Help, am I doomed to LPN..are there any other choices??

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students


I have 10 yrs of college! with a 2yr degree pre nursing... lots of mistakes/ business /computers wasnt for me and im very hard headed/ thats what all that is about.

My overall gpa is 2.1 , my pre nursing course work is 3.8 (finally found what i was suppose to be doing)

Im in a LPN program right now and doing very well.

I have applied to lots of schools and NONE NONE will take me for the RN program NOT BECause of my nursing course work but because I have a low OVERAll GPA

A counslor and I went over what it would take to raise my GPA up to the 2.5 or 2.7 requirements and I have to take over 100 classes with an A average in each class..(because of how they calculate gpa with over all hours and I Have to many hours already)

I wish I could just forget that I had ANY college.. and start over..but they wont let me... I have to report every college Iv been to.

OK so my question is AM I doomed to just be an LPN..

Does anyone know of programs that I DONT need an OVERall GPA for RN

Or any other suggestions to move on into RN program...

I dont want to be an LPN.. for long anyway.

HAS anyone else suffered with this???


I just finish the LVN program and I am very proud. I also love working with the elderly. LVN' are great nurses, and I also know LVN's who have a world of knowledge. I feel that Lvn' are always given a bad rap.

Quitters never win and winners never quit!

Why is your GPA so low?

You need at least a 2.5 at my university to graduate from any major.

My advice would be for you to graduate your LVN program first and pass your boards before you think about becoming a RN.


I am in your same situation. I am going the LPN route because I can't get into a school for RN because of my GPA. I have taken ALL the pre nursing courses and 1 semester of nursing. My husband job situation made me take time off. When I reapplied they told me they have a minimum GPA of 3.0 now and I just miss it. I refuse to spend $1000 a course just to boost my GPA. I am hoping to do my RN online of hoping I will have better luck after I get my LPN. I don't mind being an LPN. My mother has been an LPN for 27 years. I however want to work in ER or hospital setting and only hire RN's. Sad but true. My mother gets so mad when she hears this because LPN's are great nurses!!!

Specializes in LTAC, Wound Care, Case Management.

Have you thought about just retaking some of the courses that you didn't do as well in? Most schools will take the higher grade which will improve your GPA without taking classes that do not pertain to your degree. For example, if you had previously taken Algebra and received a C and retake it and get an A; most schools would erase the C and factor the A into your GPA. This would be the easiest and quickest way to improve your GPA. In my area the schools are looking for your nursing GPA, especially in the LPN-RN transition programs. Good luck to you whatever you decide.

Specializes in MedSurg, Clinic, ER.

In 1995, I had pursued a degree in business/accounting and was holding a solid 4.0... then my life fell apart and in spite of trying to keep up with school, my gpa suffered. I had some F's and some W's from not being able to attend class and just giving up/dropping/etc... It really wasn't 'what I wanted to do', so I perhaps didn't give it every thing I could... but I was stubborn and tried really hard to keep going when I should have put it on hold.

Now, my overall GPA is sitting precariously on the edge of 3.0 and my single summer class is actually going to LOWER that even if I get an A. I found out about this and was ticked! Haha... but of course, it is because those 4pts/4hrs are melded in with all of those 0pts/3hrs and it just stinks.

Looking ahead, though, some of my courses are going to be retakes for pre-reqs when I move on to the RN level so that's good news... but some of it I just don't have time to mess with. (What nursing school would use principles of accounting? LOL)

When it comes time to move on to the ADN and BSN levels, I know I will have to find a school that will accept my GPA as is. I plan on doing my best in my NURSING coursework and praying I can have an opportunity to explain my previous screw up.

Consider it a mistake you made and adjust your plans accordingly. Do your best in your LVN coursework and if you feel like retaking, go ahead... but it can be done without retakes. Know that you may have to broaden your search for ADN and BSN programs that will accept you or just bite the bullet and take the courses over again.

However, it should be noted that if you intend to progress to MSN level coursework, those programs (from what I have read on this site) DO look at ALL of it in the selection process... (who knows, I might just retake that PoA class... hmm... lol)

As the director of my LVN program told me when I was struggling with meeting the deadlines for application this year..... (wise advice in any situation)

Don't give up until you have exhausted EVERY option available to you!

Specializes in LTC, hospice, home health.

Yes. I have, but I'm attempting to do Excelsior. My situation wasn't about GPA. It was the fact that I dropped my pre-requisites and took them over. And they would not take me because I dropped my classes.

Specializes in LTC, hospice, home health.

In fact, I did apply for Boward Community College three years ago and I was accepted. I decided to go to Florida Int'l University instead to earn a bachelors. Just keep looking for different schools; or earn a bachelors in a different field. I hear that they give preference to those with degrees.

I'm having this same problem. RN and BSN programs accept so few people it sometimes doesn't even matter how great your gpa is. I'm going to do an LPN program and then enter a BSN program at the almost halfway point, so it's a good route, just a little more money and a little more time. The programs I have heard of go only off of your lpn classes grades, so just do well, and that will help get you there.

And. I don't at all fault you for not wanting to be an LPN long term. There is nothing wrong with wanting to do something more with your life than stay an lpn when there are better jobs out there. That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with lpn's, and when they take it this way it is only due to their insecurities.

Good luck, and don't let the haters get you down!! :)

My question to you is, if you get your LPN and are willing to transfer schools that will accept those credits, why do you have to tell them anything about your GPA???? If you are licensed most places to get your RN will only look at your grades from your LPN program. And they might not even do that. Most just look to see if you will have to take any nursing classes over to be up to their RN program standards. Or at least in my state this is how it works.

Specializes in Addiction / Pain Management.

Finish your LPN and pass the exam then worry about your RN.

1. Find a counselor before your **** more money anyway.

1A. I'll guess the counselor will suggest retaking the course preferably with a different instructor.

1B. Find out it your RN school count cumulative GPA or just those prerequisites.

Lastly - Breathe

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