Having a hard time finding a RN-BSN program that accepts Excelsior Credits/degree


Just beginning TCN then to Excelsior

Philadelphia PA

As i furthered my research into my courses I found out that the 6 main schools i contacted dont accept my future degree thru excelsior. If thats the case i would have never signed up for TCN thru Excelsior. Im so confused as to what to do. Im not sure if i should chalk up my money and start fresh into a local school program or finish my courses thru excelsior, hoping that one day i can find a bsn program that will accept my credits. I am scheduled to take Lifespan developmental in the beginning of febuary but im so upset i cant even focus.

Has anyone else had a hard time getting into a bsn program with your excelsior credits? Although Excelsior says they can be transferred, im not putting my faith in them right now. I feel like it would be pointless to continue the program if i can only be an rn:banghead:

Is there any light at the end of this tunnel? Are their nurses that have succefully completed the program and went for their BSn at a local school?

My ultimate goal is to be a CRNA. I already know the requirements but a part of me feels like because its online schooling, its gonna come back to bite me in the butt

Cut your losses, quit, and go to a properly-accredited not-for-profit school as soon as possible. Do not waste another dime or day in those programs. Don't know what TCN is, but I think it extremely unlikely that those EC credits will ever get you into the educational path you seek, as you have described herein.

We hear that here all the time.

A cautionary tale for others, once again.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

TCN is the college network they are a publishing company independent from Excelsior (neither recommended nor affiliated despite what their reps say) that creates expensive study guides for CLEP exams and Excelsior exams. They are not a school nor can they legitimately offer credits or academic advising.

Their services are paid via private loan (not a student loan) that you are obligated to pay whether or not you choose to utilize their services/study guides or even take receipt of their study guides.

Specializes in Outpatient/Clinic, ClinDoc.

Excelsior college (not TCN) is properly accredited (regionally and CCNE) and non profit. Your credits should transfer fine. I got into several RN to BSN programs with my degree - which schools have you checked with?

TCN is not affiliated with excelsior - they are a publishing company that sells study guides at high prices, IMO.

Excelsior college (not TCN) is properly accredited (regionally and CCNE) and non profit. Your credits should transfer fine. I got into several RN to BSN programs with my degree - which schools have you checked with?

TCN is not affiliated with excelsior - they are a publishing company that sells study guides at high prices, IMO.

Community College, Aria health, Drexel just to name a few. You live in the PA area?

I just finished my 8th chapter of lifespan dev. and dont really want to go thru all the stress of it if i know in the long run my credits are no good. Even if i get my bachelors thru excelsior. I spoke to an advisor and i know they say its accredited but each college/university is different.

Which programs did you apply for that accepted your credits? You didnt get your BSN thru excelsior? And yes i didnt find that out about tcn until after i signed up and by the time i knew it it was too late.

Specializes in Outpatient/Clinic, ClinDoc.

When you are completed with your excelsior degree you will have a regionally accredited associates degree, either an ASN or an AASN. This is generally all that is needed to get into any RN to BSN program. The 'nursing' classes of any program are usually not transferable to any other program, but that's not needed when you already have your RN.

I am wondering if perhaps you are going for your AASN and they are telling you that some of your classes may have to be retaken or that you may need additional general education? If you test out of certain lab classes using excelsior, you may need to retake those classes as the science classes may not count as having a lab. I am surprised you could not get into drexel, but why were you trying to get into a community college? do they offer a BSN?

Drexel states they take clep exams for credit.. and the admission requires:

Official transcripts must show that 60 semester hours of college prerequisites with grade of C or better were acquired in*:

  • Nursing - 30 hours
  • English (including one semester of composition) - 6 hours
  • Humanities (studio courses not acceptable) - 3 hours
  • Anatomy and Physiology - 8 hours
  • Microbiology - 4 hours
  • Sociology - 3 hours
  • Growth and Development - 3 hours
  • Psychology - 3 hours

So if they aren't accepting you possibly your degree would be missing something above that you could fulfill with a CLEP exam or another external test.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

I had no problem with the schools I applied to, including University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and Slippery Rock University in PA. For the record, EC has both regional and national accreditation and is a not-for-profit school.

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTACH, LTC, Home Health.

Two of my BSN classmates just graduated with EC's BSN and are both accepted into graduate programs already. Some people just listen to the common gripe on these boards and form assumptions based on that hearsay and take it as the gospel without verifying the information. All I can do to that is just shake my head :( I know of four people PERSONALLY who received their EC ASN degrees and received the BSN elsewhere...not in PA, of course...and one of them is set to graduate in December as an ER Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

There are options out there. Do your research. And by all means, don't allow someone who has NEVER taken one course or exam with EC tell you what can and cannot be done with your EC degree. I am an EC ASN degree holder, passed the NCLEX-RN on the first attempt, and will be graduating with an EC BSN in October. For the record, I began my RN-BSN with another college after transferring my EC credits into it. I returned to EC because that other college would not accept my statistics course from another entity, but EC would.

Good luck to you!:yes:

Specializes in Nurse Scientist-Research.

I personally know a former LVN-RN (through EC) who then attended Texas Tech for BSN followed by UTMB for NP. I've chatted with another member here who went to Texas Tech after EC for LVN-RN (txspadequeenRN). You know EC offers RN to BSN also right? I just graduated from their BSN program and chat regularly with 2 fellow graduates accepted into NP programs from private and state universities.

There can be a couple of issues with going to RN to BSN programs after EC about certain situations. If the accepting college doesn't like CLEP credits, there could be an issue. If the accepting college insists on 8 credits for A&P I&II and you took the A&P exam without a lab component but then you would just need to get the labs.

Every college is going to have their picky course they insist you get to "level up". I didn't like EC's requirement for their particular writing course. Have you been referring to TCN as a college? They aren't anything but a money pit. Sorry you got in with them. Best you can do is not extend your relationship (probably can't get out of it) and don't ever listen to their advisers about anything.

Oh yea, and I have an application out to Texas A&M for the MSN program, acceptance letters haven't gone out but I've talked to the recruiters several times and they haven't told me to go away.

Specializes in Nurse Scientist-Research.

Whereas some may claim that EC not being properly accredited. Their are the problems States that demand documentation of preceptorship, and oh, California of course. Those are givens. But once you take boards and get your license few colleges will turn away your money for the RN to BSN.

Enjoy some of the successes listed below.


I just graduated from excelsior and have been accepted into my first choice bsn program. In fact I haven't heard of a single person who has graduated from excelsior and had any problem getting into a bsn program. Shoot even excelsior has a rn to bsn program and they sure can't deny their own graduates.

Specializes in Nurse Scientist-Research.
Cut your losses, quit, and go to a properly-accredited not-for-profit school as soon as possible. Do not waste another dime or day in those programs. Don't know what TCN is, but I think it extremely unlikely that those EC credits will ever get you into the educational path you seek, as you have described herein.

We hear that here all the time.

A cautionary tale for others, once again.

I'm sorry, I have to come back to this. Not only is EC fully accredited, the NLN has named the school a Center of Excellence.

Excelsior College | Excelsior College's Accreditation

Additionally, they are and always have been not-for-profit.

Excelsior College | History

Some have even found they are one of the most affordable online RN to BSN programs. The figure on this website is scarily similar to what my degree cost. Remember, they are super-accepting of transfer credits, CLEP, etc. . . I earned 6 credits for $70 CLEP test fee and $10 transfer fee.

The 10 Cheapest RN to BSN online programs : RN to BSN Online Programs

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