Hillsborough Community College Spring 2009

Nursing Students General Students


I am an alternate for HCC Dale Mabry campus. I am not yet in the program. This is my third time as an alternate, so; I don't want to be too optimistic. I found out that starting last week the school was going to be notifying alternates if they have a spring 2009 seat. I am wondering if anyone has heard that they are in yet. I am very nervous, and I would appreciate any information. Thank you

Purplestang I am excited for you, becoming a nurse means alot to me, Good luck to you and again thanks for the info

Starfish1 thanks for the info. I did speak to someone at SPC and they flat out told me I had no chance of getting in, as they gave preference to residents of St.Pete and they had alot of applicants. When you got in did you get to choose the campus you wanted to attend or were you just handed a spot a specific location and were you already a student there( you said you had problems with the transcript) I am following your advice on PHCC I will look into that just in case ......Thanks again

that's terrible that SPC told you that- geez kinda harsh I think!! as for the campus, when you get your acceptance letter you will be asked to fill out a form with the campus you would like to attend. They do the choices based on your gpa but most everyone gets what they want and if not there is usually someone there that can/will switch with you. I was a student at HCC but I enrolled at USF a while ago about 7 years ago, and I never completed a class there but just since I was enrolled there they needed a transcript and then HCC kept saying they never got it, even though I had USF send 3 of them. I would suggest e-mailing the person a few weeks after you send in your application to confirm- that way you have something in writing as well. All these schools seem to have paperwork issues and its easier for them to say "I never got it" rather than to look and see- if you have any other questions please let me know. I'd be more than happy to help in anyway I can!

Starfish1 the prospect of them telling me " Oh you never got in based on paperwork error" is scary. I will be hand delevering my app to avoid any problems and as you said following up every step of the way. Thanks again..How was your first semester? Challanging? Have you been on any clinocals yet? I ask alot of questions because I am anxious.(SORRY)

Starfish1 the prospect of them telling me " Oh you never got in based on paperwork error" is scary. I will be hand delevering my app to avoid any problems and as you said following up every step of the way. Thanks again..How was your first semester? Challanging? Have you been on any clinocals yet? I ask alot of questions because I am anxious.(SORRY)

Oh please anyway I can help ease your anxiety I will do my best....I just passed my first semester officially...although I still will be taking the HESI, I do not need it to pass the first semester.

First semester was interesting- I was an A student and didnt do so well on my first exam which was very discouraging!! but you learn how to take tests and study for the program

Clinicals start when the program starts, first you have them at HCC then I think after about 4 weeks you go to the hospital. Clinicals have been the most fun for me. I am a hands on learner and it really helps reinforce what you learn in class being applied to real clinical settings.

It's not an easy program, I eat, sleep and live nursing school- but to do this for 4 semesters is just a short time, time really just goes by sooooo fast in this program!!!

When do you plan on starting?? please feel free to let me know if you have any other questions or concerns! I was in your shoes at one time before and I was lucky that I had my neighbor who just finished the program help guide me in what I needed to do!

Well hopefully I will start in the fall 0f 2009. I currently work at Tampa General as PCT and am really looking forward to the clinicals. I guess only time will tell what kind of student I will be. Well I wish you the best, maybe we will end up working together(who knows)

ok, this morning I just hand delivered my application to HCC's nursing dept and I am very nervous. One my GPA isn't as high as everyone elses...3.10 and two when I completed the college/university section I didn't put HCC dates because I thought that section was for previous colleges. So I am thinking how will they know I am already an HCC student..finished pre-req's and transcripts on file.etc...how can I be so STUPID....ugh!!!

What should I do???? or am i worrying too much...and of course I too am worried about my math skills....the last time I took math was in 1990!!! ok..I am really freaking out. I guess I have been working so hard for this over the past year-going to school non-stop that now it is a reality and I am so scared....

again thanks for listening.

Now...I am yet to hand in my application but if i were you I would call some from the nursing program office and have them tell you the best course of action. Good Luck and don't beat yourself up :banghead:

ok, this morning I just hand delivered my application to HCC's nursing dept and I am very nervous. One my GPA isn't as high as everyone elses...3.10 and two when I completed the college/university section I didn't put HCC dates because I thought that section was for previous colleges. So I am thinking how will they know I am already an HCC student..finished pre-req's and transcripts on file.etc...how can I be so STUPID....ugh!!!

What should I do???? or am i worrying too much...and of course I too am worried about my math skills....the last time I took math was in 1990!!! ok..I am really freaking out. I guess I have been working so hard for this over the past year-going to school non-stop that now it is a reality and I am so scared....

again thanks for listening.

don't freak out!! you'll be fine...If I can remember correctly they will see that you are a student there....I am going to see if I can find my contact that I used when I had some issues with my application and forward that contact info to you just to make sure they have all your info and your application is good and ready to go! ( I am going to send this e-mail to you now)

HCC goes off of different GPA cut offs each semester....you could also apply to PHCC- they also have a nursing program that way you would have 2 applications out there...HCC is more competitive than PHCC is, from what I have heard.

good luck and please feel free to use the contact I will send you now.:wink2:


To all of those that got accepted Congrats and to the alternates keep calling and chking. Word of advise to those who got in please start reading NOW!!!!! You will be completely overwhelmed if you dont, start at the beginning and just read. Also start using nclex on that chapter or whatever you read to start to get in the mindset of nursing questions. Get all of your affairs in order because life as you know it is over. Your life will become about tests and deadlines. Go get your books if you can, the first test is like on 6 Chapters.

I am halfway through and I am just telling you what I wish someone would have told me! Good Luck I have pasted some old syllabus content here for you. I know there are new books so it will be similiar. I wasnt even looking for this today I was looking for something else online and saw ur post so good luck and God bless.

Sorry for any typos I did this really quick and this is just a portion but its a start i dont think youll get past this in 3 weeks email me direct for anything else I do not chk my acct on this site:

[email protected]

Again this is from my old syallabus!!! Order may have changed a little but content will still be covered.

week one

Chapter 1, 2,3,4,5

  • Nursing Past, Present and Future
  • Health and Wellness
  • Health Care Delivery System
  • Community Based Nursing
  • Theoretical Foundations
  • Nursing Research
  • Basic Needs
    • Hygiene (Chapter 27, Perry and Potter)
    • Vital Signs (Chapter 12, Perry and Potter)
    • Handwashing (see Perry and Potter page 207-210.)

    Demonstration/practice of:

    • Handwashing - P&P pages 207-210
    • Occupied/unoccupied bed- P&P pages 758,759
    • Mouth care- P&P page 744, 748
    • Denture care
      • Bed pans- P&P page 967
      • Fracture pans
      • Urinals
      • Vital signs

      -Blood pressure -P&P page251

      -Temperature - P&P page230

      -Respiration -P&P page262

      -Pulse (Heart rate) - P&P page242

      All skills are on CD and in study guide


week 2

Chapter 6,7,8,9,10


NURSING LAB # 2 7 am to 5 pm

Medication Administration - P&P Chapter 14

  • PO - P&P page 365
  • IM - P&P page 397
  • Preparing Injection (P&P-389)
  • SQ - P&P page 397
  • Topical - P&P page 346
  • Eye drops - P&P page 373
  • Ear drops - P&P page 378
  • Suppository - P&P page 380
  • Inhaler - P&P page 381
  • Maintaining IV therapy - P&P page 465,466,473

  • Protective equipment - P&P page

Skin integrity and wound care (Discussion on skin integrity and wound care) P&P Chapter 35

ROM - Table 34.2 page 998-999 P&P

Sterile gloving - Box 11.13 page 218 P&P

Change gown with IV therapy - page 466 P&P


Restraints - Skill 26.1 page 702-707 P&P

Activity and exercise Chapter 25

Processes in Nursing Care

  • Critical Thinking and Nursing Judgment
  • Nursing Process
  • Documentation and Reporting
  • Communication
  • Patient Education

Basic Human Needs (Maslow)

  • Activity and Exercise
  • Client Safety
  • Comfort
  • Nutrition
  • Urinary elimination
  • Bowel elimination

week 3

TEST ON WEEK 1 and 2!!!!!


16, 17, 21 18,19 Potter and Perry

Caring Throughout the Lifespan:

  • Health and Wellness (done week one)-do not repeat
  • Caring
  • Spirituality
  • Culture ad Ethnicity
  • Caring of Families
  • Growth and Development
  • Young Adult
  • Middle Adult
  • Older Adult (Questions for Well Elderly)

Sorry I meant to say the first week you read like six chapters the first test is on alot of chapters:loveya:

Sorry I meant to say the first week you read like six chapters the first test is on alot of chapters:loveya:

yes I agree....A LOT of chapters i would suggest as in the previous post start reading and taking notes now and start those NCLEX questions!!

Thank you very much....I was so nervous and frusterated with myself. I was able to contact the nursing program coordinator ( I guess that is her position). Per HCC admissions process we are supposed to contact Ms. Flores and I did..and of course she said my app was fine and stop worrying! hahaha easy for her to say. I will look up PHCC and it will not hurt for me to send my app there as well. I wish when I was in school in my 20's that I took it as seriously as I do now or else my GPA would have been a lot higher! haha...all my A's are from my time in school now...oh well.

Thanks again and oh by the way...Ms. Flores told me that the committee will be looking at the app's the end of March...ugh and then she will send out letters!!!

Should we be getting our CPR cert now? Boy that is close timing....

Thanks Starfish1 and Minichilli85...

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