Groped on the job...

Nurses Men


I'm not sure if I should even be posting this on here, but just wanted to vent. I am a recent graduate in the middle of my preceptorship on a CVICU stepdown unit. I like the unit that I'm working on. Most of the nurses are ok, I like the unit manager, and I have a preceptor that I get along really well with.

Everything was going great, until about two and a half weeks ago, while I was on a quick restroom break. On my way out the door I was physically groped by another male nurse who was coming in. The event lasted for just a split second and I was so surprised that I couldn't believe it really happened. I immediately confronted him about it, and he tried to pass it off as a joke---laughing and all. I didn't think it was funny, but I was going to let it go. Then he made a suggestive remark which confirmed that he had done it on purpose. I go back to the nurses station, and my preceptor asks me what's wrong. I tell him about the incident and he tells me to report it to the nurse manager, which I did. When she calls up the other nurse he denies it happened. His version of the story is that he "innocently bumped into me" on his way into the restroom and that although he apologized, I got angry and overreacted.

Because of the hospital's sexual harassment policy, the nurse manager had to write up the situation and send it up the chain of command. He was sent on leave with pay "pending a thorough investigation", but there was no investigation as far as I can see. The guy quietly came back to work a few days ago and is working on a telemetry unit on another floor, and management seems to have swept the whole thing under the rug. Now I am being told that it boils down to his word against mine since no one else saw or heard the incident and that I have no proof that he really didn't accidentally bump into me. The guy is an older nurse (close to retirement) who's been working at the hospital for donkey years and is well-liked by almost everyone. And because I am the new kid on the block, the way a few of my co-workers are acting its like I'm the bad guy who's trying to make trouble. I don't get it! If I were a female who had been groped by a man I bet the outcome would have been different. I am still upset about this because I know it was no 'accident':angryfire.

You probably aren't the only guy he's groped.

You're one of the few who reported it....more than likely, "they" are watching him, waiting for more reports.

You did the right thing.

I'm fat, 50, married male and hetero -----I'd be flattered by the attention from either sex. Sometimes it's good to know SOMEBODY is paying attention!!!

(OK, so I did say that 'tounge in cheek', but I couldn't resist.)

Good luck in nursing! Dan

Ed, what you said is just terrible!!!! You should have chewed this comment over with a Twix !!!!:uhoh3:

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.
hummm. i think you handled it well. for me i would have grap him and told he dose it again i would break his arm. and then report what happend. would even tell them what i said about breaking his arm. and let them know i was serious about it and they should see to it that you are not put into a situation where you might feel the need to defend yourself. you would be in the right if you reacted in such a matter to someone that was sexually attacking you, which technically he was doing.

I totally agree

Dude, once again....MAN UP! Wait for this idiot after work and kick his ass outside your hospital. Don't let "professionalism" get in your way and don't listen to these soccer moms.

I'd KICK YOUR ASS for even letting this f***** get away with that.

MAN UP!!!!!

Send his ass to the ER.

easy bro, that would be really stupid. why risk your lic. if your going to do anything do it then and there, at least it would be self defense. waiting for him after work or keying his car is a lame idea and would get you nailed for aggravated assault. bye bye lic. dude, at least be real about it.

so i am wondering, did some guy do a little more than grope you in your past?:o

lol, sorry man had to go there.:lol2:

Tony, listen to teeituptom. His response would get you the best results. I was beginning to wonder how many replies it would take before you got one that actually had some teeth in it. Oh yeah, and document, document, document for your own records of this going on. I personally have witnessed a federal trial go down where it was merely one person's word against a whole facility's. The person who won- and they won big (like a million dollars big)- kept a diary of all of the bad crap going on and it paid off literally. The facility which lost ate crow. Not a darn one of their policies mattered. The winner had a law firm with guts representing them too. That always helps.


Specializes in Geriatrics/Oncology/Psych/College Health.

Closing this thread up.

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