Female nurses earn less than male nurses

Nurses General Nursing



pay: the gender gap

a woman's work is never done. though you might not know it to look at her paycheck.

according to u.s. census bureau statistics, women make on average 25 percent less than men. this is, however, a marked improvement over 1970, when women made 41 percent less.

it varies by race

the pay gap differs by race, with the earnings of white women being just 72 percent of those of white men; black women making 82 percent as much as their male counterparts; and hispanic women earning 83 percent of what hispanic men earn. the rutgers school of management relations says this is primarily because white men still earn the most among all groups of workers.

it's wider among professionals

regardless of educational level, men out-earn women. for example, in 2000, college educated women earned just $5,000 more a year than male high school graduates.

while education has a major positive effect on the earnings of both sexes, it is particularly strong for men. interestingly, the wage gap is largest among the most highly educated groups.

a researcher exploring the pay and promotion gap among statisticians attributed this to women not wanting to put themselves forward as candidates for competition. she found that while most women did not apply for higher jobs because they believed they needed more time and preparation, ironically, those who did apply actually had more success than their male counterparts.

while causes of the gender pay gap are complex and include work/family choices, data on women's dramatically lower recognition in domains where their talents and achievements are equal to men's imply there is a tendency to undervalue a woman's work and contributions.

occupation matters

the gap appears in all occupations, however it is largest in the category of medicine and health management, where women earn just 63 percent of what men do. even in predominantly female medical fields like nursing (9 out of 10 rns are women), female nurses still earn just 88 of what male nurses make.jobs with the smallest gender pay gaps include legal assistants, where women earn 96 percent of what men do, as well as male-dominated occupations like engineering, where women earn 89 percent as much as men, and police and detective work, where women earn 83 percent as much as men.

according to labor department figures, women who choose non-traditional careers such as dentists (just 20 percent are women) or airline pilots or navigators (less than 4 percent are female), can expect to have lifetime earnings that are 150 percent higher than those of women who choose traditional careers.

pay vs. satisfaction

despite the pay gap, according to several studies, women are actually more satisfied at work!

careerbuilder.com's recent "pulse of the worker" survey found that despite receiving lower raises, fewer bonuses, and having lower expectations for being promoted, women were more likely than men to report that, overall, they are happy with their jobs.

who said a woman is never satisfied?

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women's issues in the workplace

the wage gap for working women is 74 cents to a man's dollar earned. the facts continue to show women are not earning all they could. some of the figures related to this gap include recent women college graduates earn nearly 16 percent less than men. the average woman loses approximately $420,000 over a lifetime due to unequal pay practices, resulting in fewer savings for retirement.

in 1996, the median weekly earnings for all men was $557, compared to $418 for all women, $362 for african american women, and $316 for hispanic women. poverty rates are higher at every age for women who live alone or with non-relatives than for their male counterparts. women of color face discrimination in earnings based on both race and gender, african american women earned 65.1 percent, while hispanic women earn only 56.6 percent of white men's wages on average.

in 1995, the u.s. bureau of labor statistics reported that male nurses were paid three percent more, or $1,144 more per year than female nurses. male secretaries, stenographers and typists earned 12 percent more, an annual $2,392 more than female secretaries.

the more educated a woman, the wider the wage gap. women with a high school diploma earn $9,000 less a year than their white male colleagues, and college educated african american women earn $2,558 less than white male high school graduates.finally about 60 percent of the improvement in the wage gap during the last 15 years can be attributed to the decline in men's real earnings.

source: bpw/usa's 101 facts on the status of working women

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Do you honestly think that men are just handed promotions? Could it be that just like women who are promoted it has something to do with attitude, personality, and actively seeking these positions. :stone

I don't think so! There is definitely a problem here! A well known study over here in Holland showed that the carierre opportunities for men in nursing were fare higher. This was compared with policewomen who have difficulties to make carriere in the police jobs. (the study was called, crownprinces and cinderella's ans is not translated, i am sorry)

Kudos to that guy!!!^^^

And this is just wrong... Equal pay for equal work. I honestly thought that was supposed to be illegal (or something to that effect) to do other wise.

Why do we need more men in nursing to save it exactly? Anyone know? This makes NO sense to me!!! What...nursing is going to disappear? Are people going to start taking care of themselves if there aren't men in nursing?

Specializes in Rodeo Nursing (Neuro).

Don't really see inequality in my hospital. In nursing, that is. Most of the "suits" are men. More and more women docs, but boss docs mostly men. Nursing Services is predominantly female, except at my level--I'd say about 60% male orderlies, maybe 70%.

I have to admire the guy who walked over unequal pay. I like to think I would do the same, but I don't know. The nursing shortage would make it a lot easier to stand on principle, but still, it wouldn't be easy to walk away from a job you wanted.

Apparently there are cases of actual unfairness, but there are way too many variables to make a sound conclusion from the raw statistic. For example, I actually saw a report that men tend to choose higher paying specialties, like CRNA. Also, it's possible men are doing more overtime. Also--not meaning to be a sexist--little boys don't grow up thinking, "I want to be a nurse, someday." Meaning, I think men may be less likely to get into nursing impulsively and out of nursing disillusioned. Isn't it possible the average male nurse now working has been in nursing longer than the average female? If, for example, there were a million women in nursing, but half with

Don't know about promotions--I'm willing to take your word for it, but in my hospital, we have one male nurse director. That's more than 6% or our nurse directors, but it's hard to hire a fractional man.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a bleeding-heart liberal, and I'm sure women get a raw deal in many areas, but from where I sit, nursing is one of the exceptions. It's also problematic to compare nursing wages to other occupations. I'll make only a little more per hour as a nurse than I did as a carpenter, but a lot more per year. And I do think nursing must compare fairly favorably to a lot of male-dominated occupations, since a lot of men are going into it. Although I do agree with TeeItUpTom that being around women is a non-cash incentive which may not appeal as much to a lot of women.

As I recall, the OP on the "why do we need more men?" thread was generally skeptical of the idea, and most of us thought the main advantages were a.) stronger backs and b.) diversity of viewpoints. I can only think of one who appeared to think we were going to "save" nursing. Frankly, I find beating that horse kind of offensive. All I really want is to make a decent living doing useful, honest work, and if I can help some people in the process, that sounds pretty good to me.

Why do we need more men in nursing to save it exactly? Anyone know? This makes NO sense to me!!! What...nursing is going to disappear? Are people going to start taking care of themselves if there aren't men in nursing?

I've read a few times that experts feel that when men join a career choice it becomes more stable and experiences less turnover. In addition when men have entered fields like teaching they have been great organizers and lobbyists therefore benefiting all in the field. As a side note, I love when there are men on the floor because they tend to not be as moody and are always willing to crack a joke and make the day a little more fun. I know, I know, that's a total generalization so I'll have to say that has been only MY experience. :chuckle

Teachers here have all the same complaints as nurses, so I usually use that as an example of how a profession has failed to be saved simply by the addition of men. Even in nursing, professors with a masters degree generally make less than nurses working on the floor.


Any one is capable of making the same salary in nursing. Men may make more because as a general rule we negotiate for our money. If they do not offer what I want I do not take the job. You have to let your feet do the talking sometimes and be willing to say no to what is offered. NEVER EVER TAKE FIRST OFFER!!!


Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.
Where I was previously employed, there was 2 nurses hired at the same time. One of each gender. They got to talking one day and she found out that despite her experience, he was hired in at about 4.00 an hour more. He was so upset about the inequality of it that he left the job with a note pinned to the bulletin board next to the time clock stating until all nurse were treated and paid equal; he could not work for that company. Strangest thing I have ever seen.

Damn, he was stupid

Specializes in LTC, WCC, MDS Coordinator.

When I was in an administrative position, I knew what others in the company made. Men did make more than women with the same experience.

The problem with our profession is that wages are and we can be disciplined if we let others know what we make. :uhoh21:

If it were out in the open-- people were paid x amount of dollars for y amount of experience and z amount of time in the company--we would have a level playing field. Then, companies couldn't pay men more than women or some new hire with no experience more than someone who's been with the company years.

In my many years of nursing I have worked with a few good male nurses, ones I would share a shift with anytime, anyplace, anyhow. But, in general, I have worked with male nurses who just did not do their work, used the flirty, smiling, brown-nosing attitude to get ahead, and then when the job was too much for them tried to con some poor female into "giving me a hand with this."

I heard ,just this weekend ,that one guy in particular had finally been called on the carpet by an older, experienced, drill sargent-type nurse, from what I hear she refuses to let him back in her department, will come in and cover herself, but he is never to come back. Seems like he just did not get around to giving that second unit of blood, HGB was only 7.1, so no rush, let the good old day shift RN,female ofcourse, do it. When I worked with this guy and NONE of the 06:00am meds or fingersticks were done and I complained, I was told he was managing other problems, even when I showed a pattern, so I am glad someone with clout got his butt.P.S. the other problems were computer games with the ER male nurse.

Wow. Good stuff and eye opening.

This is one of the reasons I like working unionized places. The payscale is not a secret and isn't ever dependent on my negotiating skills or my gender.

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