Have decided not to pursue RN


I wanted to be an RN so bad. But after 6 years working as an LPN I have decided not to pursue it any further. I still believe it is a self-less profession in which you have to care for humanity to be in it. I am just so hurt by certain things I have seen and experienced. I will continue to work as an LPN until I can do something else. Has anyone out there come to this point?

I almost quit my dream of nursing after working at two different hospitals as a CNA. The first had poor staffing ratios that made me feel as though I couldn't do a good job. The second had poor infection control (98% or so of RNs, techs, LPNs, etc.) did not follow contact precautions for MRSA/C-diff pts when directly caring for them. I said something to my manager three times and quit in disgust. I am glad I gave another hospital -and nursing -another chance. I like my current CNA job. --It is a hard job, but we have good ratios, good teamwork, and good infection control procedures.

Maybe you might try working at another facility. There are so many things you can do with an RN. You can work in hospitals, spas, medical offices, etc. You can also work for a pharmaceutical or an insurance company, etc. If you decide that bedside care isn't for you, you could still get the RN (one year) and then apply it to another area.

Good luck to you.

Specializes in SICU.

I've come to that point a few times in my career... and I'm there now and have been for a few years. Sad to say, it's the money that keeps me doing it. Don't get me wrong - I still smile and provide excellent patient care (both physical and emotional), but my heart's just not in it. I'm crispy-fried burnt out... to the point that it's painful at times.

Good luck in whatever you decide to do with your professional life, and try not to feel too badly about your choice. I wish I'd had the gumption to walk away a long time ago.

You are not the only one. I wanted to become an RN after getting my LPN. I have been an LPN for almost 10 years and the desire to become an RN just isn't there anymore. I work in Urgent Care and I love my job. We were just discussing this very same thing a week ago at work. I am happy where I am and where I am going. Sure I would make more money as an RN but I would also have more student loans to pay off and the stress of working and going back to school just is not enough incentive for me.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I'm sorry to hear that and good luck to you.

Be careful that the "until I find something else" doesn't stretch out years. If nothing else becoming an RN will help you make more money and give you more options. You don't want to be here five years from now still bitter.

Best wishes!

I wish you all the luck. Yes, sometimes it is simply a "job", sometimes a lot more. Like others have said, there are always options in nursing and a new job may help a lot.

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

Well, I have not wanted to become an RN from the beginning, so maybe I understand how you feel. The bottom line to me is that self worth/esteem, respect and pride in what you do must come from within, first. I have been in the nursing field in many aspects from CNA, Medical Assistant, Home Health Aide, PCA, etc...and sort of knew from observation what each branch of nursing entailed (at least from MY perspective), and see that RN nursing is not for me. It would not do myself, the patients or the facilities I may work for to pursue something because everyone else thinks that I should. I have also seen too many situations that I often have wondered if I were the nurse in charge, how would I have actually handled that? And the answers did not come.

You say that you were hurt by some experiences. Would you like to share what they were to give more insight? Did you expect that nursing was more than what it really is? Or that it doesn't seem to be the caring, compassionate career that you originally thought it was? I can say that for me, in some instances. I found that many times, doing the right thing depended on who was on duty. How do I get to advocate for the patient or myself, get the point across and not be blackballed by it? How do I protect the patient, or myself? In any event, you do what is best for yourself. No reason to live up to the Joneses, financially or scholastically if that is not your desire.

if this is your decision then it may be the best thing for you

however, as you read someof the other posts do think about what you want later in life

if you have children you might want to think of how much money you are going to need when they are in college

if you are an rn you will have a lot of options that are not available for an lpn including jobs that are not as physically difficult as you get older

i don't know what progress you have made toward a degree and many lpns work until they retire some regret not persuing further edcuation some are very content with the decision they have made

only you can decide

Thank you to each of you that have replied to my thread. I have a degree in another field that I felt dissatisfaction in at the time. I do not mean to jump around within careers but I find I have a certain standards I live by. I have to be happy with what I am doing even if it pays the bills. There are a combination of reasons upon why I do not wish to go any further with a higher degree in nursing.The first reason is I live in an area that is subsceptible to Hurricanes. It has caused so much upheaval and stress within my life I simply cannot tell you. Also, I feel that the facility I am currently at is not staffed properly. Also, if it is staffed well the people are not delivering the type of care they should. I have had to be nurse and CNA. I think this is difficult. I feel like why dont they care if these elderly people call for assist. I think I am miserable right now. I feel disillusioned. I want the people I work with to answer call lights-dont ignore them. Listen to the needs of the individuals within this setting. I think I want to work in a setting in which others share my ideas and beliefs upon caring for older people. If this does not occur, I want out of this profession.

Specializes in A little of this & a little of that.

I went back and forth on this issue when I was younger and am now pursuing further nursing education. It does sound like you work in a bad facility and maybe a change would help.

If you choose to work in another field, keep up your license, just in case. Also, since you have a degree in another field, the Accelerated BSN or BSN-MSN programs may be for you. That's how I'm doing it.

I, too, am often disillusioned with nursing and American healthcare in general. That's actually part of why I am going on. A single charge nurse may not make a big difference in a bad facility, but a DON does. Also, am getting too old for the physical demands. There"s really not much administrative opportunity for LPN's and I don't think I can keep running, lifting and standing on my feet for hours passing meds for another 20-25 years.

Whatever you decide, I wish you the best. Caring people are needed everywhere in the world. Come back and share if you want. We've all suffered disillusionment and burn-out. Nursing isn't for everyone or forever.

Specializes in PCU / Oncology/Hematology.

I agree with those that suggest a facility change. Remember what drew you to nursing and try to be an advocate for change! It sounds like the pts need you!

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.
Thank you to each of you that have replied to my thread. I have a degree in another field that I felt dissatisfaction in at the time. I do not mean to jump around within careers but I find I have a certain standards I live by. I have to be happy with what I am doing even if it pays the bills. There are a combination of reasons upon why I do not wish to go any further with a higher degree in nursing.The first reason is I live in an area that is subsceptible to Hurricanes. It has caused so much upheaval and stress within my life I simply cannot tell you. Also, I feel that the facility I am currently at is not staffed properly. Also, if it is staffed well the people are not delivering the type of care they should. I have had to be nurse and CNA. I think this is difficult. I feel like why dont they care if these elderly people call for assist. I think I am miserable right now. I feel disillusioned. I want the people I work with to answer call lights-dont ignore them. Listen to the needs of the individuals within this setting. I think I want to work in a setting in which others share my ideas and beliefs upon caring for older people. If this does not occur, I want out of this profession.

I can identify with your feelings. It is hard to watch people that do not care, because one day, this may be me or my loved ones in the hospital facing these same inconsiderations and that scares me immensely. At this stage in my life, I am not sure that being an RN, an administrator or anything else can change people. All you can do is your best, no matter what the title is. We can't change others, but we can change our perspective on how we deal with these things we disagree with. I had to, and I feel a bit better.

I agree with the others...you should start searching for a new position. Not all places are this way, or at least, there may be more people that agree with your practice than disagree.

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