Published Jan 25, 2013
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
What are some of the habits that you pick up from work?
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CT Pixie, BSN, RN
3,723 Posts
Home phone rings
Me: Hello, Unit B, this is Nurse Pixie how may I help you.
Any Alarm rings (microwave, preheating oven, dryer cycle done etc)
Me: turning on heels to go find the offending infusion pump
Needing to use the bathroom
Hands over cell to daughter and asks she cover my phone for a couple of minutes
425 Posts
I knock on my own bedroom door and say, "Nursing!"
VivaLasViejas, ASN, RN
22 Articles; 9,996 Posts
Washing my hands BEFORE using the bathroom.
martymoose, BSN, RN
1,946 Posts
what's a lunch hour???
8 Posts
trying to swipe my badge on our bedroom door, the bathroom door.. & it's usually when I don't even have my badge on! Also at work, trying to swipe my badge on doors that don't require badge access.
156 Posts
Hey Brian! You are on a roll here. Thanks buddy. We needed that laugh. Keep 'em coming.
280 Posts
When I used to work nocs, the beeping of the garbage truck backing up when I was sleeping during the day always caused me to wake up thinking "What alarm is that!?!"
2 Posts
Signing "carbonate_flower, RN" on cheques etc.
112 Posts
Sometimes I have an increase sense of awareness. I can tell when something about a person is not right. Sure enough the person either falls or something crazy happens, but I sensed the danger long before it happened.
13 Posts
Whenever anyone comes around me, unbeknownst to them, they've just received a head to toe assessment!
dah doh, BSN, RN
496 Posts
Signing my checks with "RN" after my name.