part an excellent tx for hormonal hair loss.
I am seeing a specialist on Fri and hope to get this tx.
23 Posts
I have no answers for you, but am relieved to hear I am not the only one going through this! I thought I was going crazy at age 47! My MD put me on Zoloft last spring-- it was the worst summer iof my life_ I drifted along in as fog all summer - It's a wonder I didn't kill anyone -at work I mean.
Simple things that used to be second nature to me, suddenly I have to Look them up- to be sure I'm not mistaken. I'm so forgetful!
And yes, the younger versions roll their eyes like I'm crazy- where's the 23 years RN experience you say you have?is the message I read in their eyes!
Lately I too have considerd a leave of some sort -til I feel human again.
Hang in there, I'll be waiting vicariuosly for a good option along with you!
845 Posts
I am sorry but I disagree with you ladies. There are FARRRR better products vs. Premarin type products. Let's not forget, Premarin IS:
Mar-Mare, horse
Pregnant horse urine.
Unless you produce what a horse does, you are not taking the best hormones on the market today. There are hormones that are EXACTLY like what you produce but in the appropriate levels. Your doc can gear it towards YOU, unlike pregnant horse pee.
Had a hysterectomy? Never felt quite the same? I have news for you, it is because you are no longer producing the hormones needed and Premarin doesn't cut the mustard. You need a touch of Testosterone. No sex drive? That's because you don't produce any/not enough testosterone.
You ladies need relief and you clearly aren't getting it. Sometimes it is frustrating and annoying to find what works, but you have to keep looking. Think you feel better on horse pee? You'll feel BETTER on what is identical to what YOUR body is/should be producing on its own.
I'm not pushing any one brand, there are a gazillion out there. Gazillions of various brands. The point is they are exactly identical to what you would be producing if you could, unlike horse pee. You'll have to get your Rx's at a compounding pharmacy vs. your local Walgreens. Yes, it might cost more. But I assure you, the difference will be worth it.
Aneroo, LPN
1,518 Posts
I like to call the Power Surges. I'm not menopausal, just pregnant. Hormones kicking my butt though!
10 Posts
Is Premarin really pregnant horse pee ?????? OMG sounds so
Yes, yes it is. Tell me girls, how is a horses urine that I ingest supposed to conform to my human dynamic? Could it be that is only costs 4 cents per tablet and is easy to manufacture?
They spend millions of dollars learning how to treat ED for men and GIVE away Viagra samples, it is the biggest parting gift at any MD's office. I have been to seminars, yacht cruises, Vegas junkets all sponsored by drug reps touting Viagra and other similar meds. They also spend billions researching prostate cancer treatments and prevention, I'm talking about the Pharmaceutical industry. Many of my nurse buddies are reps and you would not believe all the perks they receive!!! They shove meds, floor seats to Laker games, etc. onto the PMC's so they will prescribe these products.
The patch I am taking is an estradiol derivitive which is human based and contains no animal by products so it is assimilated into my body, since I am not a horse. I have been on it since yesterday and here I am up at 2 ayem but it wasn't a hot flash that woke me. I do notice that "certain" symptoms seem to be reduced and I don't have that irritation o worry about.
I also had a "melt down" with Mr Haunted tonight and had myself a good cry which was, hopefully unrelated but definetley overdue. Sometimes we need to sob, right? I guess I miss being that young juicy nubile woman who had the shiny hair, the sparkling eyes, the exuberance and I hope Mother Nature comes thru for me and I end up the women I see, confident, assured, wise and humorous with that sparkle in their eye that intrigues and beguiles.
Thank you my sisters for your kind words and support and I send hugs across this technology. Great info coming.
I am sorry but I disagree with you ladies. There are FARRRR better products vs. Premarin type products. Let's not forget, Premarin IS:Pre-PregnantMar-Mare, horseIn-Urine...Pregnant horse urine.Unless you produce what a horse does, you are not taking the best hormones on the market today. There are hormones that are EXACTLY like what you produce but in the appropriate levels. Your doc can gear it towards YOU, unlike pregnant horse pee.Had a hysterectomy? Never felt quite the same? I have news for you, it is because you are no longer producing the hormones needed and Premarin doesn't cut the mustard. You need a touch of Testosterone. No sex drive? That's because you don't produce any/not enough testosterone.You ladies need relief and you clearly aren't getting it. Sometimes it is frustrating and annoying to find what works, but you have to keep looking. Think you feel better on horse pee? You'll feel BETTER on what is identical to what YOUR body is/should be producing on its own.I'm not pushing any one brand, there are a gazillion out there. Gazillions of various brands. The point is they are exactly identical to what you would be producing if you could, unlike horse pee. You'll have to get your Rx's at a compounding pharmacy vs. your local Walgreens. Yes, it might cost more. But I assure you, the difference will be worth it.
Bips, I have some testy I got from Mexico. I have not tried but can you give more info? It is an oral gel cap.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
I believe Bipley is talking about bio-identical hormone treatment? As an ER nurse, I know little to nothing about this but would welcome more information.
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
Yes, me too.
The cure for my perimenopausal symptoms that started at 42 was getting pregnant unintentionally. Then I nursed my son for 3 1/2 years. But since stopping nursing I've begun to have hot flashes - usually while asleep and I wake up damp. Heavy periods. Anemia. Forgetfulness. Irritability. No libido. HAIR LOSS - which means more to me than the libido thing:rolleyes:
I'm guessing another pregnancy at 48 is not a good plan:clown:
62 Posts
I went through menopause early. My hormone levels were post menopausal by age 43. Periods stopped by then too.
I endured the hot flashes, the sleepless nights, the changes in how I look, hair thinning, the moodiness and irritability. So I understand. I thought I would kill for 1 night of good sleep. I had at least 20 hot flashes every day. Bad enough to make me sweat. Breaking into a sweat 20 times daily certainly made me cranky and felt very unappealing.
I tried soy, and other herbal remedies. Nothing helped.
I did what millions of women have done before me: I got through it. I did not take any hormone replacements and still don't.
Take comfort from the fact that it does end. You know it does. It's a process.