"Hey you" "You in the blue scrubs" or just an uncomfortable stare is how I am called when a nurse needs my help.Ive been a nurse assistant for 7 years and everyday is a learning experience. Some days their just experiences I wish I could avoid. I wish nurses could see WE CNA"s ARE THE BACKBONE OF NURSING. We are social workers,housekeeping, play parents,clerks,security you name it we do it.But this day really made me realize "Am I needed?"
7pm aka change of shift aka all hell breaks loose our patient comes back from the OR. Because my 7am nurse is leaving and giving report to the 7pm nurse I the lovely smiley CNA takes the initiative to make sure the baby vitals are in,he's dry,etc etc but unfortunately that was a huge mistake. "What are you doing to my patient? Shouldn't you be checking the trash? Aren't you housekeeping?" She yells loudly across the room. Embarrassed is an understatement of what I felt.Not only did she embarrassed me but she wasn't paying me any attention when I introduce myself to her and the parents. I never knew I could turn so red in the face until that very moment. As soon as I was about to defend myself our patient stops breathing and a code blue is called. All of a sudden she knew my occupation. Wow what a miraculous turn out I thought in my sarcastic voice. Long story short my patient lived and his parents said they were thankful I was there to help regardless of my occupation. All I could do is laugh. So to answer my question, Am I needed? Do I feel appreciated? Am I respected? 8 times of 10 yes but that doesn't bring me to work everyday. Seeing my patients up and smiling or when they give me hugs makes my day. But also respect comes a long way, at the end of the day we are all a team and we should treat each other with respect regardless of our job title or degree. So nurses give your CNA"s love and let them know they are people too. : )