gaining weight in nursing school


so i would like to know how many of you gained weight while in nursing school and how much?;)

I'm about halfway through and have gained around 35 lbs. :( :( :(

I'm where I started. I know of one girl who says she's gained weight. Can't tell. I know another that says she's lost weight. Can tell. Another girl said she is now diabetic and hypertensive, lol. A couple of other girls appear to be where they started. The others...I don't look at. ;)

yes, unfortunately. probably 5-10 pounds. it's all the damn sitting and studying and then being too tired to exercise lol. i'm such a bum.

Specializes in Operating Room.

I realized I had gained weight when I stepped on a scale in clinicals in front of my classmate. I was so embarassed. I cleaned up my diet ever since and dropped 15 pounds! Maintaining it hasn't been hard either. Ladies, watching what you eat is 70% of weight loss (the other 30% being exercise). I swear by it.

probaby about 10 pounds since last may. My scrubs from last year didn't even fit...

I have no time to exercise and no time to cook good food.

Honestly, the only time I eat properly is at clincials!

I stepped on the scale this week to see that I had gained 8 pounds!!!! Time for action. I've slacked off on exercising since school started. No more! I must find time to exercise.

I lost a total of 60lbs during semesters 2 & 3 but have gained 15lbs back this last semester! Grrrr!!!

Specializes in PICU, Sedation/Radiology, PACU.

I'm just finishing my fourth year and I have lost 20 pounds. I attribute it to the extra exercise during clinicals, the stress, and also paying attention to what and when I eat. Advice- Try having healthy snacks available for your late night stusy sessions. It's totally fine to indulge in chocolate to de-stress, but try to eat the bite size pieces rather than a whole bar. Flavored sparkling water is a calorie free alternative to soda. Do simple things to get exercise- park further away from the door to school, work or the store, take the stairs instead of the elevator, go for a walk between classses, play with the kids, etc.

Specializes in Perioperative Nursing.

I haven't gained or lost weight but my body composition has changed dramatically LOL. Instead of being mostly muscle mass (I used to do a lot of weightlifting!!) it is now mostly fat LOL. I hope once I have a steady job I can workout more. School is just all over the place... especially now with being in consolidation I have placement and weekly assignments to complete.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Rehab.

I gained about 50 lbs :( :( I had just lost 50 lbs when I started nursing school, and then I gained it all back over 3 years. I think I just didn't learn how to maintain it so it was really easy to go back to old habits. I'm looking forward to graduating in a week and a half and having more time to exercise!! I have three sets of clinical scrubs - S, M and L!

Lost 20 lbs right before and gained it all back. :(

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