Fired for refusing??

Nurses COVID


  1. Did you refuse the Flu shot this year?

53 members have participated

Thoughts on employer mandatory Flu vaccine...

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.

And we are back to conspiracy theory!

And we are back to conspiracy theory!

We are? Never got the memo.

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
Never got the memo.

No surprise there.

Specializes in Anesthesia.

thimerosal and formaldehyde are both substances I want to inject myself with every year.

1. Unless you get the flu vaccine from a multi-dose vial you are not getting thimerosal, and unless you are planning on avoiding seafood and high fructose corn syrup you are still getting more mercury exposure than several vaccines. That isn't even to mention the different kinds of mercury. Foods Containing Mercury | Healthy Eating | SF Gate

2. Formaldehyde: This is the biggest joke there is about vaccines. You do realize that we produce formaldehyde in our bodies and that several foods have many times the amount of formaldehyde than several vaccines.

"Our primary route of exposure is breathing it, indoors or outdoors. Much of this inhaled formaldehyde comes from car exhaust, tobacco smoke, power plants, forest fires and wood stoves. Outdoors, we are exposed to anywhere from 0 to 100 parts per billion (ppb) every day. Indoors, it can be as much as 500 to 2,000 ppb (temporary housing such as that used after hurricane Katrina measured from 3-590 ppb). To a smaller degree, we ingest it in our food and water (the average American diet contains about 10-20mg of formaldehyde from things like apples, carrots, pears, milk, etc.), as well as some exposure via cosmetics.

What many people may not know is that our own bodies produce and use formaldehyde as a part of our normal metabolism (Final Report on Carcinogens Background Document for Formaldehyde [PDF], 2010). When we are exposed to methanol (e.g., via inhalation or ingestion of foods like citric fruits and juices, vegetables or fermented beverages), our bodies break it down into formaldehyde and other byproducts. Our bodies produce formaldehyde as a result of DNA demethylation (an important process for controlling gene expression, e.g., in developing embryos) and other biological processes. It is such a regular part of human metabolism, that our normal, naturally produced blood concentrations are generally about 2-3μg of formaldehyde per gram of blood (or about 2.12-3.18μg/mL)*. And it is actually a pretty important chemical; our bodies use formaldehyde to form DNA and amino acids (Toxicological Profile for Formaldehyde [PDF], ATSDR, 1999)."

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
Our primary route of exposure is breathing it indoors or outdoors. l[/quote']

Great. Now my job is going coerce me into breathing their dirty toxic air.

Specializes in HH, Peds, Rehab, Clinical.

Except that there is sound reasoning behind compelling someone to consider protecting themselves and others with a flu vaccination. A tattoo is just for the shear pleasure of having one!

Oh, just in the sense that the tattoo threads so often end up with one group of people saying, "If I want a body mod, it's my right" and the other side saying, "Yes, it's your right, but you have to accept the consequences that the employer might not hire you because of an anti-mod policy."

In other words, I am reading this as a discussion of the rights of the two parties (employee and employer), neither of which has the right to compel the other.

Specializes in HH, Peds, Rehab, Clinical.

These aren't semantics, but drama is a word that comes to mind....If you feel that strongly about the vaccination, decline it, accept the fallout (good or bad) of your decision and move on..

Um not quite...

Like I've said before, it is not right to force someone to inject themselves with something that may or may not be effective. And we can go back and force the semantics. People are being coerced to do something they don't feel comfortable with. When applying for the job this wasn't a requirement. However, everything you listed above was.

Specializes in HH, Peds, Rehab, Clinical.

You should strongly consider law school as your next item on your bucket list. Clearly you have a gift for arguing a point =) But the terminology and meaning behind the words you're choosing to use are not going to pan out the way you're hoping for, I'm very afraid. Sorry..

A choice with consequences is not eating something offered in the cafeteria and going hungry for the rest of the day. Coercion is being told to inject yourself with something or loose your livelihood.
Specializes in Anesthesia.
I'm sorry of this offends anyone, but it is clear the age gap and alignment is relevant in this conversation. The 35+ clintonian/carter types clearly eat up and regurgitate anything said to them by authority figures, albeit figures in such reliable organizations as the CDC and FDA (god knows they have a stellar track record of reliability). I'm of the school of thought that where there is money to be made and position advancement available, human nature prevails. I don't believe for a second that the FDA has our best interest in mind, take a look at their top tier roster, and draw some parallels. You'll be happy to know they poached from Novartis quite a bit. Certainly no conflict of interest there :insert sarcasm meter:

The overwhelming amount of people in this thread take the information surrounding vaccination given to them as set in stone truth. Anyone here push Gardasil? Ah. Yes. Let's not talk about that icky topic, move along nothing to see here.

If you buy into it all, well, the world is flat, gun control works, and I have a pet unicorn. The government is here to help you.

And your peer-reviewed scientific research that belongs with the meaningless rant is where?

How about we discuss hierarchy of evidence or how to perform a scientific literature search?

Care to talk about differences in educational levels and experience levels of most health care professionals that are over 35 years versus those under 35?

I think these are all more pertinent than your unfounded anti-vaccine conspiracy theories.

How to Win an Argument About Vaccines | Wired Magazine |

10 Vaccine Myths — Busted -

Vaccines: Vac-Gen/Some Misconceptions

1. Unless you get the flu vaccine from a multi-dose vial you are not getting thimerosal, and unless you are planning on avoiding seafood and high fructose corn syrup you are still getting more mercury exposure than several vaccines. That isn't even to mention the different kinds of mercury. Foods Containing Mercury | Healthy Eating | SF Gate

2. Formaldehyde: This is the biggest joke there is about vaccines. You do realize that we produce formaldehyde in our bodies and that several foods have many times the amount of formaldehyde than several vaccines.

"Our primary route of exposure is breathing it, indoors or outdoors. Much of this inhaled formaldehyde comes from car exhaust, tobacco smoke, power plants, forest fires and wood stoves. Outdoors, we are exposed to anywhere from 0 to 100 parts per billion (ppb) every day. Indoors, it can be as much as 500 to 2,000 ppb (temporary housing such as that used after hurricane Katrina measured from 3-590 ppb). To a smaller degree, we ingest it in our food and water (the average American diet contains about 10-20mg of formaldehyde from things like apples, carrots, pears, milk, etc.), as well as some exposure via cosmetics.

What many people may not know is that our own bodies produce and use formaldehyde as a part of our normal metabolism (Final Report on Carcinogens Background Document for Formaldehyde [PDF], 2010). When we are exposed to methanol (e.g., via inhalation or ingestion of foods like citric fruits and juices, vegetables or fermented beverages), our bodies break it down into formaldehyde and other byproducts. Our bodies produce formaldehyde as a result of DNA demethylation (an important process for controlling gene expression, e.g., in developing embryos) and other biological processes. It is such a regular part of human metabolism, that our normal, naturally produced blood concentrations are generally about 2-3μg of formaldehyde per gram of blood (or about 2.12-3.18μg/mL)*. And it is actually a pretty important chemical; our bodies use formaldehyde to form DNA and amino acids (Toxicological Profile for Formaldehyde [PDF], ATSDR, 1999)."

Department of Neurosurgery, Baylor College of Medicine study titled

"Thimerosal induces DNA breaks, caspase-3 activation, membrane damage, and cell death in cultured human neurons and fibroblasts."

David S. Baskin, Hop Ngo, Vladimir V. Didenko

Department of Neurosurgery, Baylor College of Medicine

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on Thimerosal states - "Thimerosal may enter the body through the skin, is toxic, alters genetic material, may be irritating to the eyes, and causes allergic reactions. Effects of exposure may include numbness of extremities, fetal changes, decreased offspring survival, and lung tissue changes."

Wall Street Journal reported:"Officials said that, in addition to genetic material associated with North American swine flu, the strain has gene segments associated with European and Asian swine flu, North American avian flu and human flu."

Yeah, thimerosal, no big deal.....

Just because something is naturally occurring doesn't make it safe. I understand that our body has the ability to break it down, but formaldehyde is a neurotoxin, it's an irritant and is a carcinogen.

These aren't semantics, but drama is a word that comes to mind....If you feel that strongly about the vaccination, decline it, accept the fallout (good or bad) of your decision and move on..

Going back and forth about the word "Force", is playing semantics. And this thread is titled "thoughts on mandated flu vaccine" so, these are mine. Really not seeing how I am being dramatic...

Great. Now my job is going coerce me into breathing their dirty toxic air.

No, it's a choice. A choice with consequences.

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