Published Aug 29, 2005
13 Posts
I just wondered how many people work 3 in a row (that kills me!). I work 2 on, one off, two on, one off, two on, six off. I love my schedule. :wink2:
173 Posts
When I was a traveling nurse I have worked as many as 28 in a row. When I first started I thought I would like to work 6 on and 8 off, but after 2 days I was dying. Somehow when you are making $50/hr the motivation is a whole lot more than $18/hr.
18 Posts
my schedule goes like this: 2 on, 2 off, 3 on, 2 off, 2 on, 3 off.
the 3 days are friday saturday and sunday. and, yes, the 3 is hard to do sometimes but i like being off every other weekend. i'd like your 6 off but i'd hate the 1 day off between the 2 on. i work nights and 1 night off is like nothing.
342 Posts
I work weekend option 12 hour shifts.....every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Dayshift. I really like it cause I love having Monday thru Thursday off. And its weekends so the stress level is incredibly lower.
Vickie :balloons:
jodyangel, RN
687 Posts
I work 4 12 hr shifts a week..cause working 3 just doesnt pay the bills LOL.
So I always work 3..then take one or two off..
I self its differant every week. I like it..but hate getting home so late at night.
48 Posts
I work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 7a-7p. I like it because on the weekends it seems as if everyone is so much more laid back and you don't have to deal with upper management breathing down your neck.!!
154 Posts
I self schedule also so it just depends. I do work all 3 in a row alot but I work in the ER so the twelve hours goes very fast.
lovingtheunloved, ASN, RN
940 Posts
My facility just went to 12's in May. I was sooooo against it at first, mostly because I just resist change. I absolutely LOVE it though. I used to work Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and every other Tuesday. I just got rid of the every other Tuesday, for school, and because that fourth day just kills me. It's going to cost me about $250 a month, which is a big chunk considering I only make $1400 in the first place. (Oh, how I love the CNA wages) I LOVE having four days off, and when I start nursing school, it will allow me to continue working full time, which is not something that is optional.
grinnurse, RN
767 Posts
my schedule goes like this: 2 on, 2 off, 3 on, 2 off, 2 on, 3 off.the 3 days are friday saturday and sunday. and, yes, the 3 is hard to do sometimes but i like being off every other weekend. i'd like your 6 off but i'd hate the 1 day off between the 2 on. i work nights and 1 night off is like nothing.
Ditto on my schedule. I would like to know where the one's are working that said the weekends are more laid back. Are they still hiring new grads :wink2: I just did my 3 and it was crazy all 3 days
Gompers, BSN, RN
2,691 Posts
I usually work all three 12's in a row and then have a few days off. We don't have set schedules (besides working every third weekend) so there isn't an exact pattern to it.
This schedule:
I much prefer to work all three in a row and then have a break. The on-again off-again thing is hard for me because I work nights. Much better to be on the "night owl" sleeping schedule several days in a row, then several days to be "normal" if I have to be.
107 Posts
I work 3 in a row, weekend option nights, Thur, Fri, and Sat (24 hrs have to be weekend hrs). This was my choice. I used to could do this and take call 1 night possibly making it 4 in a row, BUT, I'm much older now and it's killing me!
I'm thinking about asking to split it up but I really like the four days off in a row.
Sherry T
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,756 Posts
I need every Monday and Tuesday off and have to work every other weekend. We self-schedule. Our week begins on Sundays.
This week Wednesday-Thursday-Saturday
Next Week Sunday-Thursday-Friday
I never work more than two days in a row. I can't handle that. Every other weekend that I'm off is a four-day weekend. I like my schedule just fine.