Frustrating issues with my work hours


Specializes in Pediatrics, Community Health, School Health.

I was given a heads-up this morning that my contracted hours for next Fall, which were supposed to be 8-2:30 (making me FT and receive FT benefits- a HUGE $$ savings and salary increase) now might be cut back to 8-1, which is 30 minutes less than I am working now. That would not only negate the FT status, but actually be a pay cut since I would be working 2.5 hours less per week than I am working now :(

The super frustrating thing is that it is all because our school attorney (who up until now has given zero craps about any of my safety concerns) suddenly realized that we should have FT coverage in my school. I have been fighting for them to hire a PT nurse since last Spring to come in at 1:30 when I leave and work 1:30-4:30 every day (our school hours are until 4:30) and she fought me and kept saying "In an ideal world we would have FT coverage but having you 8-1:30 is fine, don;t worry". So now that HR approved me to add another hour to my day and I finally qualify for FT benefits, she is saying that they need coverage from 2:30-4:30, and since "no one will only work 2 hours per day, we need to offer 12:30-4:30 in order to find someone". She says they are going through an agency and the agency has a 4 hour per shift minimum.

SO frustrated. Even more of a reason I wish I had known about that PT school nurse job I mentioned a few weeks ago at the local private school.

The only plus is both my DSO and Principal think she is being ridiculous and are fighting for me to keep the 8-2:30 for next year. I am just frustrated because I would have happily done 8-1 and split the job with someone if we had done this last year when I proposed it and I would have never had the 8-2:30 on my radar.

Anyway, I guess I will keep you all posted as we end June 22 and my DSO is spending the next several weeks trying to come up with a solution that allows me to keep the 8-2:30.

When I got tired of my employer consistently cutting my hours, I went to another employer for more work with consistent hours. Lo, and behold, they pay me more to boot, so now, I consider that employment to be my primary employment, should there ever be a conflict. If it means that much to you, then consider brushing off your resume.

Specializes in IMC, school nursing.

Good luck. Praying it all works out for you.

Specializes in pediatrics, School LVN.

what a bunch of BS. I wonder what happened to have them suddenly so concerned about coverage. I hope it works out for you. Good luck.

Specializes in kids.

Ugh...I hate bean counters. Do they not realize HOW expensive that will end up being? In addition, I almost guarantee they will not have the same person every day, a real lack of continuity for the kids and that stinks.

Specializes in School Nurse.

Gosh and I thought it was bad that they only contract for me during the "student hours" but I'm always here before and after and a day before the school year starts and after it ends. I've lobbied to be put on the same sched as the teachers and the admins, but the district believes nursing only happens when the kids are present.

Gosh and I thought it was bad that they only contract for me during the "student hours" but I'm always here before and after and a day before the school year starts and after it ends. I've lobbied to be put on the same sched as the teachers and the admins, but the district believes nursing only happens when the kids are present.

My district is on the teacher schedule. I do not like it, and rather work 8 hour days outside of the teacher schedule. Your situation seems way worse.

Ugh...I hate bean counters. Do they not realize HOW expensive that will end up being? In addition, I almost guarantee they will not have the same person every day, a real lack of continuity for the kids and that stinks.

Yes, this is exaclty what me, my DSO and principal are trying to explain to them. Using an agency costs at least 40% more per hour, plus they will likely have random people coming through every day. The lawyer just does not seem to get it.

Specializes in kids.
Yes, this is exaclty what me, my DSO and principal are trying to explain to them. Using an agency costs at least 40% more per hour, plus they will likely have random people coming through every day. The lawyer just does not seem to get it.

Why is it the lawyers decision??? Isn't that a building principal decision?

what a bunch of BS. I wonder what happened to have them suddenly so concerned about coverage. I hope it works out for you. Good luck.

Right? I had a meeting with our school lawyer 18 months ago telling her that I felt like we needed more coverage and would they consider hiring someone to fill in the gap. She said not necessary. Now, suddenly she is in a panic that we are "non-compliant" with regs, etc., etc. :no:

Specializes in kids.
Right? I had a meeting with our school lawyer 18 months ago telling her that I felt like we needed more coverage and would they consider hiring someone to fill in the gap. She said not necessary. Now, suddenly she is in a panic that we are "non-compliant" with regs, etc., etc. :no:

Aye yay yay....

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.
what a bunch of BS. I wonder what happened to have them suddenly so concerned about coverage. I hope it works out for you. Good luck.

When OP was advocating for some part time coverage, they vetoed it because it would cost money. When OP stepped up and took full time hours, they then calculated the cost of the bennies vs the cost of agency coverage. Now the agency help is suddenly looking like a bargain.

That's my best guess. Follow the money.

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