location of Allnurses Hospital????

Nurses General Nursing


It came up in a thread earlier this week. Several of us have decided we want to open and work in an AllNurses Hospital. So, since this is a global site, where should we locate the facility and what should the rules be regarding treatment of the nursing staff?

Specializes in Psych, hospice, family practice.

And don't forget, I think this idea arose out of the thread about practical jokes at work. If they can't take a joke, they can't work with us. As ceecel.dee stated, NO NEGATIVITY!!!

How about TYPED physician's orders?? Ahhh, wouldn't that make our jobs soooooooo much easier???

Yes--typed--readable---clear---OMG I think that I am in heaven.

A world where STAT will mean right this minute, not SomeTime After Tomorrow/Tuesday/Thursday whichever happens to be farthest away! Where doctors call you back right away and actually address the reason why you called at 2 am rather than scream at you. There will be no committees for issues to get lost or buried in either!! Oh, no! When a problem arises we will solve it right then and there, not hire some ridiculously overpriced consultant who will make a situation worse! Remember, we will be the creme de la creme at Allnurses Hospital. Think we need a better name after Allnurses? Like HealthCare Mecca, etc????

Where do I send my resume????

I'd like to add: Fee for service payment system for all nurses!!! We could charge $125.00 and up/IV stick, 250.00 and up/blood infusion, 75.00 for ROM and massages, 300.00 for set up and infusion of IVF, serving dinner? 10 bucks please, $2/pill, 15/shot, I could go on but just think how happy we'd be if we got reimbursed for our services! Just a dream.

Oh, and yes peds max should be 1:4 on M/S, 1:2 for pedi step down, 1:1 in pedi ICU, and 2:1 in high risk neonatal. Only wishing for the way it used to be regaurding staffing.

And, can we go back to using acuity levels please? I'd also like free food and beverages anytime from the cafe too, as well as a real break or two. How bout a CNA assigned to every nurse? A real assistant that would be our exclusive assistant and we get to hire that person too!

OOOOh Yeah!

And, in exchange for your excellent services. Free 24 hour daycare would be provided on site by people who care -- so that staff would never have to pick and choose their shifts bases on the babysitters schedule

And no stupid orders like the GI docs write: H/H q 4hr's and transfuse if Hgb is

Actually, the doctors should pay those fees you mentioned Huganurse! They get everything in hospitals free now. Not at AllNurses! You want to use the OR, that'll be 10,000. Oh, you can't bill the patient for that either. You wnat to utilize the staff to care for that patient fork over their salary!

"To dream the impossible dream....."

Oh! Oh! Could we have Bytch-Slap patrol? So if you hear at change of shift, something stupid like, "Gee, Iris, you really put that mycostatin powder on very heavy - it's supposed to be a light dusting powder, not a heavy dusting powder because I lift up the patient's flab of skin and I sneeze and it really affects my allergies and I get really irritated and tired easily when that happens." :::: SLAP!! ::::: What the hell are you doing with yer nose in the patient's groin?

Oops, sorry, I digressed...

Submitting my resume....

y'all covered the bases with this one already... i have nothing to add except... i am SOOOO there!!!!

And could we please have enough Hoyer's (not broken or lost or in the laundry) so that no more 100 lb. nurses will be lifting 200+ lb pts. or some kind of device over each pts bed to "pull them up." Of course if there was enough staff around ... well please count me in, too.

Well, good night everyone!

I just read Las Vegas's post and wet myself....

Gotta go take a bath now. Toodles!!

OK, who wants to design and sell the allnurses.com t-shirts? Just so everyone will be on the same page. Flylady.net now has 10000 members (this site is to keep your home together) and she in on the cover of Woman's Day! What do you think?

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