GN / RN Internship at Medical City Dallas


i posted this in the gn forum but didn't get any response, so i hope someone here can help! thanks!

:) hello!

i just passed my state boards last month and have been looking for new nurse jobs/internships. i work for an hca facility and contacted a nurse recruiter @ medical city dallas (another hca facility) today for a position i saw posted for in pediatrics. she mentioned that she had just posted a gn / rn internship position online that will start in october and that i could apply for that. i got her contact info and information on the different units and went online to apply. i was so excited to apply!! its in several departments, pediatric congenital heart surgery unit, nicu, er, cvicu,!

my only problem is that a bsn is required and i have an adn. i am really wanting to apply. i applied at parkland last friday and am keeping my options open. i know i don't meet the requirements, but would it be ok for me to apply even if i don't have my bsn? or should i just keep looking for other internships?

if i apply and get an interview and they offer me a position, it would be a transfer...i would still have to go to orientation, but i would get to keep my seniority (10 yrs this december).

i just need some guidance please. any advice/input good or bad would be appreciated.

thank you so much for taking the time to read my post.

jadu1106 :nurse:


Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Go ahead and apply for it. What's the worst thing that they can say if you apply without meeting the qualifications? "No."

Go ahead and apply for it. What's the worst thing that they can say if you apply without meeting the qualifications? "No."


You are right! Thanks for the reply! I think I will be applying there today! The worst they can say is no. I will just try my luck and hope for the best!

Thanks again for the response!

All the best,

jadu1106 RN

HI, did you get the job? I am trying to find a new RN grad internship and wanted to know how the process went with you...Also do you know what kind of compensation I can expect without experience..Thanks so much!

hi puffi77,

i actually got an internship in women's at another hca facility (medical city dallas is an hca facility as well). i am loving it and learning so much. like most every other new grad or recent graduate of a nursing school, i applied to numerous hospitals/nursing homes/rehab facilities/group homes locally, within texas, and 1 outside of texas. all were rejects, in my case, i assume because of the gap between graduation (2006) and finally passing boards (2010). i have a stable work history at the same facility (10 yrs) and just could not get an internship or start working 1:1 with a preceptor even for being employed there so long. i had to start the internship application process just like everyone else. i had a panel interview in december and was offered the position 8 days after the interview. the internship started feb 7. i emphasized in the interview that women's services was the area i had more knowledge/emphasis in, but i was willing to work in any specialty area that had an opening. compensation is different with the hospital system you're going to be working for, some just have a general gn pay they start all new grad nurses with, while others actually give a little incentive for your experience/skills, generally anywhere between 21-23 right now i believe. of course then you get shift diff and weekend shift diff which adds on more; how much depends on if your day or night shift. i hope this helps, if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask! :) best of luck and good luck with your job search! start looking now and keep your search area open! :)

jadu1106, rn

Specializes in NICU.

I've been looking on HCA website but didn't see any postions opened for new graduates. I wonder when they will start posting positions

They have posted them and they are all Night shifts...crazy, the worst shift...

They have posted them and they are all Night shifts...crazy, the worst shift...

I just searched HCA's job postings and didn't see anything for new grads. I searched "intern", "GN", "RNI", and looked through a few pages of the Registered Nurse postings. Where did you see them? I hope they do post and start interviewing soon!

Specializes in NICU.

Puffi77 what are the job titles?? I don't see anything that says graduate nurse at all. Please share how you found this. I would love to work nights I'm not a big day person

I am starting the gn internship on Monday. They posted the positions for this internship back at the very end of november. They were one of the last ones to post internships that I noticed. It has been quite a long wait between getting the offer and starting the internship (almost 3 months) but they like for everyone to take and pass the NCLEX prior to starting. If its like last time, their internships might not post until april, but its always good to call and ask!

Specializes in NICU.

I was refering to this internship for the May grads. When they post the positions do they put GN intern or something for the actual title on the job title to apply?? I might give them a call to see when they will start posting theirs. I know a lot of hopsitals are opening up soon and wouldn't want to miss out on them

Hello again, HCA website has only a few GN/RN positions posted now, when they first advertised them on 2/21/11 they were a lot (all but one of them were night shift) more but there are not that many left anymore...I do not know if they have found candidates for them or what,,but check and you might be in luck. They are all listed together with the regular RN jobs, they just say GN/Internship or GN/residency.GOOD LUCK!

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