Good Kids

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Just had a girl with 102 temp crying because she wanted to stay in school. She has midterm review today and a basketball game tomorrow.

She was in earlier, afebrile, now with shaking chills. I'm suspecting flu.

A nice, sweet involved kid who never comes in. Parents are a pleasure.

Put your GOOD stories and Good kids right here.

Specializes in NCSN.

Spring allergies and Strep are hitting my building hard, so my office has been a train station all morning.

I had 2 students waiting to go home, and I was assessing a third and had to check out a fourth for the same symptoms when a little kindergarten came in sobbing because his friend pushed him. no big injury just sad.

This was the exchange between him and my students who were waiting.

Kinder:crying and mubmling words

LD1: I can't understand a word you are saying but I can hold your hand while Nurse Wine is busy

LD2: I can color you a picture!

Kinder: Nods and takes LD1s hand while the other starts to draw

It melted my heart. By the time I was done with the other too the little kinder was A-OK to return to class.

Holy cuteness, Batman!!

Just had one of my 1st graders give me 2 pennies and say "These are for all of the work you do" :D I gave her a big hug and told her "I will gladly accept your appreciation but you can keep your pennies for another time". She grinned and shook her head. Ugh. I could just squish these little guys sometimes!! :happy:

Specializes in NCSN.
KeeperOfTheIceRN said:
Holy cuteness, Batman!!

Just had one of my 1st graders give me 2 pennies and say "These are for all of the work you do" :D I gave her a big hug and told her "I will gladly accept your appreciation but you can keep your pennies for another time". She grinned and shook her head. Ugh. I could just squish these little guys sometimes!! :happy:

This reminds me of a talk I had with one of our OT people who come into the school. One of the fidget toys she uses for students broke and one student asked when she was getting a new one. She said well next year when I get money for new supplies I'll get it. And he titled his head thoughtfully and told her "Or... you know you could always get a job. Then you would have money to get things sooner!"

I dont think most of the tiny ones realize that we get paid to care for them lol

Specializes in NCSN.

One of my daily med kids came in and asked if he could shut the door to my office to tell me something important (my door is open 99% of the time). So I said ok, shut the door and with such a serious face for a second grader he said

"Nurse Wine, a girl likes me"

He also then told me how they have been texting each other all weekend and now I feel as ancient as a TRex because I wasn't flirting in second grade!

Specializes in Cardiology, School Nursing, General.
1 hour ago, WineRN said:

One of my daily med kids came in and asked if he could shut the door to my office to tell me something important (my door is open 99% of the time). So I said ok, shut the door and with such a serious face for a second grader he said

"Nurse Wine, a girl likes me"

He also then told me how they have been texting each other all weekend and now I feel as ancient as a TRex because I wasn't flirting in second grade!

What second grade? and texting each other? They can barely spell cat!

Specializes in School nurse.

I had a little boy who was being sent home. While we were waiting for mom to come he reached into his pocket and handed my clinic assistant a quarter. She looked at the quarter and looked at him and he shrugged and very seriously said "It's the right thing to do". So she took it because she didn't know what else to do ?
It was hilarious!
All of my T1D kids are my favorites but one of my favorites was just diagnosed last year. Before she was diagnosed I didn't even know who she was because she never came to the clinic. One day when she had to be in the clinic for a while she said "You know, you really do a lot. Before I just thought you were here to put bandaids on and stuff like that but now I see how much you do"
It just made me burst. And I told her how smart she was for noticing that just by observing because there were a lot of adults who aren't that smart!

Specializes in Cardiology, School Nursing, General.
On 2/22/2019 at 12:22 PM, bluebonnetrn said:

I had a little boy who was being sent home. While we were waiting for mom to come he reached into his pocket and handed my clinic assistant a quarter. She looked at the quarter and looked at him and he shrugged and very seriously said "It's the right thing to do". So she took it because she didn't know what else to do ?
It was hilarious!
All of my T1D kids are my favorites but one of my favorites was just diagnosed last year. Before she was diagnosed I didn't even know who she was because she never came to the clinic. One day when she had to be in the clinic for a while she said "You know, you really do a lot. Before I just thought you were here to put bandaids on and stuff like that but now I see how much you do"
It just made me burst. And I told her how smart she was for noticing that just by observing because there were a lot of adults who aren't that smart!

He was paying for his Copay. There you go!

Specializes in School Nurse.
On 3/21/2018 at 11:57 AM, Rizowe said:

I need this flip chart!!!!

So sorry haven't looked at this thread in a while - here it the mood flip chart:


Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.

The kid with the invisible rash on the ventral side of her foot declined an ice pack after we both didn't see any rash. "It's OK. I can handle it."

Specializes in School Nurse.

All wrong, however a good kid. Student tells me he had been burning up off and on all day.

"My friend felt my head and said I was scorching"

Well, what were you doing to your friends while they were near you while you were scorching?

"Giving them immunity"

Drop mic, I have no argument for that.

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