Hillsborough Community College Spring 2009

Nursing Students General Students


I am an alternate for HCC Dale Mabry campus. I am not yet in the program. This is my third time as an alternate, so; I don't want to be too optimistic. I found out that starting last week the school was going to be notifying alternates if they have a spring 2009 seat. I am wondering if anyone has heard that they are in yet. I am very nervous, and I would appreciate any information. Thank you

Thank you very much....I was so nervous and frusterated with myself. I was able to contact the nursing program coordinator ( I guess that is her position). Per HCC admissions process we are supposed to contact Ms. Flores and I did..and of course she said my app was fine and stop worrying! hahaha easy for her to say. I will look up PHCC and it will not hurt for me to send my app there as well. I wish when I was in school in my 20's that I took it as seriously as I do now or else my GPA would have been a lot higher! haha...all my A's are from my time in school now...oh well.

Thanks again and oh by the way...Ms. Flores told me that the committee will be looking at the app's the end of March...ugh and then she will send out letters!!!

Should we be getting our CPR cert now? Boy that is close timing....

Thanks Starfish1 and Minichilli85...

You may want to start looking at CPR classes around March...its good to have and you will need it for the program anyway. I wish you luck, and yeah it doesnt hurt to apply to two schools- the more the better- HCC is a better school from what I have heard but you could IF you wanted and got into PHCC transfer to HCC after your first semester....I know what you mean by GPA....I started college after high school took one class and then took a break for about 1 year....THEN I got serious about school...amazing how things change in a little period of time.

good luck- keep us posted and happy holidays!

Thanks Starfish1, you too have a wonderful holiday.

To anyone in the nursing program at HCC, particularly the evening/weekend program, how is it going? Do you guys work or know people in the class who do? and if so, are you/them able to juggle working and being in the program without having your grades suffer?

I am currently taking Micro, Nutriotion and AP2 at Brandon HCC and hope to apply in May for next year's Jan evening/weekend program. Have you guys done pharmacy yet and if you have, is it a 2 or 3 credit class?

Thanks and good luck.

For people with GPA worries: as long as you have at least a 3.00 I think you will eventually get in. Mine was low, and I got in on my third try. It is frustrating, but don't give up. If you don't get in right away, this is what I recommend (I wish I had done this!!): work as much as possible and pay off as much of your debt as you can ( car, credit cards etc.), and possibly save money, and then when you are in the program your bills will be less. In any spare time, study your anatomy book (yes the one from a&p 1&2) inside and out. Know everything.

New Goal Rn- I am in the day program, but it is the same, two 3 hour lecture times, and a ten hour clinical. So regarding working: our professors do not recommend anymore then twenty hours a week. I know people who are working 40+ and have an 'a', and I know people who don't work at all, and still seem confused in class. I think it just depends on if you are the kind of person who needs to work full time, and likes to go out, and can't focus on homework when they get home from work, then yeah you should work 2 days a week. It does seem like everyone mentions that they want to work less. Most of us work 20-30.

hi everyone! i just had a quick question about the admission steps for the nursing program. i'm looking to apply for spring '10 and currently i live in houston (boo!). i'm moving to riverview next month and i just wanted to double check about any admission tests. i know for houston's cc, they require the hesi entrance exam.

if anyone could give me any info it'd be greatly appreciated.

thanks! :lol2:

Hi, I will be applying in May for the Jan 2010 class as well. There is no admissions test. You just want to make sure that all of your transcripts have been ordered and received on time and that you have taken MIco/lab, AP1 and 2 and lab, sociology, college algebra, english.

Good luck.

i'm just finishing up sociology here in houston, hopefully with an A then i'll submit my transcript. i've been brushing up on a&p for the hesi test and it's making me crazy! if you don't mind me asking, what is your gpa?

Specializes in OR Pre-op, Post-op.

Just joining the thread. I hopefully will start the Fall 09 evening program. Thank you for Ms Flores' name. I called HCC and they told me I had to e-mail her to make sure my application was recieved as she does not take phone calls. My biggest fear is that there is a error on my app that will keep me from starting the program!

Just joining the thread. I hopefully will start the Fall 09 evening program. Thank you for Ms Flores' name. I called HCC and they told me I had to e-mail her to make sure my application was recieved as she does not take phone calls. My biggest fear is that there is a error on my app that will keep me from starting the program!

i'm sure you'll be just fine! good luck to you. :)

yes, please make sure you follow up with your application. as for the GPA, I think anything over a 3.5 will get you in....it goes by the applicants of each semester- good luck to you!

yes, please make sure you follow up with your application. as for the GPA, I think anything over a 3.5 will get you in....it goes by the applicants of each semester- good luck to you!

thanks for the heads up about the gpa. that takes some weight off my shoulders.

are you enrolled/enrolling in the program?

thanks for the heads up about the gpa. that takes some weight off my shoulders.

are you enrolled/enrolling in the program?

yeah, actually I am in my second semester, please feel free to ask any questions!

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