Published Dec 15, 2005
192 Posts
How many people out there use RN in their user name and haven't taken boards yet. Just wondering
I was just wondering
LPNtoBSNstudent, BSN, RN
147 Posts
I have never known anyone to do that.
prmenrs, RN
4,565 Posts
That would be fraud and illegal. So not a good plan.
Hellllllo Nurse, BSN, RN
2 Articles; 3,563 Posts
I think the OP means how many people here on this forum have "RN" in their allnurses name, but have not taken boards.
Is that correct?
There are people on this forum who have not even started nursing school yet and have "RN" in their user name and that really bugs me.
231 Posts
I have C.R.N.A. in my username, and I am a pre-core Nursing student.
I had assumed that the "Someday" part would have made my non-anesthetist status clear, but I have heard that it is "misleading". (Clearly not what I was going for).
I do plan to change my username, but I'm still trying to decide what I want to be called on this site.
When I first registered, I was researching the profession, and my username represents the goal I had in mind at that time. Now that I've gotten a bit more comfortable here (and in the profession), I feel it only appropriate to endear myself to my fellow posters with a more personal title.
We'll see...........
Havin' A Party!, ASN, RN
2,722 Posts
"Hello I am taking a pole"
Thought this thread was gonna be about something else (maybe another major gripe session?!?!?).
3,779 Posts
"Hello I am taking a pole"Thought this thread was gonna be about something else (maybe another major gripe session?!?!?).
:rotfl: :chuckle:
nurse4theplanet, RN
1,377 Posts
It is misleading and if you did it in real life or try to pass yourself off as an RN when your not.....well you are treading in hot water, IMO.
I never understand why people put 'student' in their username either because when you are no longer a student, and still posting on the board, it is equally misinterpreted.
I find it very appealing to just put in an easily editable signature that describes what point I am at in my education.
875 Posts
I have never really thought about user names. In many ways they are just there to express things about ourselves, and if someone is a student on the way to RN, LPN or whatever, and wants to use RN in their name, well- I don't think there is anything fraudulent about it.
Thanks for your replies. I just had something said to me about my user name and wanted to make a point. Thanks
10 Articles; 19,023 Posts
i see that you've chosen user name as rn1. you list your occupation as banking.
due to increasing amounts of members signing up with nursing credentials they don't hold, changed it's registration form in 2005 to include this statement:
user security precautions: please do not use your full name for your username, your username will be seen on each of your postings. please do not use your full email address as your username - it will be removed.please do not put credentials like nurse or rn in your username unless you hold these titles.most important: is your email box being filtered for spam?
user security precautions:
we rely on our great membership to self police the bb along with our moderating and admin team. members will bring to our attention new members who list username credentials but profile states nursing student or posts indicate they are not nurses/credentialed.
mod team will contact member to change name. in rare circumstances, we will change name ourselves or deny bb privileges.
did you somehow miss this bold statement on sign up?
expect my pm shortly.