Grrrr, sick of the RN Vrs LPN's


Specializes in Corrections, Cardiac, Hospice.

I have the most wonderful LPN's on my unit. Anyone of them will get up to help someone who is sinking and are very hard workers. I have an RN on nights who likes to pretend that the only real nurse is an RN. She makes the lives of the LPN's as hard as she can and I have spoken to her many, many times about her attitude and behavior towards them. I wish we didn't have to put her in charge at all, but really nights is just filled with new people who aren't prepared for that responsibility. Well, last week, after listening to another one of my dayturn LPN's crying in my office about her assignment, I made a decision. (First, let me explain, this woman thinks that the LPN's should have every tube feed, contact isolation, confused and combative patient on the unit:madface: After all, all they do is pass meds, don't kill me, her thoughts NOT mine.) So the complaints are very real....Anyway, tonight when she came on I sat her down and told her that I have had some more complaints about the assignments she is giving out. That the LPN's are afraid to say anything because they are afraid it will get worse. SO, MY solution to this problem is this, in the future we will be watching the assignments given to the LPN's. If for ANY reason we feel that it is an unfairly heavy patient load, when she comes back that evening SHE will have the assignment on nights that she gave the LPN on days. So, how long before she starts giving fairly assigned patients?:p

I think that that is a very clever way to teach a bully to knock it off and start being fair. :)

Fantastic response. Reminds me of the way to keep kids from fighting over who gets the bigger piece of pie - have one child cut the pie, and the other child pick which piece they want.

Good for you and your imaginative probelm solving technique!

Specializes in IMCU/Telemetry.

I love your answer for this. I'll have to remember it.:D :D :D

Specializes in NICU.
Fantastic response. Reminds me of the way to keep kids from fighting over who gets the bigger piece of pie - have one child cut the pie, and the other child pick which piece they want.

Good for you and your imaginative probelm solving technique!

That's exactly what I thought of as well. VERY fair way to do things.

Specializes in critical care transport.
I have the most wonderful LPN's on my unit. Anyone of them will get up to help someone who is sinking and are very hard workers. I have an RN on nights who likes to pretend that the only real nurse is an RN. She makes the lives of the LPN's as hard as she can and I have spoken to her many, many times about her attitude and behavior towards them. I wish we didn't have to put her in charge at all, but really nights is just filled with new people who aren't prepared for that responsibility. Well, last week, after listening to another one of my dayturn LPN's crying in my office about her assignment, I made a decision. (First, let me explain, this woman thinks that the LPN's should have every tube feed, contact isolation, confused and combative patient on the unit:madface: After all, all they do is pass meds, don't kill me, her thoughts NOT mine.) So the complaints are very real....Anyway, tonight when she came on I sat her down and told her that I have had some more complaints about the assignments she is giving out. That the LPN's are afraid to say anything because they are afraid it will get worse. SO, MY solution to this problem is this, in the future we will be watching the assignments given to the LPN's. If for ANY reason we feel that it is an unfairly heavy patient load, when she comes back that evening SHE will have the assignment on nights that she gave the LPN on days. So, how long before she starts giving fairly assigned patients?:p

Right on ShayRN!!!! I love it when a bully gets a dose of their own medicine. As someone said before, that IS very clever. I'm totally curious as to why she didn't learn anything when someone tried to eat HER for lunch. I wonder, does she have anyone flexing their muscles in her face constantly for her to feel like she needs to assert herself with someone "below" her?:flamesonb

Why go through all of that? It's just easier to be good to each other.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

LOVE IT! Great problem-solving.

Specializes in Psych, Med/Surg, LTC.

Nice plan. :rotfl:

Sounds like a very diplomatic approach. Love it!!

Specializes in Peds Homecare.

All I can say is, HIGH FIVE, good job. We need more proactive management like you. Thank you:balloons: :balloons:

I have the most wonderful LPN's on my unit. Anyone of them will get up to help someone who is sinking and are very hard workers. I have an RN on nights who likes to pretend that the only real nurse is an RN. She makes the lives of the LPN's as hard as she can and I have spoken to her many, many times about her attitude and behavior towards them. I wish we didn't have to put her in charge at all, but really nights is just filled with new people who aren't prepared for that responsibility. Well, last week, after listening to another one of my dayturn LPN's crying in my office about her assignment, I made a decision. (First, let me explain, this woman thinks that the LPN's should have every tube feed, contact isolation, confused and combative patient on the unit:madface: After all, all they do is pass meds, don't kill me, her thoughts NOT mine.) So the complaints are very real....Anyway, tonight when she came on I sat her down and told her that I have had some more complaints about the assignments she is giving out. That the LPN's are afraid to say anything because they are afraid it will get worse. SO, MY solution to this problem is this, in the future we will be watching the assignments given to the LPN's. If for ANY reason we feel that it is an unfairly heavy patient load, when she comes back that evening SHE will have the assignment on nights that she gave the LPN on days. So, how long before she starts giving fairly assigned patients?:p

I want to know how she responded??

great leaders lead by example. You seem like a truly fair supervisor kudos to you keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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