Published Dec 14, 2007
1 Post
I want to know if female nurses have more advantage over male nurses.
I guess the only advantage is their ratio over male nurses.
22 Posts
I think that male nurses make great Nurse because we have to work even harder during nursing school and even harder after graduation to be excepted my the female nurse.
suzy253, RN
3,815 Posts
why do you have to work harder?
madwife2002, BSN, RN
26 Articles; 4,777 Posts
Poppycock I have never heard male students having to work harder than female students in nursing in my life nor have I seen it. What I have noticed however is many students dont like to work hard and it is not gender based.
Ok I will duck now
(-`v´-)♫.**¨`**♫.*´*.¸.*´* ♫
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nursemike, ASN, RN
1 Article; 2,362 Posts
I think all nurses have to work hard to be accepted by their fellow nurses. A smart nurse with strong skills and a solid work-ethic is an asset to any unit. A nurse lacking in any of these is a burden, but many experienced nurses do realize that if the work ethic is there, the skills and knowledge will improve over time. Still, nurses have a lot to do, so there's pressure to learn to carry your share of the load as quickly as possible.
There are those who say men have it easier, that they get preferences over equally qualified women. I suppose that may be true in some settings, but I haven't found it to be the case. Others say men are discriminated against, and while that may also be true, I haven't seen that, either.
racing-mom4, BSN, RN
1,446 Posts
i think that male nurses make great nurse because we have to work even harder during nursing school and even harder after graduation to be excepted my the female nurse.
do you mean accepted??? come on ...nurses are nurses, we dont care what you have in your pants. most female nurses love male nurses they can help with the heavy patients, sometimes a males voice will settle down a confused/combatitive patient. many of nights our er is staffed entirely by male nurses and they need to call one of us "chick" nurses down if they get a female patient that needs an exam to witness.
1,049 Posts
In what way??? do we not do the same training? I thought we did..
ok so men are bigger and stronger.. that may give an advantage in some ways but not always. Men can more touchy feely than woman but it can also be true vice versa.
a nurse is a nurse is a nurse....
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Male nurses, in my opinion, are sometimes treated a little better than their female counterparts. For example, the rude doctor who screams loudly at the female nurse in front of a group of people wouldn't even think of behaving in the same manner toward the male nurse.
I've known male nurse be skinned alive for doing something stupid.. and trust me, you work with me and do something that warrants you to be skinned alive- it will happen regardless of sex! (or the fact that you are a foot taller than me!)
I've know male nurses get away with holy murder... one such 'friend' had the hospital radio play 'paddy mcgintys goat' and dedicate it to the Irish ward sister we were working for at the time.. you have never seen so many nurses trying to hide.. but Mike (the culprit) got away scot free. on the other hand- I've had friends working for male charge nurses who get away with stuff.. one such charge nurse would forgive you anything if you remembered to bring him back a sausage buttie at breakfast!
cuts both ways...
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
Probably this is true...males tend to take advantage of those they perceive as weaker. I've seen a few angry people, but fortunately have never seen a doctor scream loudly at anybody. As a charge nurse, trust me when I say I get my fair share of dealing with unhappy docs and they don't treat me any different than other folks on my unit. In fact, I put myself in the line of fire to shield my nurses. Over time, however, they get to know me and 99.99% of our conversations are civil, and if they are upset about something we're doing wrong I deal with it.
Poppycock I have never heard male students having to work harder than female students in nursing in my life nor have I seen it. What I have noticed however is many students dont like to work hard and it is not gender based.Ok I will duck now(-`v´-)♫.**¨`**♫.*´*.¸.*´* ♫ `*.¸.*´**¨`**♫.*´*.¸.*´* ♫
"Poppycock"....what a lovely British word. You could be cursing us out and we'd never know it.
I was one of two nurses and did feel the eyes of the other students and instructors were on me a bit more harshly than the females. Personally though I tend to be a hard working overachiever anyway, so can't say I was expected to work harder than females. But I don't necessary believe what the person said was "poppycock".
Probably this is true...males tend to take advantage of those they perceive as weaker. I've seen a few angry people, but fortunately have never seen a doctor scream loudly at anybody. As a charge nurse, trust me when I say I get my fair share of dealing with unhappy docs and they don't treat me any different than other folks on my unit. In fact, I put myself in the line of fire to shield my nurses. Over time, however, they get to know me and 99.99% of our conversations are civil, and if they are upset about something we're doing wrong I deal with it."Poppycock"....what a lovely British word. You could be cursing us out and we'd never know it.I was one of two nurses and did feel the eyes of the other students and instructors were on me a bit more harshly than the females. Personally though I tend to be a hard working overachiever anyway, so can't say I was expected to work harder than females. But I don't necessary believe what the person said was "poppycock".
It is a lovely word isn't it:yeah: I can compare two countries now and I have found that here in the US generally the male nurses are extreemly well informed, work as hard as the females nurses and there are a lot of them. In the UK 'generally' they are lazy, not well informed and there are few and far between. So I do agree they tend to stand out more because you are making sure they are not sneeking off (in the UK)
Now in the UK the Gay nurses are outstanding. But straight male nurses spend half their time flirting with the female staff and the other half trying to get out of work or focusing on projects to enable themselves to get into management positions as quickly as possible.
Now before everybody bites my head off I am generalising but if needed I can provide hundreds of real life situations where I personnally have witnessed this behaviour as a student, rn, charge nurse and manager.