Hi everyone,
I started my first school nursing job this week (came from the icu). Overall it went well- still figuring out where everything is, policies, etc. I love the school, kids, staff, and schedule!! However- I had one negative experience which I can't get out of my mind!
My second day, a little boy (2nd grade) came in from recess because he slipped (not witnessed and couldn't get a good story of mechanism). His wrist was hurting- not swollen, full range of motion. I applied ice and sent him back to class. I attempted a call home (no answer on mom or dad cell) and left a message. When he came back to drop off his ice pack, I assessed again. This time it was slightly swollen, pain was minimal but still full ROM. I called mom again, this time she answered. I told her what happened- described the swelling and suggested X-rays if the swelling continues. I also Sent a note home with the boy restating this.
2 days later I hear from my principal- turns out it was a buckle fracture! She didn't call me, but called him to tell him how angry she was with the "new nurse." She was upset that I kept him in school and "didn't try to get a hold of her sooner." I explained the whole story to my principal. Now I feel like he thinks I am incompetent and I am second guessing everything! I see 50-60 kids a day, many of which present with similar stories. Should I send a kid home anytime there is swelling? I feel kind of lost!
Thanks for reading. I think I just needed to vent!