So today at work we were gathered for a meeting and basically told of impending budget doom. We were told that after making 350,000 in budget adjustments that our department needed $156,000 more in savings and cuts. We were told the hospital as a whole has halted all hiring and any hiring needs would have to be approved by a Vice President of something or other. Two of our open tech positions will be cut which will save about $68,000 and they are asking for volunteers to go to .9. They also require us to give back any overtime we accrue by leaving early or coming in late. The CRNA's of the hospital have been told they will be made salary and that means no OT which means they can be worked hard for little compensation. They have raised nurse patient ratios and We were told not to expect raises this year while the doctor's and executives are still receiving 40,000-2,000,000 bonuses. Management keeps telling us that these things come in waves and things will get better but they aren't the ones who are expecting to be laid off. They are telling us these are preemptive measures due to the fact that we will receive 50 million less in compensation next year even though they made 138 million and hospitals that don't take aggressive actions will be in trouble. Is anyone else out there experiencing these actions in their place of employment and where are you located?
Northeastern pa