For those working 12 hour shifts, what is your schedule like?

Nurses General Nursing


I just wondered how many people work 3 in a row (that kills me!). I work 2 on, one off, two on, one off, two on, six off. I love my schedule. :wink2:

I also do the weekend option noc shift. Also pick up Wednesday during the week.

Thank goodness others have admitted to not being able to do 3 in a row. I thought it was just me and I was just too dadgummed old to do it! :chuckle

my schedule goes like this: 2 on, 2 off, 3 on, 2 off, 2 on, 3 off.

the 3 days are friday saturday and sunday. and, yes, the 3 is hard to do sometimes but i like being off every other weekend. i'd like your 6 off but i'd hate the 1 day off between the 2 on. i work nights and 1 night off is like nothing.

Wouldn't you know it? I say how much I love my schedule yesterday and I go to a staff meeting today and am told that my scheduled has been changed. But I can't complain-one week Wed, Thurs, Sat; then Sun, Wed, Thurs-NO Mondays, Tuesdays, or Fridays :) I work nites too but fortunately I can sleep whenever I want to-I have 4 kids left at home, but a super supportive husband, mother, & mother-in-law. At my hospital it is usually pretty calm on the weekend, too (knock on wood) :chuckle !

My schedule is awesome. Its a 12 week rotation that repeats itself. The most I work in a row is 3 12s. Yes those are killers. Usually at least 2 off between shifts. But in my 12 weeks, I have a stretch of 9 days off, a stretch of 7 days off, and a stretch of 5....not to mention the 2-3 off between shifts...its great!! Who needs to take vacation with that rotaion! And its a 0.8 to boot!:smokin:

I usually work 2 on, 3 off. Occasionally I vary this by doing 2 on 2 off and then I get a 2 off 4 off. I have never worked 3 on because it just seems like too much. I work nights.


I just wondered how many people work 3 in a row (that kills me!). I work 2 on, one off, two on, one off, two on, six off. I love my schedule. :wink2:
Specializes in tele, stepdown/PCU, med/surg.

I'm at a new job at it is .9 FTE. I thought the most I would work would be 3 12s in a row. Well I just saw my master schedule (repeats itself every four weeks) and at once a month I have 4 12s in a row and also 5 12s another time! I don't know if I'll be able to handle the 5 12s!! I mean I do get like 8 days off before that which is awesome...but is it worth it if I have to 5 12s? Will I not die? LOL

I prefer 2 on, one off, 1 on, 3 off these past 5 yrs.... I'm refusing to do 3 in a row. As we age many nurses need to adjust our workload or we risk burn out (I did and realized the long shifts and the extra shifting expected in hospitals, along with the related stress levels were a big part of it)

Now...I work only parttime, 3- 8's. I work those in a row...and I'm not exhausted and frustrated. :)

I know not everyone has the luxury of only working part time...but it was essential for MY sanity...LOL!!

Now lest some think older nurses aren't 'as good', that is not what I'm saying...some older nurses can work 4 12's easily. Its an individual thing, and we have to look out for ourselves in this profession where we can easily be guilted into overwork..

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