Gross Me Out ? Contest | Nurses Week

Nurses General Nursing Contest

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Month-Long Nurses Week Celebration Starts Today! Nurses Week Contest #6

You ever had those moments that you just want to barf? Of course you have! In this glorious Nurses Week contest, I want you to make us do just that. ? Is that too disgusting? 'Cmon. This will be fun. Share your 'Oh gross' moment and you can win a $100 Amazon Gift Card courtesy of allnurses Ebooks

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Contest Rules

You can submit any story but only those that follow the below rules will be considered for the $100 Amazon Gift Card.

  1. Open to registered members only. (Free and quick to Register)
  2. Each story will be reviewed for originality.
  3. You must share your stories below.
  4. You can submit more than one story.
  5. One winner will be announced.

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On 4/21/2021 at 1:52 PM, WineRN said:

I had an older man get so mad at the doctor while I was in the room he pulled out his IV and then his cath...with the ballon still inflated. His scream and the fountain of blood and urine still haunt me over a decade later. 

Bahahaha LOL


Specializes in Infectious Disease.

I was a brand new dialysis nurse and was on a unit in the hospital dialyzing a very large patient. I had been warned that this particular patient had been refusing baths and their room had a very foul smell. Inpatient dialysis nurses are required to stay in a patient’s room the entire dialysis treatment to closely monitor them. This particular treatment was 3.5hrs. So I made sure to put some essential peppermint oil in my mask to wear while I was in there. I did not help, AT ALL. The first hour, the smell was bad, but bearable. But the smell seemed to get worse and after an hour, I started getting nauseous. So nauseous that my mouth started to water like a was about to vomit. I quickly went to her bathroom and turned on the water like I was washing my hands then vomited in the toilet! When I was done, I called my charge nurse on my hospital phone and quietly told her what happened. To which she responded, “oh no, not you too!”. She told me she would call me back. Not even 10 minutes later, my favorite nephrology doctor came in the room with a face shield and N95 mask on! He had a talk with the patient explaining the importance of her getting bathed and that her dialysis treatment would stop until she got one! The patient broke down and told the doctor that she didn’t want baths because she was embarrassed for anyone to see a wound she had. She then lifted her apron and exposed a massive wound complete with maggots! The smell hit me so hard that I started retching and tried to run for the bathroom, but didn’t make it. I vomited all over myself!! And my favorite nephrologist in the N95 and face shield started retching too! I finished my day in hospital surgical scrubs. And I made sure to go back and apologize to that patient! 

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

This story doesn't have to do with nursing, but I thought that I would submit it for pukes and giggles:

A female friend informed me that her relatives all have "weak stomachs". One morning, her brother went to wake his little daughter by giving her a kiss on the cheek. The brother had morning breath, so when the little daughter got a whiff of it, she puked on him. The brother got a whiff of the little daughter's puke and puked on her!

It was...

A Puke-O-Rama!


Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
1 hour ago, Davey Do said:

A female friend informed me that her relatives all have "weak stomachs". One morning, her brother went to wake his little daughter by giving her a kiss on the cheek. The brother had morning breath, so when the little daughter got a whiff of it, she puked on him. The brother got a whiff of the little daughter's puke and puked on her!

It was...

A Puke-O-Rama!



Specializes in ICU.

When a grown adult picks their nose and eats it in public ! GROSS!!!

This isn’t so much gross as just I can’t imagine doing this. We had an older pt referred from the ER for nosebleeds. Doc saw pt, treated, and d/c.  Pt spouse called two days later to say pt had another nosebleed and was headed to the ER again. Spouse said pt was complaining about what “doc put in the nose” so pt pulled it out.  I know my doc didn’t pack it, so I reviewed the note. Doc had cauterized the bleeder.  Yep, pt PULLED THE SCAB OFF from the inside of the nose. That makes my eyes water just thinking how much that had to hurt!  

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.

When I first started working LTC we had a little old lady with a shall we say interesting routine. She was in bed and incontinent of bowel. She would roll her BM into as many marble sized weapons as she could manage and throw them at anybody that walked in her room. This gal had incredible aim, she rarely missed her target.

We quickly learned to don full PPE before entering her room. She was truly enjoying herself, laughing as she lofted her poop balls at people. She would shout with glee when her shot landed where she was aiming.  There was a little pyramid shaped pile of her weapon of choice right where she could reach and grab the next projectile while giggling the whole time. 

Specializes in Private Duty Pediatrics.
1 hour ago, kbrn2002 said:

When I first started working LTC we had a little old lady with a shall we say interesting routine. She was in bed and incontinent of bowel. She would roll her BM into as many marble sized weapons as she could manage and throw them at anybody that walked in her room. This gal had incredible aim, she rarely missed her target.

We quickly learned to don full PPE before entering her room. She was truly enjoying herself, laughing as she lofted her poop balls at people. She would shout with glee when her shot landed where she was aiming.  There was a little pyramid shaped pile of her weapon of choice right where she could reach and grab the next projectile while giggling the whole time. 

Oh, my! ?

Specializes in retired LTC.

I just don't grasp how someone's mind can degenerate into such socially inappropriate behavior. I'd want to guess she was prob such a prim & proper gracious grandma-type in her well days.

I know the dementias alter the victims' social & moral compasses. I just find that so hard to reconcile. 

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.
8 hours ago, kbrn2002 said:

When I first started working LTC we had a little old lady with a shall we say interesting routine. She was in bed and incontinent of bowel. She would roll her BM into as many marble sized weapons as she could manage and throw them at anybody that walked in her room. This gal had incredible aim, she rarely missed her target.

We quickly learned to don full PPE before entering her room. She was truly enjoying herself, laughing as she lofted her poop balls at people. She would shout with glee when her shot landed where she was aiming.  There was a little pyramid shaped pile of her weapon of choice right where she could reach and grab the next projectile while giggling the whole time. 

This reminds me of another poop story. We had a s/p stroke pt who was alert but not at all oriented. Even in wrist restraints she would get her own poop from either her diaper or rectum with her hands and smear it all over herself, the bed, the over bed table, the bed rails, the call bell (you get the picture). It was totally disgusting, even got under her fingernails, it was so gross!

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.
7 hours ago, amoLucia said:

I just don't grasp how someone's mind can degenerate into such socially inappropriate behavior. I'd want to guess she was prob such a prim & proper gracious grandma-type in her well days.

I know the dementias alter the victims' social & moral compasses. I just find that so hard to reconcile. 

I used to think that too but somewhere along the line I came to believe that some of these people just had to be a-holes to begin with. IDK, maybe I got jaded along the way, or afraid it might happen to me?

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.
22 hours ago, amoLucia said:

I just don't grasp how someone's mind can degenerate into such socially inappropriate behavior. I'd want to guess she was prob such a prim & proper gracious grandma-type in her well days.

I know the dementias alter the victims' social & moral compasses. I just find that so hard to reconcile. 

Yep, our poop grenade lady was very prim and proper in the day. Still was when she wasn't launching poop balls at people. Even when launching her weapons she wasn't mean about it, for some unknown reason she found it hilarious.  Other than that one odd and admittedly gross habit she was very sweet.  Never cussed, wouldn't even dream of talking like that! Once you were able to get past the poop balls and make to her bedside she was nothing but nice.  But somehow throwing feces at people was an OK thing to do.  An odd form of entertainment to say the least.

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