Published Apr 15, 2008
1 Post
I go to college in New York and will be in Tulsa for the summer. I have been advised to train as a CNA over the summer, but I cannot figure out how to get started, what the process is, and where to go. I would appreciate any advice! Thank you!
19 Posts
Try Tulsa Technology Center. They should have a CNA course.
151 Posts
If you need a CNA class that starts often, There is Interim (the one I took - it was good. They had day and night classes), Wings, Dreamakers, and Tulsa Technology Center. You should call now to find out info so that you can enroll. Alot of nursing students take these classes in the summer and sometimes can be hard to find one still open. Hope this helps.
25 Posts
I may be mistaken, but I believe OSU-Tulsa offers some sort of CNA training as well.
60 Posts
If you havent found anything yet OSU offers a free CNA course in OKC and in the Tulsa area. Ill be starting it hopefully the end of next month or in June.
Im at school so I dont have the numbers with me but Ill post them tonight along with the contact names. When I called they were very nice.
Its a two week course. You get two sets of scrubs and the text too.
The big thing is that its FREE!! :)
You can call 1 800 560 4099 and ask for information on their free CNA program. This number is for OKC but they are in charge of the Tulsa area program also. GL
1,987 Posts
I went to Dream Maker's School for Health Care Aides and I really liked it. Classes start every two weeks, and they limit the amount of people in the classes so you can get more individualized attention. Betty Fields is the woman who runs it, and she's wonderful. I learned so much from them. It is ~$500 though. If you can find one for free, that might be better. However, if you can't, I really liked Dream Maker's.
3 Posts
here is the web address for the CNA program of OSU/OKC good luck.
15 Posts
"Wings" in Broken Arrow has a course. If you're not familiar with the area, Broken Arrow is a suburb of Tulsa - 10 mi. East. I dont know how good it is, but I heard it's short and affordable.
16 Posts
You should check with convalesant or assisted living facilities.alot of them have classes that the facilities teachs on the job. you work as a Nursing Assistant until you finish training and go thru certification exam
11 Posts
Dream Makers CNA Training is no longer taking applications for their classes, they will be closing in the next month. March 2010.
634 Posts
OSU Medical Center has a PAID training+job if you're interested in being a nurse aide in a hospital. It is NOT certified, so you won't be a "C"NA, but you will have all the skills to work there as a Nurse Aide. In exchange for the 1 month paid training you "owe" them 1 year of worrk. But hey, most people want a job anyway, right? I did it almost 2 years ago and LOVED it. When I took the class it was 9.00/hour for the training and 9.25/hour after you passed the test and were officially hired on. Plus shift differentials. I cannot speak highly enough of this program and this hospital. The class is offered about every 3 months. If you apply at for a nurse aide position with no training/experience, they automatically put you in the applicant pool for the next nurse aide training class. Good luck everyone!