Specialties Ob/Gyn
Published Mar 22, 2007
crissrn27, RN
904 Posts
Hi all, thought I'd see what you guys thought of this. I posted here and the general nursing board, since I know we see this alot with newborn care. The hospital I am currently at is starting a plan to mandate the flu vaccine for all direct-care staff, and there will be some type of disipline if the staff member who doesn't get the vaccine has the flu and misses work. Can they really do this??? I get the vaccine every year but some people don't and I can certainly see why they might not want to. I just can't believe that they can really force someone to put something in their bodies or retaliate it they don't. This would be like us telling our new parents that the have to give their kids hep b, or circ them, etc, IMO. What do you guys think? BTW, it will not be like hep b, where we can sign a wavier if we don't want it.
164 Posts
You can't take it if you have an allergy to eggs.
Nonetheless, it appears to me that they are taking away your right as an employee health type of patient to refuse treatment.
1,975 Posts
I'm allergic to eggs so I would never be able to get one. My mother is a nurse and she has never gotten one nor have my brothers or I. We are lucky and don't get the flu. I wouldn't take it and I don't see how they can enforce this legally.
KellNY, RN
710 Posts
I posted in your other thread.
It would be highly discriminatory for them to punish a staff member who became sick with the flu after not getting the vax. 1st of all, they'd have to PROVE it was actually the flu and not food poisoning, bacterial infection, viral infection NOS, etc. 2nd of all-what about the people who get the fax and still get the flu? Do they get punished, or do they win a prize for getting jabbed with chemicals to no avail?
I would not submit to getting a flu shot. If they were that anal about it, I'd wear masks while caring for the babies or whoever had been deemed the 'at risk' population. Or, like I said in the other thread-look for a new job.
Jolie, BSN
6,375 Posts
I agree that vaccination vs. non-vaccination is a personal choice, and no employee of a private (non-military) facility should be forced to obtain one. However, in a serious outbreak, I believe it would be within the employer's rights to limit the patient care areas where a non-vaccinated employee could work, or to direct a non-vaccinated employee NOT to report to work until the outbreak passes.
As far as penalizing non-vaccinated employees who become ill, I'm sure a labor attorney would have a field day with this! First of all, when calling out sick, it is not necessary to inform your employer as to what your illness is, and requiring such information from a patient's physician would be a HIPAA violation. All that is necessary is a statement from one's healthcare provider (at the conclusion of an illness) that the employee is fit to return to work.
Thanks guys, these are my feelings too. The NM mentioned it in such an offhanded manner, like it was something routine, I was shocked. She said I think we will get this (passed though the hospital p/p board) and I said something to the effect of, I wouldn't think so, and she just looked at me and went on to some other subject. Maybe they think no one in our hospital is smart enough to have an antivaccine opinon, lol. We really don't get that many parents who don't want vaccines.
indigo girl
5,173 Posts
I would hope that they would reconsider before going thru with this.
I think that they will be legally challenged and rightfully so.
20,964 Posts
I would legally challenge this.
I actually get the flu vaccine, b/c it hasn't (so far) affected me. I do know several folks that get deathly ill from these vaccines.......I'm sorry, its too much to believe that all these guys got sick at the same time, with the same s/s, a week after having the flu vax. Just don't think this is going to fly, wanted to make sure I was not just over reacting to this. BTW, I know some of you have read some of my other post, we do things, ummm, different (and not usually in a good way) alot at my hospital. Its great to talk with you and see (for the most part) how things really should be done.
dawngloves, BSN, RN
2,399 Posts
I'll bet this has already been through the legal department and they have their butts covered. Even if an employee challenged it, they probably think that the amount of money it would cost them in sick time and/or extended pt admissions from one sick employee infecting others, would be cheaper.
The needs of the many outweight the needs of the one.
BTW, you can still get a flu vaccine if you have an egg allergy.
351 Posts
I'll bet this has already been through the legal department and they have their butts covered. Even if an employee challenged it, they probably think that the amount of money it would cost them in sick time and/or extended pt admissions from one sick employee infecting others, would be cheaper.The needs of the many outweight the needs of the one.BTW, you can still get a flu vaccine if you have an egg allergy.
I agree with other posters. This is not legal;. I bet the NM was bluffing and trying to scare people into getting the vaccine. I doubt the legal department is involved yet. It is probably something that is in the working stages, and people are talking about it PRIOR to the plan going to the higher ups. It will most likely fizzle out.
Where is the evidence of being able to get the flu vaccine if you have an egg allergy? The CDC VIS state if you have a severe egg allergy, you shouldn't get the vaccine. I know some people may have an allergic reaction that is not considered severe, but I sure don't want to be the one who gives them the vaccine and it be the time they convert to anaphylaxis!
2,441 Posts
.....a better question is are they planning on giving people time off if they get sick AFTER the shot without using their own sick/vacation time.
They all say that it's a myth that the shot causes you to get the flu....however, it does SOMETHING to your immune system.
I can buy that you probably don't get the flu per se, but all I know is the first year I stopped taking the shot is the first year I stopped getting sick with 100% consistency, about 5 to 7 days after taking the shot...that happened FOR YEARS.
I did get the flu once...and I can easily see where you can die from it...I was sick for a month, dropped to 84 lbs and spent 5 days in the hospital.