So in my 3rd year of nursing we have a class simulation on how to be supportive and informative "buddy nurses" as nursing has the inevitable duty of educating student nurses. In this simulation I was to pretend to be a buddy nurse to a 2nd year student and guide my student in administering IV antibiotics.
As we were about to administer it we both put on gloves, which the educator then walked in and questioned why we were wearing gloves. On my clinical placements I was always instructed to wear gloves giving medication through the IV, blood present or not.. The educator argued that unless it was not a one way valve cannula, or if there was no blood/bodily fluids present there is no need to wear gloves in this situation. I would partially agree with this, however I would rather my student always wear gloves in this situation than not wear them when it is necessary. I was a little bit annoyed at this, is it really that necessary to savour the resources of gloves to put a student at risk?
So who wears/doesn't wear gloves in this situation and why?