Grand Canyon RN-BSN

Nursing Students Online Learning


Is there any updated information? I have been in heavy contact with them and am looking at taking their RN-BSN program. I work with a GCU grad and she has nothing but positive things to say, but I want more opinions. ?

Any pro's and cons? Thankfully the only class I'm missing is stats and that is offered in the actual BSN program. I'm a bit nervous as my algebra skills are way old. If anyone took this class, do you have any advice?

Specializes in school nursing; pediatrics.

Congrats Winter!!!

Specializes in school nursing; pediatrics.
Appealing my grade worked. :) When the instructor said the still couldn't see how my paragraph answered the question, I went through and changed everything to first person, and underlined the sections that I kept from my original paragraph. I guess third-person was too complicated for her?

Anyway, I'm in 434 now and am a little stumped on the children's functional health pattern assessment. We are supposed to breakdown normal and abnormal assessment findings for three age groups: toddler, pre-school aged, and school aged. Examples are nutrition patterns, elimination patterns, activity/exercise patterns, etc. I'm just a little stumped. Most of the literature I come across breaks things down much more broadly: infant, child, adolescent, adult. How do I break it down in the weeds so much? Like for nutrition, if I identify potential nutrition problems, they would be like koilonychia (spoon nails from anemia), but all those age groups would be susceptible to it. I know some of the them can be age specific, like anorexia could only be found in school-aged, but most don't seem to be age specific. Anyone have any guidance? I'm going to ask the teacher too, but so far she has been spectacularly unhelpful to people's questions.

Exactly what Prism said! Everything literally comes right from the Edelman textbook except for the Erickson's Stages. I pulled that info from one of my old nursing books (but also very easily found online) Only two references I had were Edelman and my nursing book.

Ditto on the overthinking this assignment as well! It is a relatively easy assignment that is basically busy work.

You guys are the best! Thanks Prism, yeah, the syllabus doesn't mention anything about Health Promotion through the Lifespan, but there it all is! I'm gonna go post in the class room forum, since someone had already asked the teacher about not being able to find the information, and she had replied just with "No one's ever complained about it before." :no:

Specializes in UR/CM, Managed Care.
and she had replied just with "No one's ever complained about it before." :no:


Specializes in school nursing; pediatrics.

The quality of many of the instructors is questionable - makes you wonder!!! I am convinced that this is really a self-taught program. (She said as she sits here finishing up a PowerPoint assignment with the typical unclear instructions. Luckily, an individual assignment and not a CLC! Never thought I would be so happy about an assignment. haha)

Specializes in UR/CM, Managed Care.
"No one's ever complained about it before." :no:

It's just rude. The above ridiculous unhelpful comment is 7 words. Would it kill her to use these 7 words instead? "Try other books on our available list"

Specializes in ICU/ Surgery/ Nursing Education.
You guys are the best! Thanks Prism, yeah, the syllabus doesn't mention anything about Health Promotion through the Lifespan, but there it all is! I'm gonna go post in the class room forum, since someone had already asked the teacher about not being able to find the information, and she had replied just with "No one's ever complained about it before." :no:

I learned early that you can use all the books provided to you from the program. On the opening PageBurst page there is a search box in the right hand corner (upper). Place keywords or phrase here and search all the books in your personal library. There is other classes where the information isn't in the book specified for the class. Heck, in trends we do not use the book for assignments or discussion posts until week 3.

That comment by the instructor is completely useless. I would rate this instructor harshly in the course feedback.

Specializes in ICU/ Surgery/ Nursing Education.

Could it be? I actually have a reasonable CLC project? It is Sunday and we have a week until the assignment is due and all parts are submitted except for one. And they look pretty good. Maybe not the best but good enough for an 'A' with minor changes.

On the other hand this instructor mutilates my papers with red marks.... She doesn't take much off but boy she is a stickler for EVERYTHING. Couple things are not fair or realistic but I only lost 5 points on my last paper so I will live with it. I hope that the instructor understands that just making myself write these last papers is an act of God.

Specializes in UR/CM, Managed Care.
On the opening PageBurst page there is a search box in the right hand corner (upper). Place keywords or phrase here and search all the books in your personal library.

I wish I could totally cuss on this website!! REALLY?? This would have been useful information for, oh, I dunno, my entire program?!? I never knew this existed (mines' in the upper left hand corner), I just tried it, typed in "industry vs. inferiority", and at first nothing came up but then I changed that search bubble thing from Title Results to Content Results. Not only did it zero in on the book it's in, you just keep clicking each next hyperlink to the chapter and then to the page number and it takes you right to that page in that book and even highlights your phrase?!

I simply cannot even fathom how many hours per week this would have saved me clicking page-forward, page-backward, scroll scroll scroll, Control F, nope, page-forward, scroll scroll scroll, Control F...

FOR THE LOVE OF PETE, I'm not happy. cuss cuss cuss! :cry: :dead:

Specializes in ICU/ Surgery/ Nursing Education.
I wish I could totally cuss on this website!! REALLY?? This would have been useful information for, oh, I dunno, my entire program?!? I never knew this existed (mines' in the upper left hand corner), I just tried it, typed in "industry vs. inferiority", and at first nothing came up but then I changed that search bubble thing from Title Results to Content Results. Not only did it zero in on the book it's in, you just keep clicking each next hyperlink to the chapter and then to the page number and it takes you right to that page in that book and even highlights your phrase?!

I simply cannot even fathom how many hours per week this would have saved me clicking page-forward, page-backward, scroll scroll scroll, Control F, nope, page-forward, scroll scroll scroll, Control F...

FOR THE LOVE OF PETE, I'm not happy. cuss cuss cuss! :cry: :dead:

I thought everyone knew. This is about the best hint I can give then. I am sorry you didn't take advantage of this. I guess this is great advice for anyone early or just starting the program.

When you need 3 references per paper I usually can find 3 from using this feature.

Specializes in UR/CM, Managed Care.
I thought everyone knew. This is about the best hint I can give then. I am sorry you didn't take advantage of this. I guess this is great advice for anyone early or just starting the program.

When you need 3 references per paper I usually can find 3 from using this feature.

I know, all I can do about it laugh I guess... water under the bridge, man, water under the bridge.

Woulda been handy though! :Emoticon-Devil:

That is awesome information to know rob4546! Thank you! And can you message me the name of that terrible teacher? I'm trying to keep my list current. :)

yeah, that's not the first less-than-polite response to a question she's given. I asked for clarification on an earlier assignment, another student provided it, I wrote back thanking her, and then the instructor finally chimed in with "Is everyone clear?!"

Really? Why the exclamation mark?

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