Getting scary out there....


Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

One of the major healthcare systems in my city just announced an 800-person reduction to be rolled out by December 1.

This, following the 800+ employee reduction just two months ago by one of the other major systems.

Only 2 systems left in the city that haven't taken this step.

Specializes in retired LTC.

With the staffing decrease, are they cutting out services and census? How else can they account for 800 surplus employees?

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

They're giving very few specifics at this time. Right now, they're primarily asking close-to-retirement folks to consider early retirement. A

After that, they'll start naming names/functions to be eliminated.

Well as suggested by another institution perhaps they'll have the nurses doing housekeeping. Maybe they'll step it up a notch and have the nurses cooking too? Never mind about patient care.. I do wonder with all those job cuts did the CFO and CEO take a pay cut? Are they still getting their bonuses? What about the Physicians?

Specializes in Medical Surgical.

You must be in the same city as me. Praying for those who are affected..

Specializes in Community Health/School Nursing.

Goodness! That's a bit scary for sure! Not only for the nurses who may be affected but for patient care. We will soon become Jacks of all trades and a Master of none. Hang in there!!

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

Yes - the "value based purchasing" aspect of Health Care Reform (not 'Obama Care - this pre-dates his administration) is kicking in.... reimbursement may be heavily impacted for some organizations that have been unable to meet specific criteria. So, they are going into survival mode and cutting costs to keep from shutting the doors completely. Hopefully, they are the exception to the norm - and are using a logical and strategic approach.

Do you think that this will have any effect on the media hype? "Be a Nurse! Anyone can do it! Guaranteed Riches & career stability!"

Specializes in retired LTC.
Well as suggested by another institution perhaps they'll have the nurses doing housekeeping. Maybe they'll step it up a notch and have the nurses cooking too? Never mind about patient care.. I do wonder with all those job cuts did the CFO and CEO take a pay cut? Are they still getting their bonuses? What about the Physicians?
Just FYI - an area hospital CEO had resigned and is moving on. My local newspaper posted his salary as of 2 years ago = $513,000. I stopped reading to learn what all wasl included ...


That's how they get rid of expensive people voluntarily before implementing more austere tactics. Our hospital did the same thing. Huge exodus of nurses who took the early retirement "package" (I think they got up to six months salary). Of course, the hospital "tried to do everything they could to save jobs." The CEO resigned not long after that with a tidy little golden parachute. A few months later, they were in a hiring frenzy...of new grads. It's just bi'ness. Nothing to see here, move along. :)

Just googled it to find out which state you were talking about. This is one of the states (Indiana) I was considering in my out-of-state job hunt. Oh, my! Yes, I'm praying too that these families can stay afloat.

1. WISHTV - IU Health cuts hundreds of jobs2. IU Health plans cutting 800 jobs at hospitals |

Specializes in MICU - CCRN, IR, Vascular Surgery.

So far my Indiana hospital hasn't cut jobs, but we're all worried. Hoping all of these people can find something else soon!

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