Published Feb 3, 2008
GrnHonu99, RN
1,459 Posts
I work in neuro. the land of confusion. I spent my entire evening last night in an abortion clinic (according to my patient)...
Its a unique thing when a pt. that looks so intact says something so off such as: did ya know if you name your kid something less than 5 letters its free but if more than 5-you pay more taxes. Or the lady who when asked her PMH on the admission forms says: i died twice, the drs brought me back to life with toothpaste and extracted the devil from my rectum....right.....
atleast my job is never boring. Ha!
Diary/Dairy, RN
1,785 Posts
Oh my!
I had one confused little old man who reached for me as soon as I came in the room to do my assessment - the CNA was in there and asked him sternly, "What did I tell you yesterday?" To which, he replied flatly, "No handling the merchandise"
He also was fond of turning off the bed exit alarm and wandering down the hallways naked......
He was really concerned because the night shift nurses had taken him to Joe's Crab Shack last night in his hospital bed and he had not paid........
Sometimes it's all about the entertainment!
EmmaG, RN
2,999 Posts
One middle-aged man was deep sea fishing off the coast of Florida all night long. Got downright ticked off when I gently suggested he was actually in the hospital. So I simply sold him his bait and went on about my rounds.
Another was fighting the Sandinistas in the jungles of Nicaragua, working his way back home. As the night wore on, he traveled through Central America, into Mexico and crossed the border shortly before his doc came in. By the time I got off shift, he was in town (*thank heavens*) and hitchhiking back to the hospital.
Megsd, BSN, RN
723 Posts
I was working as a CNA on an alzheimer's unit, and was sitting with a few patients and a male CNA. One of the patients (who everyone called Grandma) was upset at the male CNA all day. Finally at the end of the day, he asked her why she was so upset with him, and she said "Because I am your mother-in-law, that's why!"
One middle-aged man was deep sea fishing off the coast of Florida all night long. Got downright ticked off when I gently suggested he was actually in the hospital. So I simply sold him his bait and went on about my rounds. Another was fighting the Sandinistas in the jungles of Nicaragua, working his way back home. As the night wore on, he traveled through Central America, into Mexico and crossed the border shortly before his doc came in. By the time I got off shift, he was in town (*thank heavens*) and hitchhiking back to the hospital.
ROFL. Dont you love when you ask your orientation questions and the pt. seriously states-oh we in jamacia.....i say ....look around...does this look like the beach?? Who am I???
At times i wish i was as confused as they bc atleast id be on the beach lol!
Morettia2, BSN, RN
1 Article; 241 Posts
I had a pt. tell me the other night that Hitler was talking to him through the heating ducts...the pt was going through ETOH and Cocaine withdraw...and to top it off the pt. made sure the the heat was on full blast...I had to keep comming in the room to turn the heat off. I already knew the pt was on w/d precautions..i wouldn't call that funny but disturbing.
ROFL. Dont you love when you ask your orientation questions and the pt. seriously states-oh we in jamacia.....i say ....look around...does this look like the beach?? Who am I??? At times i wish i was as confused as they bc atleast id be on the beach lol!
45 Posts
I work mental health and addictions so there is no end to the interesting things I hear from people. I do not usually work our dementia unit but sometimes I go up there to lend a hand. The orientation questions are usually most interesting. Some patients are there to get their oil changed, others think it is 1936, one pt asked me if I could walk his mail to the post office on my way out, and I always have one ask me if I live there too and can I show him the way back to his house. Some patients think the t.v. is talking to them, or they have a computer chip in their head, and there are others who turn us into cats with two snaps of their fingers.
Hospice Nurse LPN, BSN, RN
1,472 Posts
I work in a LTC and one of my female residents has trouble sleeping at night. She'll help the CNA's by pushing their barrels, bringing them briefs, etc. She really enjoys stocking my med cart with cups and straws. She'll fill the water jug, also. I always give her 2 or 3 dollars for helping.
One night her "boyfriend" told me I was working her too hard and that she needed a night off. When I asked him why. He stated, "cause she's pregnant. I knocked her up"! It was all I could do to keep a straight face with that one.
nightmare, RN
1 Article; 1,297 Posts
Night of the full moon we had: one pregnant,about to give birth,one with a pig under the bed and one who kept coming and complaining that there were wet children in her bed and she couldn't lie down!
everthesame, LPN, LVN
188 Posts
Another nurse had a patient who was a big time drug seeker who was in for an infection. At one point during the night the tech went into the room to get her vitals and then called out for help with a beeping IV pump. Since the patient's nurse was in with a new admit I went in to take a look at it. While I was in there, the patient looked at me and said "I know you. You were in bed with her (the tech) earlier tonight weren't you?"
I had never even been in her room before. I just looked at the tech and then looked at the patient and told her "No, I wasn't in your room earlier and while the tech and I are friends, we aren't that friendly." :icon_roll
394 Posts
Upon touching a confused, combative little old man's hip (to give im Haldol), he says (about my hand), "There is something in this world colder than your heart."