Got into nursing school!!


I got in to nursing school at Yakima Valley CC this week and I am waaay excited!! Also extremely nervous. I start Jan. 4th and I was just if anyone had any tips about how they got through school and what it was like the first couple weeks?? Any answers would be great! Also if anyone knows of anybody that goes to YVCC that I could get in contact with that would be so helpful being that I won't know anyone going into this. Thanks a bunch!!

My best advice is to be organized. That is totally the key. Find out how you study best and then find friends who study that way too. I prefer to study alone but we do split up our module questions to make it more managable.

Also if possible try and get a good Nclex book. I have Saunders. It is very helpful to learn their way of testing. It is all about critical thinking not regurgitation of information.

Also get familar with Maslow's hierarchy of needs and nursing process ADPIE. That is some of the first things you are most likely to learn.

Get a calendar and have your schedule for everything on it. They gave us a schedule for each class and I combined them into one and used it constantly.

I find that having one binder for all of my classes worked better for me than a separate one for eac class. Our classes overlapped alot and it was nice to have everything in one place.

Get a rolling backpack! I have a jansport and it works great. Alot of the girls have those big scrapbook totes on wheels that you can get a michaels and they love them! I also have a bookcase for all of my books and supplies so I don't have to go all over the place to find them. I also have a plastic bin in my trunk for my books as well. Sometimes it is nice to have them all with you, in case you want to study something.

above all else enjoy it! It is hard but you can do it. I work 20 hours a week and have a family and I find time for everything. GOOD LUCK!!

Specializes in interested in NICU!!.

congratulations! i wish i will be saying the same thing in a couple of more weeks. at me cc they'll send the letters out by dec 21st, i know a long wait, but oh well, i'll just have to cross my fingers and wait.


Congrats!!! I remember what it was like when I got my acceptance letter - I screamed (a lot) and did a happy dance! It's such a long time in the making - so enjoy the moment! And relax...while you still can...muhahaha! (*evil laugh*)

No,'ll do great! Enjoy :D

Congrats to you :)

Specializes in Orthopedics.

YAY! Great feeling isn't it! I agree...relax while you can. Soon you too will be studying for a comprehensive final over 41 chapters and procrastinating on allnurses! ;)

Specializes in Neonatal Intensive Care.

Congrats!! I start in Jan. too :)

wow thank you so much guys!! That was so helpful!! :nurse: I can't wait to start but I know its going to be a lot of work. Is anyone going to YVCC?? Thanks again!!

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

Ok here is my advice,

Make sure you get sleep. An extra hour of good sleep will be more efficient then an extra hour of studying. Make sure your taking care of yourself as well, water, vitamins if you need them, not living off of junk food.

Make sure you still make time for you to hang out with friends or family, do something you enjoy. Do not make your life ONLY about school.

Stay positive, you're excited, don't let falling into negative crowds take that away.

Don't let yourself get trapped into making friends that bring you down and have nothing good to say about the program and teachers and constantly whine and complain. It will wear you down and make school go from exciting to grueling for you.

If you haven't done so or don't know, go to your schools testing center or learning center and see what resources they have to test you and find out what studying methods will be most effective for you. No sense on spending 6 hours studying for something that you can learn better in 2 hours from a different method.

Don't waist time focusing your studying on stuff you know because it feels comfortable. Study the stuff you DON'T KNOW!

Again, remember how excited you are, keep that attitude in school and it will be invaluable on your outlook and how your time goes.

Congratulations and welcome to the world of nursing students!!!

Don't be afraid to ask questions, to jump right in their, and take every opportunity to learn that comes your way. Open labs and stuff like that.

How long did it take you to get into nursing at your CC once you got on the list?

Well I completed my pre reqs in the winter of last year and applied to tons of schools right after that so it took me a year to get in basically. You just have to be patient :)

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