Health Care and Contraception: Did the Supreme Court Get It Right?

Nurses General Nursing


  1. Was the Supreme Court right to rule that the Affordable Care Act violated the religio

    • 1023
      No - The ruling allows bosses to impose their religious beliefs on their employees. Besides, the Constitution grants religious freedom to individuals, not corporations.
    • 483
      Yes - The religious beliefs of company owners take precedence over their employees' right to have access to birth control.

1,506 members have participated

Should religious family-owned companies be required to cover contraceptives under their insurance plans? The high court says no.

I'm curious how you nurses feel about this? Please take a second to vote in our quick poll.

This is a highly political topic, I'd rather not turn this into a hot argumentative subject, so please keep your comments civil :) But please feel free to comment. Thanks

Here is an article on the topic:

Hobby Lobby Ruling Cuts Into Contraceptive Mandate


In a 5-4 decision Monday, the Supreme Court allowed a key exemption to the health law's contraception coverage requirements when it ruled that closely held for-profit businesses could assert a religious objection to the Obama administration's regulations. What does it mean? Here are some questions and answers about the case.What did the court's ruling do?

The court's majority said that the for-profit companies that filed suit-Hobby Lobby Stores, a nationwide chain of 500 arts and crafts stores, and Conestoga Wood Specialties, a maker of custom cabinets-didn't have to offer female employeesall Food and Drug Administration-approved contraceptivesas part of a package of preventive services that must be covered without copays or deductibles under the law. The companies had argued that several types of contraceptivesviolate their owners' religious beliefs. The ruling also covers a Hobby Lobby subsidiary, the Mardel Christian bookstores.

Unfortunately, pro-abortion folks want what they want so badly that scientific truths don't matter - so they resort to UNscientific lies. Hobby Lobby stood for SCIENTIFIC truth.

Excuse me, but your bias is showing ;)

And I don't know a single person who is pro-abortion. Pro choice does not equal pro abortion.

Specializes in TELE, CVU, ICU.
As soon as I realized I answered on the wrong post, I went back and apologized. Please see above. And you are 100% correct, this issue is so important to me, as I'm sure it is to everyone involved in this thread, that I let it get out of hand and I truly apologize. I should not let it take me there and behave so rudely. I am sorry and I think I should probably back out of this thread now because I'm overheated by it and I need a break from it.

you may need a break from a lot of things, we are all overworked and overburdened, nurses care. Sometimes too much. I've counseled a few women in my time and borne the brunt of their decisions. That is to say, I put my money where my mouth is. If I counsel a woman and she decides not to have an abortion on account of what I said, I pay, by supporting her and her baby until she is ready to support herself. I haven't seen many of these so-called "Christians" doing that. And that is just the way it is.

But we are not talking about abortion. We are talking about birth control.

And we, as women, have the right to birth control. And abortion. On demand. Without apology.

Specializes in L & D; Postpartum.

The Planned Parenthood Clinic in Aurora, CO recently got an award for "surpassing" their abortion goals. I have a link and will provide it, but you can easily look it up. If PP is so Pro-Choice, I have to ask if they also have goals for adoptions. To give an award for doing more abortions than their goal just makes me want to puke. Just having a goal makes me want to puke.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Unfortunately, pro-abortion folks want what they want so badly that scientific truths don't matter - so they resort to UNscientific lies. Hobby Lobby stood for SCIENTIFIC truth.

You may believe whatever you prefer in this matter.

Our constitution is supposed to protect us from the beliefs of others, no one is supposed to be allowed to dictate ANY ASPECT of life and living to another based upon a religious belief, a fairy tale, a fear, etc. Our ancestors, in large part, came her to escape religious interference.

Poll: Voters Support Hobby Lobby Decision by 10-Point Margin

10:25 PM, Jul 2, 2014 • By JOHN MCCORMACK

A new Rasmussen poll finds that 49 percent of American voters support a religious exemption to the federal government's contraception mandate, while 39 percent oppose such an exemption:

Half of voters agree with the U.S. Supreme Court that a business owner should be able to opt out of Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate if it violates his or her religious beliefs. But most also say a company’s level of contraceptive coverage is not that important to their decision to work there.

The latest Reports national telephone survey finds that 43% of Likely U.S. Voters think businesses should be required by law to provide health insurance that covers all government-approved contraceptives for women without co-payments or other charges to the patient. Slightly more (47%) say companies should not be required to meet this contraceptive mandate included in the new national health care law. Ten percent (10%) are not sure.

A recent Huffington Post/YouGov poll also found that a plurality of Americans supported Hobby Lobby.

The Planned Parenthood Clinic in Aurora, CO recently got an award for "surpassing" their abortion goals. I have a link and will provide it, but you can easily look it up. If PP is so Pro-Choice, I have to ask if they also have goals for adoptions. To give an award for doing more abortions than their goal just makes me want to puke. Just having a goal makes me want to puke.

A cursory google shows that this "award" was posted on a social media site. I cannot find any proof other than on anti-abortion agenda websites that it actually exists. Again, OT, but I need proof, and not from the conspiracy theorists.

In the poll choices for 'yes', it states this:

"Yes - The religious beliefs of company owners take precedence over their employees' right to have access to birth control."

This above statement, as far as Hobby Lobby goes, isn't exactly correct. It insinuates that employees don't have access to birth control. First of all, employees can get any form of birth control that they want as long as they pay for it so it isn't as though they don't have access. Second of all in the case of Hobby Lobby, they ARE willing to cover 16 out of 20 forms of contraception. They only take exception to 4 out of 20 forms of birth control - the forms that will end the life of an egg that is already conceived because they believe that this is similar or the same as taking a life.

Specializes in Critical Care.
Unfortunately, pro-abortion folks want what they want so badly that scientific truths don't matter - so they resort to UNscientific lies. Hobby Lobby stood for SCIENTIFIC truth.

Your suggesting that either the conservative justices of the court never bothered to consider the scientific argument that these 4 drugs are abortifacients, that they did but aren't as capable as you of understanding the scientific conclusions involved, or that they considered this but didn't agree with the conclusion you are drawing, even given their well established conservative leanings. Personally, it's the last possibility that seems the most plausible.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.


Several posts have been deleted. Continued violation of the Terms of Service WILL result in points.

You may believe whatever you prefer in this matter.

No, we are to believe scientific truth, not pro-abortion fairy tales about how abortion isn't really killing anything, etc..

If you want to believe pro-abortion fairy tales, you can but, as a nation, we ought not to make laws out of your fairy tales, much less make Hobby Lobby abide by those fairy tales.

If a pro-abort wants to believe the sky is pink, no problem, but if the belief involves taking a human life, that is a very significant violation of conscience - which Hobby Lobby went to SCOTUS to avoid.

Also, as nurses, we must remember that all previous forms of genocide started with calling other humans as 'not human'. This definitely IS NOT the nursing ethic.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.


Further off topic discussion WILL be deleted. If you wish to debate abortion please start another thread.

Specializes in LTC Rehab Med/Surg.

Ooops. My post was not relevant to the HL debate, and I definitely don't want this thread shut down.

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