Published Aug 28, 2002
29 Posts
I am starting a new business as an independent contract nurse that I hope to eventually turn into an agency.
I also hope to do some writing ( nurse/cna educational materials).
Does any one have any ideas for my business name?
I live in Sunny Florida and would like to appear grounded, established. For example... "Preferred"... or "First Choice".
You guys are a creative bunch... I know, I have read the threads!
Would appreciate any suggestions!
I will let you know what I eventually pick.
603 Posts
No ideas just yet, but do make sure it works for you in the business pages -- as in, have "Nurse" be the first word so people looking alphabetically find it without trying to slog through the yellow pages.
hoolahan, ASN, RN
1 Article; 1,721 Posts
Nursing Concepts
Enterprising Nurses
Nightengale Nurses (OK, flo's been around a while)
Comprehensive Nurses
Preferred Health Associates
Best Bet Nursing Services
Nurturing Nurses
Primary Health Endeavors
Vital Ventures
Heavenly Helpers
I don't know, these all sound boring. But it's your business. How about something catchier, like StatCare, or NursePro, Inc. (NPI), or Health Harmonies? I like the rhying type names, they stick in your mind. What about Florida's Finest? Maybe would get confused with hookers! LOL! Florida's Favorite Healthcare. Sunshine Nurses!!! That's what I like, Sunshine Nursing Enterprises!
I love to think up this kind of stuff, I'll be back if more come to mind.
Thanks for all of the ideas/thoughts. Wow Hoolahan, maybe you should consider the consulting business...
See I knew you guys were creative...
22 Posts
1,827 Posts
Those are GOOD Hoolahan !
Anyone have a thought on Nursing Solutions?
nightingale, RN
2,404 Posts
I like that one tinker. Have you researched it to make sure someone else does not have the name?
I am about to take a business class that will help me establish and set up my business to be successful. It is called, "Starting Your Own Business"; the local Chamber of Commerce sanctions the class and provides the support after the class is finished.
These are great business names. I especially like the ones with nure in them for the reason research rabbit stated.
501 Posts
Vital Signs
Nancey Nurse (like girl friday)
Prn Nurse
Oncall Nurse
A.B.C. First Nurse (airway,breathing,circulation)
NurseCare(short and to the point)
Back to Basic Nursing
Core Angel
Heavenly Angels (but then they might think your a bra from victorias secrets)
Professional Staffing Only
Just a few
I think Nursing Solutions is great!
112 Posts
SharonH, RN
2,144 Posts
I like Nursing Solutions and True Care Nursing.