Published Apr 9, 2005
5 Posts
So....... Im a 20 year old Male and would like to get into the nursing field. The thing is Ive got alot of tattoos. Starting from my shoulder all the way down to my wrist on both arms(called sleeves). Im just wondering if nurses can get away with wearing long sleeve shirts, or if I could even wear a white long sleeve under the nursing uniform. Do any of you wear long sleeves? Or any of your co-workers? Some honest advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
NurseCard, ADN
2,850 Posts
Well, I hate to say that yes, in the nursing field you may run into employers who may not approve of your heavy body art. Sooo... I absolutely do not see any reason why you couldn't wear long sleeves. You could wear a nice business casual shirt to your interview, and then on the job many employers will allow you to wear a lab coat, or even perhaps a long sleeved casual white top.
Where I work, we aren't supposed to wear long sleeved t shirts or turtlenecks underneath our short sleeved scrub tops, but there are long sleeved scrub tops that we can wear, and also we are allowed to wear plain white lab coats.
374 Posts
Your tats shouldn't keep you from getting into nursing school. If they want you to keep them covered there is no reason you couldn't wear a long sleeved t-shirt, turtle neck or henley under your scrubs. Our unit is ALWAYS cold and I almost always wear a long sleeved shirt under my scrubs, or a warm up jacket over top. As you seem to already know, people may judge you because of the tattoos, but nursing is full of all kinds of colorful people...Good Luck!!
2,450 Posts
IMHO, you could get away with long sleeves...
Some of your patients may not like it, but some may think you are extra cool.... Boy what a way to break a stereotype! I applauded you....!!
49 Articles; 5,349 Posts
In our program, all tatoos need to be covered on the clinical floor (not in the classroom). One of our students (who has since graduated) had a cute little wrist tatoo. She wore an elastic band over her wrist to cover the tatoo the entire time she had clinicals. It probably would be best to check with the nursing schools in your area as to their policies concerning tatoos and uniforms in clinical, and if it would be permissible for you to wear long sleeves under their nursing uniform.
humglum, BSN, RN
140 Posts
It depends on how strict your facility is. Yes, you can definitely get a job. I worked with one guy who was heavily inked (more than you are, by the sounds of it), and he got away with a regular scrub top. Every now and then a patient would ask him (usually an elderly one) if he regretted having it done and Joe would reply, "No, its just ink". He was a cool guy.
However, if your facility requires that you cover up your ink, you can always wear long sleeves or a labcoat/jacket over your scrubs.
I'm curious about the poster who isn't allowed to wear long-sleeved shirts under scrub tops. Why is that?
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
I think as long as a person doesn't have tats all over his face, where it would scare a small child or geriatric patient....heck, or even then it's ok to have tats and be in the nursing field.
I agree with the other posters that you may encounter hospitals that would not allow them to be visible while you are at work.
With all that said, and your tats covered, good luck to you!
Jo Dirt
3,270 Posts
If I was a DON or nurse manager, the tatoos wouldn't bother me, but the DON's I know of wouldn't allow it (I live in a very conservative area).
I'm sure you will find those on both sides of the fence throughout your nursing career, I wouldn't let it keep me out of school.
There is a guy who works behind the counter at the post office here who is heavily tattooed and wears an earring. He used to have long hair but has since cut it. He wears his postal uniform short sleeves and all. Everyone loves him. As he is getting up in age (early 40's, I assume) I have wondered if he regrets the tatt's, but I don't know him well enough to ask a question like that. At any rate, the tatt's didn't harm his ability to get a decent job.
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
Our policy is that tatoos mucst be covered, but in our O.R. and maternity floors, no long sleeved shirts are allowed, just jackets (unless you're scrubbed).
Curious1alwys, BSN, RN
1,310 Posts
FYI.........I saw a registered nurse (he had a name tag on) in my local IHOP with tatoos all over him. He worked at the correctional facility!!:rotfl: Seriously. It's an option!!
105 Posts
There is a young man in our nursing program at the moment with a largish tattoo on one arm. Our program requires that any tattoos are completely covered during clinical. I finally asked him how he manages during clinical, since there is no way that a scrub top would cover it. He said that he wears a long-sleeve white top (OK in our program, since some clinical sites are chilly) underneath his scrub top. Here's the thing though, can you imagine giving someone a shower dressed this way? By the end of his clinical day, he's dripping in sweat.
234 Posts
You probably won't have any problems getting into a school but you'll probably have to wear long sleeves & cover them for clinicals. As for when you're working it'll depend on the facility & setting. I have a couple (only 2 are actally visible) & haven't encountered any problems, just some interesting questions about them!