For those awaiting acceptance letters from Northern Illinois University

U.S.A. Illinois


My question to all of you that applied for this year, what is your GPA?I am trying to find out how competitive the program is this year. The waiting game on the acceptance letter is killing me and I have heard we wont find out til end of March.

My GPA for the pre-req courses is a 3.0 . I know that is not the best, but I have a friend that goes there and her GPA was lower than mine, and she was admitted to the nursing program this past fall.

Thanks for your response.

FINALLY ... APRIL!! We can now say we will know this month! Hopefully only 2 more weeks or less!!!

Hi everyone! I just found this thread and am also waiting to hear from NIU. I hope to see all of you in class next school year!! :)

If someone gets a letter in the mail please post so we know when we should be expecting ours. You do not need to mention if you got accepted or not.

Hi guys.. Am glad i found this trend. I am also waiting impatiently to hear from niu!!! Please does anyone know what "mg" means? I saw that on my transfered credit report on "my niu page".. What kind of grade point is "mg" please can someone help me out??? (i saw it in as a grade point in front of my anatomy and physiology)

"MG" means missing grade. Did you already complete the course or are you currently taking it?

Edit: My bad, apparently it means multiple grades per Secretariat's post below. :) It means missing grade at my local schools, or that's how I've seen it used thus far.

Hey there - "MG" means multiple grades. I asked an advisor about that as well. I had two classes for Anatomy and that is what they gave me as well. Nothing to worry about. The panel will look at the grades for that class on your transcript.

Looks like we are all transfers! Good luck everyone!

I will update on here as soon as I get a letter, accepted or denied.

Does anyone else have a hold on thei account to attend orientation?

Yep, mine is on hold until orientation as well.

So, that would be regular campus orientation? Well, I'll just let that hold sit there until I know for sure. The orientation cost $75!!

Thanks guys what a relive.. I HAVE BEEN GOING CRAZY WITH "MG" all weekend. THANKS again. Yes I have a hold too, something about orientation. Goodluck guys. This wait is killing me though am so nervous...

The orientation is $75 just for April - designed (shortened), for transfers - the other orientation dates are $100!. Too bad we have to wait so long to hear if we are even in the program to then make plans for orientation - another $25 is nothing if we get into the program though - good luck everyone!

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